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Landsat Acronyms

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0R Zero Reformatted Data
3DEP 3D Elevation Program
6H  Band 6 - high gain 
6L  Band 6 - low gain 
6S Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum


A&A Authorization and Authentication
Archive and Access
Associate Administrator
A&E Access and Exploration
A&P Archive and Production
A&P OPS Archive and Production Operations
A/D  Analog/Digital 
AA Active Archive
Alternative Analysis
Associated Administrator
AAC Archive Advisory Committee
AADP Active Archive Data Package
AAG Association of American Geographers
AAOS Albers Automatic Ordering System
AAR After-Action Report
AAS Anomaly Analysis Subsystem
AATHom Average Across-Track Homogeneity
ABI Advanced Baseline Imager
ABML As-Built Materials List
ABPL As-Built Parts List
ABS Absolute
AC Alternate Current
Archive Cache
Actual Cost
ACA Antenna Control Assembly
ACCA  Automated Cloud Cover Assessment
Actual Cloud Cover Average
ACCESS Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science
ACIX Atmospheric Correction Intercomparison eXercise
ACK Acknowledgement
ACL Access Control List
ACM AWS Certificate Manager
ACQ  Acquired Scenes Report 
ACRES  Australian Center for Remote Sensing 
ACS  Attitude Control System 
ACIO Associate Chief Information Officer
ACSG Atmospheric Composition Subgroup
ACSLS Automated Cartridge System Library Software
ACTHom Average Cross-Track Homogeneity
ACU Antenna Control Unit
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed
AD Active Directory
Associate Director
ADA  Angular Displacement Assembly
Attitude Displacement Assembly 
ADAT Application and Data Assessment
ADC After DC Restore
Ancillary Data Corrector
Analog-to-Digital Conversion 
ADD Algorithm Description Document
ADF Ancillary Data File
ADFS Active Directory Federation Services
ADIC Advanced Digital Information Corporation
ADM  Administrative Message 
ADML As-Designed Materials List
ADP Ancillary Data Preprocessor
ADPL As-Designed Parts List
ADS  Attitude Displacement Sensors
Angular Displacement Sensor
Archive Data Stager
ADSA  Attitude Displacement Sensor Assembly 
ADVP Algorithm Development and Verification Plan
AE Archive Element
AEA Albers Equal Area
AEC Aerosol Extinction Coefficient
AEM  Auxiliary Electronics Module 
AERONET Aerosol Robotic Network
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AETD Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate
AFB United States Air Force Base
AFM Anomalous Frame Manager
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use
AFOV Angular Field of View
AFWA  Air Force Weather Agency
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AGE  Automated Ground Equipment 
AGRI Australian Geographic Reference Image
AGS  Alaska Ground Station 
AGU American Geophysical Union
AI Artificial Intelligence
AI&T Assembly, Integration, and Test
AIM Algorithm Integration Meeting
AIP Archival Information Package
Annex Implementation Plan
AIS Automated Information Security
AIT Algorithm Implementation Team
AJAX Asynchronous Java Script and XML
ALG Application Layer Gateway
ALI  Advanced Land Imager 
ALIAS Advanced Land Image Assessment System
AM Artifact Mask or Analytical Modeler
AMI Amazon Machine Image
AMP Allocation Management Planner
Asset Management Plan
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
AMTS Asset Management Tracking System
AN  Ascending Node 
ANC Ancillary File
ANG Angle band coefficients file extension
ANGCF Angle Coefficient
ANGSTT Australian National Ground Segment Technical Team
ANN Annotation File
ANS Alerts and Notifications
ANSI  American National Standards Institute 
ANSS Advanced National Seismic System
ANTLR Another Tool for Language Recognition
AO Authorization Official
Authorizing Official
AOD Aerosol Optical Depth
AOI Area of Interest
AOS  Acquisition of Signal
Arrival On-Site
Automated Ordering System
Advanced Orbiting Systems
AOT Aerosol Optical Thickness
APAC Acquisition Procurement Advisory Council
API  Application Programming Interface 
APID Application Identification
APMC Agency Program Management Council
APO Accountable Property Officer
APU Accuracy, Precision, and Uncertainty
AQ Advanced Queuing
AQPSK  Asynchronous Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 
AR Archive or Axial Ratio
Acceptance Review
Aquatic Reflectance
ARB Architecture Review Board
Anomaly Review Board
ARC Advanced Research Computing
ARD Analysis Ready Data
ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
ARN Amazon Resource Name
ARP Anomaly Resolution Plan
ARS Agricultural Research Service
ART Anomaly Resolution Team
AS Archive Server
ASA Archive Server Application
Alice Springs [Station] Australia
Australian Space Agency
ASB Administrative Services Branch
ASC Architecture Scorecard
ASCII  American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
ASD Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc.
