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May 31, 2017 - Landsat 8 scenes top 1 million

As of today, there are now over 1 million Landsat 8 scenes available to download from the Landsat archive!  

Launched in 2013, Landsat 8 provides the highest-quality data since the Landsat archive was established in July 1972 with the launch of Landsat 1.

The Landsat 8 scene shown below (Path 115 Row 19) located northwest of the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia, and was acquired on May 31, 2017. It is one of the first almost cloud-free acquisitions after the one millionth scene was made available for download.

All Landsat data are distributed at no charge from EarthExplorerGloVis, and the LandsatLook Viewer.

Follow the Landsat Program on Twitter @USGSLandsat or Facebook @NASA.Landsat.

Over 1 million Landsat 8 scenes available
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