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December 2017 - New Landsat Science Team Selected

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The following experts and leaders in land remote sensing have been selected to serve as the 2018-2023 Landsat Science Team. Information about the new and past team meetings, presentations and publications can be found on the Landsat Science Team page.

2018-2023 Landsat Science Team

Drs. Martha Anderson and Feng Gao, USDA Agricultural Research Service: Characterizing crop water use, phenology and yield at field scales using multi-sensor data fusion

Mr. Noel Gorelick, Google: Driving cloud-based usage of Landsat with Google Earth Engine

Dr. Matthew Hansen, University of Maryland: Generating time-series maps that accurately reflect land change area: a strategy for global land monitoring

Dr. Sean Healey, US Forest Service: Landsat science and applications in the US Forest Service

Dr. Patrick Hostert, Humboldt University of Berlin: Synergies between future Landsat and European satellite missions, from land cover to land use

Dr. Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute: Towards the development and integration of Landsat evapotranspiration ensembles and climate data for enhanced water and land management decision support

Mr. David Johnson, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Leveraging analysis ready Landsat products for use in crop production estimation

Dr. Leo Lymburner, Geoscience Australia: Digital Earth Australia

Dr. Alexei Lyapustin, NASA GSFC: Advanced atmospheric correction of Landsat 8/Sentinel 2 data using algorithm MAIAC

Dr. Nima Pahlevan, Science Systems and Applications, Inc.: Landsat-Sentinel-2 constellation for monitoring aquatic systems across the United States

Mr. Jean-Francois Pekel and Dr. Peter Strobl, European Commission Joint Research Centre: Copernicus Landsat convergence, architecture and applications

Dr. Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin: Landsat data for biodiversity science and conservation

Dr. David Roy, South Dakota State University: Pathfinding near real time moderate resolution land surface monitoring, looking forward to an operational Landsat 9/10 Sentinel 2A/2B era.

Dr. Ted Scambos, University of Colorado: Landsat and the cryosphere: tracking interactions between ice, snow, and the Earth system

Dr. Crystal Schaaf, University of Massachusetts, Boston: Global 30m snow and snow-free land surface albedo from Landsat and MODIS/VIIRS

Dr. Eric Vermote, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Maintenance and refinement of the Land Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) for Landsat’s and Sentinel 2’s

Dr. Curtis Woodcock, Boston University: New opportunities using the Landsat temporal domain: monitoring ecosystem health, condition and use

Dr. Michael Wulder, Canadian Forest Service: Integrating time and space with Landsat to learn from the past, monitor the present, and prepare for the future

Dr. Zhe Zhu, Texas Tech University: Toward near real-time monitoring and characterization of land surface change for the conterminous US

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