ASGUI Archive Server Graphical User Interface
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
ASIC  Application Specific Integrated Circuit 
ASIC3 Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration for Climate Change
ASL Amazon States Language
ASM Attached Sync Marker
Automatic Storage Management
ASN Alice Springs Ground Station
Australian Network
ASPRS American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ASQC American Society for Quality Control
AST  Active Scan Time, Architecture Study Team
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection
ASTER GED Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Emissivity Dataset
ASTM American Society for Testing of Materials
ASW Astrodynamics Support Workstation
AT Along Track
AT-ACCA Artificial Thermal Automated Cloud Cover Assessment
ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
ATCS Absolute Time Command Sequence
ATHom Along-Track Homogeneity
ATK Alliant Techsystems
ATL Automated Tape Library
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATO Authority to Operate
ATP Authority to Proceed
ATRAN Atmospheric Transmittance Layer
ATS Absolute Time Sequence
Automatic Transfer Switch
ATT Authorization to Test
AU Astronomical Units
AUI  Analyst User Interface 
AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AVI Audio Video Interleave
AVIRIS Airborne Visible / Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
AVPD Avtec Programmable Demodulator
AVT Algorithm Verification Test
AWESH Automated Water Extent Shadow
AWG Architecture Working Group
AWiFS Advanced Wide-Field Sensor
AWM Analytical Workspace Manager
AWS Amazon Web Services


B&A  Billing & Accounting
B1 Build 1
B2B  Band-to-Band 
B2BCal Band-to-Band Calibration
BA Billing and Accounting
Burned Area
BAA Broad Agency Announcement
BAC Budget at Completion
BAD Block Address Data
BAE British Aerospace Engineering Company
BAI Burned Area Index
BAER Burned Area Emergency Response
BASIS+ Budget and Science Information System Plus
BBC Blackbody Calibrator
BBFTP Large File Transfer Protocol
BBOX Bounding Box
BC Best Case
BCD  Binary-Coded Decimal 
BCH  Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Error Detection and Correction 
BCISO Bureau Chief Information Security Officer
BCR Baseline Change Request
BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BD  Band 
BDA Bulk Download Application
BDWA Bulk Download Web Application
BER  Bit Error Rate 
BERT Bit Error Rate Test
BG Build Guide
BGF Build GPR Files
BI Bilinear Interpolation
BIA Business Impact Analysis
Business Impact Assessment
Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIFF Bad Interval File Fix
BIH Bureau International de l'Heure
BIL Band Interleaved by Line
BIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
BIP Band Interleaved by Pixel
BIP2 Band Interleaved by Pixel Pair
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security
BITSM Bureau Information Technology Security Manager
BJC Beijing, Peoples Republic of China Ground Station
BKT Bangkok, Thailand Ground Station
BLM Bureau of Land Management
bLMOC Backup Landsat Multi-Satellite Operations Center
BME  Brouwer-Lyddane Mean Element
BMO Business Management Office
BMOC  Backup Mission Operations Center 
BMOE Backup Mission Operations Element
BN Background Noise
BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman
BOC Budget Object Class
BOE Basis of Estimate
BOM Bill of Materials
BP Bias Parameter
Burn Probability
BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement
BPAL Best Practices Asset Library
BPDU  Bitstream Protocol Data Unit 
BPF Bias Parameter File
BPFAOS BPF Automatic Ordering System
BPG Bias Parameter Generator
bps Bits per Second
BPSK  Biphase Shift Keying 
BQA Quality Assessment Band
BRAA Band Registration Accuracy Assessment
BRAT Bit Rot Assessment Tool
BRDF Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
BRDF-n Normalized Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
