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September 1, 2016 - Landsat 9 Passes Mission Milestone

Landsat 9 passed one of its important reviews: “Key Decision Point B (KDP-B)” on August 17, 2016. 

KDP-B marks the entry of a NASA Flight Project into “Phase B”, during which a preliminary design for all mission segments is completed. Since Landsat 9 relies heavily on Landsat 8 heritage, much of this design work has already been accomplished, putting Landsat 9 “ahead of the curve” at this stage. The KDP-B review was convened by the NASA Agency Program Management Council, and included briefings on Landsat Science from Michael Freilich (NASA Earth Science Division Director), Landsat 9 Project status from Del Jenstrom (Landsat 9 Project Manager), Landsat 9 Programmatics from Dave Jarrett (Landsat 9 Program Executive), and a report from the independent Standing Review Board led by Chris Stevens (JPL). Landsat 9 remains on-track for a December 2020 launch.

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