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June 25, 2018 – Landsat Session at AGU Fall Meeting

A Landsat Session (session ID: 52769) at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting will cover a breadth of topics from how the Landsat mission is operated, to how data is collected, archived and distributed, to what archive, products and data access enhancements are planned. To join this session, be sure to submit your abstract by August 1, 2018. Session details are provided below. 

Landsat: Past, Present and Future

For the past 47 years, the joint NASA-USGS Landsat program has collected and archived over 7.5 million scenes and represents the world’s longest continuous remotely sensed global record of the Earth’s surface. Recent improvements to the quality and usability of the Landsat archive have been made with the release of a collection-based inventory structure, Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD), and advanced Landsat Science Products. These archive improvements and data products have helped reduce the time needed to process and analyze Landsat data, a significant advantage to scientists, land managers and policymakers, who need make informed decisions about Earth’s natural resources and environment. This session will highlight the following topics:

  • Operating the Landsat Mission from data collection, archive, and distribution
  • Landsat Collections based studies
  • US. Landsat ARD time series analysis studies
  • Landsat Science Products
  • Integration/harmonized initiatives between Landsat and other sensors
  • Tools and algorithms for visualizing and analyzing the Landsat archive
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