BRDF-s Spectral Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
BRF Bidirectional Reflectance Factor
BRIDGE Big Reprocessing Initiative Data Gap Environment
BRTS Bilateration Ranging Transponder System
BSP  Best Security Practices
BSQ Band Sequential
BSSC Bit Synchronizer / Signal Conditioner
BSTAR  Drag-Related Parameter in the NORAD Two-Line Element 
BSU  Baseband Switching Unit 
BT Brightness Temperature
BTC  Bench Test Cooler 
BTF Ball Test Facility
BTI Blank Tape Interface
BTL Boot Loader
BUI Bumper mode User Interface
BUTST Bureau Unix Technical Support Team
BVR Boast Voltage Regulator
BWTST Bureau Windows Technical Support Team


C&A Certification and Accreditation
C&DH  Command and Data Handling 
C&T Command and Telemetry
C&T DB Command and Telemetry Database
C0 Coefficient 0
C1 Coefficient 1
Collection 1
C1L1 Collection 1 Level 1
C1L1RT Collection 1 Level 1 Real Time
C1L2 Collection 1 Level 2
C1L2Alb Collection 1 Level 2 Albers
C2 Coefficient 2 or Collection 2
C2L1 Collection 2 Level 1
C2L1RT Collection 2 Level 1 Real Time
C2L2 Collection 2 Level 2
C2L2Alb Collection 2 Level 2 Albers
C3S NPOESS Command, Control, and Communications Segment 
Ca Chlorophyll-a
CA Conjunction Assessment
Control Account
Cost Account
CAB Change Advisory Board 
CADU  Channel Access Data Unit 
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity
CAL Calibration Data
Cal/Val Calibration/Validation
CALCON Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing Annual Meeting
CalCR Calibration Collection Request
CalManWG Calibration Maneuver Working Group
CALTest Calibration/Validation Test
CAM Control Account Manager
Command Authorization Meeting
Communications Security Account Manager
CAMEL Combined ASTER MODIS Emissivity over Land
CAOS Collection Automatic Ordering System
CAP Cartridge Access Port
Control Account Plan
CAPE Collection Activity Planning Element
CAPERD CAPE Requirements Document
CARA Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis
CARD Constraints and Restrictions Document
CASA Cloud and Cloud Shadow Assessment
CaTT Command and Telemetry Transceiver
CA-WAD Cost Account Work Authorization Document
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBB Contract Budget Base
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CBERS China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite
CBG Configuration and Build Guide
CBLCM Chesapeake Bay Land Change Model
CBN Cuiaba [Brazil] Earth Station
CBS Commission for Basic Systems
CC Cubic Convolution
Computer Compatible Tape
Cloud Cover
CCA  Cloud Cover Assessment
Clinger-Cohen Act
C-CAP Coastal Change Analysis Program
CCB Configuration Control Board
CCD Charge-Coupled Device
Continuous Change Detection
CCDC Continuous Change Detection and Classification
CCE Cryocooler Electronics
CCI Controlled Cryptographic Item
CCL Commerce Control List
CCM Cloud Cover Manager
CCMC Community Coordinated Modeling Center
CCMS Combined Cache Management Subsystem
CCOH Cost Center Overhead
CCP Configuration Change Process
Contamination Control Process
Cloud Cover Prediction
CCR  Configuration Change Request 
CCRS  Canada Center for Remote Sensing 
CCS COI Cleanup System
Confirmed Contact Schedule
Constellation Coordination System
CCSDS  Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems 
CCT  Computer Compatible Tape
Credit Card Transaction
CCU Charge Control Unit
CD Change Directory
Compact Disk
Cooler Door
CDB Centralized Database
CDBS Centralized Database System
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CDED Canadian Digital Elevation Dataset
CDEM Canadian Digital Elevation Model
CDH Command and Data Handling 
CDI  Capture Device Identifier 
CDIST Distance to Cloud
CDL Cropland Data Layer
CDLR Command Data Loss Report
CDM Conjunction Data Message
CDMS Carrier Doppler Measurement System
CDN Content Delivery Network
CDR Critical Design Review
Calibration Data Record
Climate Data Records
