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Landsat Science Team Meeting - June 19-21, 2019

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Sioux Falls, South Dakota

June 19-21, 2019


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage.


Meeting Objectives:

  1. Receive Landsat programmatic updates on the data policy, Landsat 9, and update the LST on key Landsat activities since the Summer 2018 LST meeting
  2. Review and discuss Landsat Collection 2 processing, Landsat data products roadmap, Landsat in the cloud, and Landsat near-real time capabilities
  3. Review and discuss the 2019 Architecture Study Team (AST) draft requirements for Sustainable Land Imaging (SLI)
  4. Learn about ongoing 2018-2023 LST member science and application contributions
Landsat Science Team - June 2019
2018-2023 Landsat Science Team at the USGS EROS Center June 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

  • Opening Remarks  (John Hahn)
  • Introductions and meeting objectives (Chris Crawford/Jeff Masek)
  • USGS and NASA management perspectives (Tim Newman/Marissa Herron)
  • Landsat Advisory Group (LAG) update on Landsat’s data policy (Bobbi Lenczowski)
  • Landsat 7 end of life status (Keith Alberts)
  • Landsat 9 progress and status (Del Jenstrom/Brian Sauer)
  • Landsat Science Interface Panel (SIP) outcomes (Dennis Helder)
  • Status of Landsat geometry/Sentinel-2 GRI (Jim Storey)
  • Landsat Collection 2 definition & schedule (Chris Engebretson/Steve Labahn)
  • Landsat Data Products and Surface Temperature Working Groups (David Roy/Martha Anderson)
  • Discussion Topic #1: Landsat Collection 2 (David Roy/Curtis Woodcock)
  • Landsat Global Analysis-Ready Data (ARD) options, analysis and planning (John Hutchinson)
  • Discussion Topic #2: Global ARD roadmap (John Hutchinson/David Roy)
  • Landsat MSS 1-5 ARD feasibility study (Chris Crawford)
  • Improving Landsat MSS geometry by least-square-adjustment based time- series registration (Lin Yan/David Roy)
  • Discussion Topic #3: Landsat MSS 1-5 ARD (Curtis Woodcock)
  • Landsat near-real time capabilities (Steve Labahn)
  • Discussion Topic #4: Understanding Landsat capabilities and limitations for near-real time monitoring (Curtis Woodcock)

Thursday, June 20, 2019 

  • 2019 Architecture Study Team briefing and discussion (Doug Daniels/Jeff Masek)
  • ESA Sentinel-2 and future mission briefing (Benjamin Koetz)
  • Landsat geometric performance (Jim Storey)
  • Landsat radiometric performance (Brian Markham)
  • Landsat 8/Sentinel-2 comparisons and Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 (HLS) product updates (Brian Markham/Jeff Masek)
  • Landsat Level-2 product characterization (Cody Anderson)
  • Landsat 8 TIRS stray light/split-window surface temperature algorithm validation (Aaron Gerace)
  • Landsats 4-7 thermal infrared single- channel surface temperature algorithm validation (Glynn Hulley)

Landsat Science Team Presentations

  • Dr. Eric Vermote, NASA/GSFC - Enhancing the compatibility of Sentinel 2 and Landsat surface reflectance products for improved monitoring of the Earth System
  • Dr. Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute - Update on integration of Landsat evapotranspiration ensembles and climate data for enhanced water and land management
  • Mr. David Johnson, USDA Agricultural Statistics Service - Intercomparing 35 years’ worth of field-level crop production data with Landsat imagery
  • Dr. Feng Gao and Dr. Martha Anderson, USDA Agricultural Service - Early results on near real-time mapping of crop emergences using VENµS and HLS data
  • Dr. Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin - Landsat data for biodiversity science and conservation
  • Dr. Leo Lymburner, Geoscience Australia - Comparing GA and USGS surface reflectance products
  • Dr. Curtis Woodcock, Boston University - What we’re doing in terms of Landsat....
  • Dr. Matt Hansen, University of Maryland - Examples of multi-source large area land monitoring
  • Dr. Sean Healey, US Forest Service - Empirical cross sensor comparison of Sentinel-2, Landsat 8, and Landsat-7 TOA over the conterminous United States
  •  Dr. Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service - Using Landsat time series to inform and understand the protective function of parks
  • Dr. Patrick Hostert, Humboldt University of Berlin - Landsat time series supporting land use intensity analyses in the European Mediterranean
  • Dr. Zhe Zhu, University of Connecticut - Better cloud mask for Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery
  • Dr. Ted Scambos, University of Colorado-Boulder - Landsat ice velocity changes in the Antarctic Peninsula: or, what I did not do on my summer vacation
  • Dr. Crystal Schaaf, University of Massachusetts, Boston - Global 30m snow and snow free land surface albedo from Landsat and MODIS/VIIRS
  • Dr. Nima Pahlevan, SSAI/GSFC - Designing a suite of high-quality, global Aquatic Science Products (ASP)
  • Dr. Jean-Francois Pekel, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre - The Global Surface Water Explorer - an update
  • Dr. David Roy, Michigan State University - Landsat 4-7 Analysis Ready Data (ARD) historical observation coverage over the Conterminous United States, Implications for terrestrial monitoring & the need for Fill- and-Fit gap filling

Friday, June 21, 2019

  • EROS Director Remarks (CJ Loria)
  • Overview of the USGS Landsat cloud architecture (Steve Labahn)
  • Landsat Collection 2 access for small and bulk users, and visualization in Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Kristi Kline)
  • Discussion Topic #5: Landsat in the cloud, Collection 2 access and visualization, and implementation timeline (David Roy/Curtis Woodcock)
  • Discussion Topic #6: Revisit outstanding discussion topics, meeting recap, and wrap-up (David Roy/Curtis Woodcock)
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