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January 17, 2020 - Latest Landsat 8 Safehold Update

On December 19, 2019 at approximately 12:23 UTC, Landsat 8 experienced a spacecraft constraint which triggered entry into a Safehold. The Landsat 8 Flight Operations Team recovered the satellite from the event on December 20, 2019 (DOY 354). 

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Landsat 8 Path 180 Row 75 Acquired December 22, 2019

Since December 31, 2019 (DOY 365), the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) has resumed nominal on-orbit operations and ground station processing, and all data achieve pre-Safehold quality.

Data acquired after the Safehold event between December 22, 2019 (DOY 356) and December 31, 2019 (DOY 365) have been reprocessed and are consistent with pre-Safehold nominal tiered data quality. Striping and minor geometric distortions have been corrected for and there should be no remaining artifacts as a result of the Safehold event.

Data acquired between December 31, 2019 (DOY 365) and January 11, 2020 (DOY 11) have also been reprocessed after the most recent TIRS Scene Select Mirror (SSM) calibration event, and now also meet nominal tiered data quality.

Please contact USGS Customer Services with any additional questions.

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