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List
Command Data Loss Report
CD-ROM  Compact Disk-Read Only Memory 
CDS Coded Data Segment
Comprehensive Discrepancy System
CDT Central Daylight Time
CPF Distribution Tool
CE Circular Error
Cognizant Employee
CE90 Circular Error 90
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
CED Confirmed Event Details
CentOS Community Enterprise Operating System
CEOS  Committee on Earth Observation Satellites 
CER Cost Estimating Relationship
CERR Critical Event Readiness Review
CERT Community Emergency Response Team
CES Cost Element Structure
CF Correction Factor
Cloud Fraction
Cloud Formation 
CFC Contact Forecast Confirmation
Cloud Fraction Climatology
CFDP CCSDS File Delivery Protocol
CFL Conflict Notice
CFMask C version of Fmask
CFP Cold Focal Plane
CFPA  Cold Focal Plane Array
Cold Focal Plane Assembly
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
Contact Forecast Request
CFT Cloud Formation Template
CGB Calculated Gains and Biases
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CGMS Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites
CGSe CuGaSe2
CHIME Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CHS Cloud Hosting Solutions
CI  Configuration Item
Continuous Integration
CI/CD or CICD Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
CIA Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
CIB Controlled Image Base
CIC  Computer Interrupt Code 
CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CRSSP Imagery Derived Requirements
CIFS Common Internet File System
CIIL Configuration Item Identifier List
CIL Critical Items List
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIRC Computer Incident Reporting Center
Compact Infrared Camera
CIS Center for Information Security
CISO Chief Information Security Officer
CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CITT Center Information Technology Team
CIU  Controls Interface Unit 
CLASS NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System
CLCW Command Link Control Word
CLI Command Line Interface
CLOB Character Large Object
CLR Combined Labor Rate
Contractor Labor Rate
CLTU  Command Link Transmission Unit 
CLU Climate and Land Use
cm  Centimeter 
CM  Configuration Management
Center of Mass
CMA Climate Modeling Grid - Aerosol
Chinese Meteorological Administration
CMB Change Management Board
CMC Center Management Council
CMD  Command 
CME Coronal Mass Ejection
CMG Climate Modeling Grid
CMIP Cloud and Moisture Imagery Product
CMIPC Cloud and Moisture Imagery Product CONUS
CMIPF Cloud and Moisture Imagery Product Full Disk
CMIX Cloud Masking Intercomparison eXercise
CMM  Capability Maturity Model 
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMO Configuration Management Office
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMP  Configuration Management Plan
Change Management Plan
CMS Content Management System
Code Sync Marker
CN Coherent Noise
CND Could-Not-Duplicate
CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
CNNS Committee on National Security Service
CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio
CO Contract Officer
Content Owner
COA Cordoba, Argentina Ground Station
Change of Allocation
COAC Captured Opportunity Assessment Code
COAST Development of Coastal Study Team
COC Certificate of Completion
Cost of Consequence
COFUR Cost of Fulfilling a User Request
COG Center of GravityContinuity of Government
Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF
CoGenT Combination Generation Tool
COI Common Order Interface
Calibration/Validation Order Interface
COIGUI Common Order Interface Graphical User Interface
COLA Collision Avoidance
COMM  Communications Subsystem 
COMSEC Communications Security
Con Ops  Concept of Operations
CONAE Commission Nacional De Actividades Espaciales 
CoNED Coastal National Elevation Database
CONUS  Continental United States
Conterminous United States
COOP Continuity of Operations
