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Landsat Science Team Meeting - July 7-9, 2015

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Sioux Falls, South Dakota

July 7-9, 2015


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Meeting Objectives:

  1. Landsat activities updates and discussion
  2. Review the status of Landsat Science Team science and applications investigations

Tuesday, July 7

  • Introductions and review meeting objectives (T. Loveland, J. Irons)
  • NASA and USGS HQ reports (D. Jarrett, T. Newman)
  • Sustainable Land Imaging technical activities (J. Masek, J. Nelson)
  • Landsat status: Landsat 7-8 operations and archive status (B. Sauer)
  • Update on Landsat product improvement plans(B. Sauer, J. Dwyer, R. Morfitt)
  • Landsat 8 TIRS stray light investigation status (M. Montanaro)
  • Landsat acquisition guidelines discussion (T. Loveland, J. Irons)
  • Landsat 7 mission extension discussion (T. Loveland, T. Newman)
  • Sentinel-2 mission update (B. Koetz)
  • Landsat/Sentinel DIRSIG modeling (A. Gerace)
  • NASA-USGS Sentinel-2 Plans (J. Masek, J. Dwyer)
  • Landsat Advisory Group (K. Green)
  • AmericaView (R. Lawrence)


Wednesday, July 8

  • Landsat Science Team presentations
    • Leo Lymburner - Mapping continental scale multi-decadal dynamics of inland water quantity and quality using multiple Landsat sensors
    • Aaron Gerace - Simultaneous retrieval of waters three primary coloring agents using Landsat 8
    • Yongwei Sheng - Finalizing circa-2000 Landsat global lake database and initiating circa-2015 mapping using Landsat-8
    • Alan Belward – Mapping global surface water occurrence over three decades
    • Ted Scambos - Global ice velocity mapping with Landsat 8
    • Joel McCorkel – New laboratory characterization technique for Landsat 9 and intercalibration results for Landsat 8
    • David Roy – Thinking about processing steps for generation of combined/compatible Sentinel-2 Landsat-8 products
    • Eric Vermote – Landsat’s and Sentinel-2 surface reflectance product: status and prospective
    • Dennis Helder – Recent Landsat Calibration Activities
    • John Schott – Atmospheric component of the land surface temperature product for North America and preliminary global results
    • Crystal Schaaf – North American Landsat Albedo Dynamics
    • Dave Johnson – Can Landsat yield crop yields?
    • Rick Allen – Progress in Evapotranspiration Retrievals from Google Earth Engine and High Profile Applications of Landsat to Water Issues
    • Justin Huntington – Quantifying Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Changes Associated with Water Availability and Management in Arid Environments using the Landsat Archive
    • Ayse Kilic – A CONUS-wide, Automated Method for Calibration of one meter NAIP Reflectance with Landsat: An Application to Water Conservation
    • Randy Wynne – Clouds, crowds, and high performance computing of subtle forest change using Landsat
    • Robert Kennedy and Joe Hughes – Carbon, cover, and clouds: Updates from one corner of the Landsat time-series landscape
    • Jeff Masek – NDVI trend analysis for northern North America


Thursday, July 9

  • Landsat Science Team presentations
    • Martha Anderson - Landsat ET mapping applications over forested landscapes
    • Mark Friedl - Using Three Decades of Landsat Data to Characterize Changes and Vulnerability of Temperate and Boreal Forest Phenology to Climate Change
    • Warren Cohen - Maximizing the value of the Landsat archive for forest disturbance monitoring
    • Patrick Hostert – Mapping deforestation and post-deforestation dynamics in the tropics with Landsat time series
    • Mike Wulder - Forest disturbance and recovery from time series Landsat data: What are we talking about?
    • Jim Vogelmann – Monitoring gradual ecosystem changes using 30+ years of Landsat observations
    • Curtis Woodcock – Landsat 8 and time series analysis
    • Zhe Zhu – From CCDC to LCMAP
  • EROS Center Landsat and Land Cover Activities (T. Loveland, others)
  • Landsat Analysis Ready Data Discussion (B. Sauer)
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