COP Contingency Operating Procedure
COR Contracting Officer Representative
Cost of Reproduction
CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
COS Cosine
COST Calibration Operations Scheduling Tool
COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative 
COTS  Commercial Off-The-Shelf 
COUA Certified Organizational Unit Administrator
CP Calibration Parameter or Change Proposal
CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee
CPAW Collection Planning and Analysis Workstation
CPC Contingency Plan Coordinator
CPCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect
CPEI Computer Program End Items
CPEX-CV Convective Processes Experiment – Cabo Verde
CPF  Calibration Parameter File 
CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee
CPI Cost Performance Index
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control
CPM Critical Path Methodology
CPO Custodial Property Officer
CPR Cost Performance Report
CPR1 Cost Performance Report 1
CPR4 Cost Performance Report 4
CPR5 Cost Performance Report 5
CPS Calibration Parameter Management and Testing Subsystem
CPT Comprehensive Performance Test
CPU  Central Processing Unit 
CR Central Repository
Controlled Repository
Change Request
Contingency Reserve
Carriage Return
Confirmation Review
Command Routing
CR1 Computer Room 1
CR1MSS Computer Room 1 Mass Storage System
CR2 Computer Room 2
CR2IT Centralized Repository 2 Integration and Test
CR2OPS Centralized Repository 2 Operations
CR2ST Centralized Repository 2 System Test
CR3 Computer Room 3
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRaM Combined Radiometric Model
CRESDA China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Applications
CRC  Cyclic Redundancy Check
Cyclic Redundancy Code 
CRDEV Central Repository Development
CRI Collection Request Interface
CRIT Central Repository Integration and Test
CRM Customer Relationship Management
Continuous Risk Management
CRMP Continuous Risk Management Plan
CRMT Contingency Response Management Team
CRN Climate Reference Network
CROPS Central Repository Operations
CRS CDF Retrieval Subsystem
CRSSGS  China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station 
CRSSP Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy
CRST Central Repository System Test
CRT Command, Ranging and Telemetry
CRTEST Central Repository Test
CRV Combined Reference Value
CS Customer Service
CSA Configuration Status Accounting
Commissioning Support Area
Canadian Space Agency
CSAM Cybersecurity Assessment Management
CSC  Computer Software Component
CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item
CSDA Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program
CSDGM Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
CSI Container Storage Interface
CSIRT Computer Security Incident Report Team
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
CSIS Control and Schedule Interface System
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSM Code Sync Marker
CSMO Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer
CSO Communication Services Office
Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer
CSOP COMSEC Standard Operating Procedure
CSP COMSEC Security Plan
Cloud Service Provider
CSR  Capture Success Rate
Capture Success Ratio
Customer Service Representative
Change System Request
CSRM CHS Cloud Shared Responsibility Model
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
Central Security Service
Core Science Systems
Course Sun Sensor
CSU   Computer Software Units 
CSV Comma Separated Values
CT Connectivity Test
CTB Command and Telemetry Board
CTDiff Cross-Track Difference
CTE Calibration Test Equipment
Compatibility Test Equipment
Common Table Expression
CTHome Cross-Track Homogeneity
CTP Command and Telemetry Processors
CTS   Capture Transfer Subsystem
Capture Transfer System
CTV   Compatibility Test Van 
CUB Cuiaba, Brazil Ground Station
CUI CPF User Interface
Controlled Unclassified Information
CV   Command Verification
Cost Variance
Coefficient of Variation
CV-5 Calibration and Validation 5
CV-7 Calibration and Validation 7
CVCDU  Coded Virtual Channel Data Unit 
CVCM Collected Volatile Condensable Material
Collected Volatile Condensable Mass
CVDQA Calibration Validation Data Quality Assurance 
CVE Calibration Validation Element
CVS Concurrent Versions System
CVT Calibration and Validation Team
CVTK Calibration / Validation Toolkit
CVTKRD Calibration and Validation Toolkit Requirements Document
CVWG Calibration-Validation Working Group 
CW Continuous Wave
Amazon Cloud Watch
CWL Center Wavelength
CY Contract Year
CyAN Cyanobacteria Assessment Network


D&M Development and Maintenance
D/C Down Converter
D/L Downlink 
D1R DMS Generate L1R
D3 50GB Data tape cartridge from StorageTek 
DA Document Administrator
Document Amendment
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center 
DaaS Desktop as a Service
DACA Days After Contract Award
DAE Data Acquisition Element 
DAF Data Acquisition Facility 
DAG Database Administrator Guide
Directed Acyclic Graph
DAM Data Acquisition Manager
Database for Analysis and Modeling
DAP Data Acquisition Plan
Data Acquisition Planner
Digital Analytics Program
DAR Data at Rest, Data Acquisition Request, Decision Analysis and Resolution
DART Data Access Restriction Tool
Decision Analysis and Resolution
DAS Data and Applications Support
DASB Direct Access S-Band
DAT Data Access Tool
DAU Defense Acquisition University
DB Database or Data Block
dB Decibel 
dB/K Decibel per Degree Kelvin 
DBA  Database Administrator 
DBaaS Database as a Service
DBAR Database Access Routines
DBCA Database Configuration Assistant
DBCI Database Configuration Item 
DBDD  Database Design Description
Database Description Document
dB-Hz  Decibel-Hertz 
dBi Decibel Above Isotropic 
DBI Database Interface
DBMS Database Management System
DBS Data Services Branch
dBW  Decibel Relative to 1 Watt 
DC Direct Current
DC&P Data Capture and Processing Facility 
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCC Data Characterization Components
Deep Convective Clouds
DCCB  DHF Configuration Control Board
Development Configuration Control Board
DCE Data Collection Event
DCG DMS Generate Custom GCPLib
DCIM Data Center Infrastructure Management
DCN Document Control Number
Document Change Notice 
DCO DMS Capture Order
DCOI Data Center Optimization Initiative
DCP Data Collection Planners
Data Processing Components
DCPF Data Capture & Processing Facility
DCR Document Change Request
DCRS Data Collection and Routing Subsystem
Data Collection and Routing System
DCRSf Data Collection and Routing Subsystem file router
Data Collection and Routing System file router
DCRSi Data Collection and Routing Subsystem interval router
Digital Cassette Recorder System Incremental
DCRSUI Data Collection and Routing Subsystem User Interface
DCS Data Capture System or Data Characterization Subsystem
Destination Control Statement
Distributed Cache Service
Data Center and Systems
DCT Digital Cassette Tape 
DCW Data Collection Workbook
DDD Displacement Damage Dose
DDI DCS Data Ingest
DDL Database Definition Language
DDOS Distributed Denial of Service
DDR Data Descriptor Record
DDRC DPAS Design Reference Case
DDS DCS Database Server
Database Distribution Subsystem
Data Distribution Service
DDT DPAS Test Team
DDV Dense Dark Vegetation
DE Definitive Ephemeris
DEF Definitive Ephemeris Product 
Delta-I Delta-Inclination 
DEM Digital Elevation Model 
DEMIX Digital Elevation Model Intercomparison eXperiment
DEPEPH Definitive Ephemeris Product 
DES Station Description Message
DAAC Emergency System
DESIS DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer
DET Escape Detection
DEU Digital Electronic Unit
DEV Development
DF Diffuser Type
DFCB Data Format Control Book 
DFD Data Flow Diagram
DFP DMS Format and Package
DFT DMS File Transfer
DG Digital Globe
DGC DMS Generate Custom GCPs
DGGS Discrete Global Grid System
DGR DMS Generate Report Statistics
DGT DMS Generate Thumbnail
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHF Data Handling Facility 
DHN Data Handling Node
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DI Dependency Injection
DIAB DPS-in-a-Box
DIAR Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation
DIAT Daily Image Annotation Tape
DID Data Item Description or DMS Ingest L0R Data
DIE DMS Ingest Element
DIR Direction 
DIRT Data Interception by Remote Transmission
DIS Data Information System
Data Instrumentation System
DISC Data and Information Services Center
DITL Day-In-The-Life
DIV Data Integrity Validation
DKI Parepare, Indonesia Ground Station
DLC DMS Load Characterization from Cloud
DLI DMS Load Inventory from Cloud
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center)
DLT Digital Linear Tape 
DM Data Management
Document Management
Data Manager
DMA Direct Memory Access
Defense Mapping Agency
DMAPI Data Manager Application Programmer Interface
DMB Data Management Branch
Data Management Baseline
DMD Digital Micromirror Device
DME Development, Modernization, and Enhancement
DMF Data Migration Facility
DMI DCRS to MOE Interface
DMID Data Management and Information Delivery
DML Data Manipulation Language
DMLMDB Data Management Landsat Metrics Database
DMP Document Management Plan
Data Management Policy
Data Management Plan
DMR Detailed Mission Requirements 
DMS Data Management Subsystem
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
Database Migration Service
DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMU Data Migration Utility
Drag Makeup
DMUI Data Management User Interface
DMV Detector Map Verification
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
DN Descending Node
Digital Number 
DNH Do No Harm
DNS Domain Name Server
Domain Name System
DO Delivery Order
Director's Office
DOC Department of Commerce 
DoD Department of Defense
Depth of Discharge
DOI Department of the Interior
Digital Object Identifier
DOJ Department of Justice
DOORS Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System
DOORS-NG Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements Management System Next Generation
DOP Dilution of Precision
DOQ  Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
DORRAN Distributed Ordering, Research, Reporting, and Accounting Network 
DoS Denial of Service
DOS Department of State
DOWD Differenced One-Way Doppler
DOY Day-of-Year 
DP Data Processing
DPA Destructive Physical Analysis
DPAS  Data Processing and Archive System
DPASRD Data Processing and Archive System Requirements Document
DPC Data Processing Components
DPD DMS Placement Daemon
DPL DMS Process L0R
DPMC Directorate Program Management Council
DPP DMS Packet and Placement
DPR DMS Process ROLO Report
DPS Data Processing Subsystem
Data Processing System
DQA Data Quality Analyst
DQV Data Quality Validation
DR Delivery Record or Discrepancy Report
Disaster Recovery or Design Review
DRA DMS Retrieve Ancillary
DRAC Dell Remote Access Controller
DRAD Downwelled Radiance Layer
DRB Discrepancy Review Board
DRC Data Requirements List
Design Reference Case
DRC-16 16-day Design Reference Case
DRD Dated Raw Data
DRE DMS Retrieve Elevation
DRFP Draft Request for Proposal
DRM DMS Resource Manager
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan
DRS Data Reduction System
DRSF Daily Request Status File
DRTS Data Reporting and Tracking Subsystem
DSB Data Service Branch
DSC Descent Maneuver
DSI DMS Subsetter Interface
DSL Days-Since-Launch
DSM Digital Surface Model
DSN Deep Space Network
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSS Data Staging System
DPAS Subsetter
DST Data Support Team
Dst Disturbance Storm Time
DSW DMS Setup Work Order
DSWE Dynamic Surface Water Extent
dT Difference between hot and cold temperatures
DT Diffuser Type
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
DTG Daytime Group 
DTO Data Transfer Object
DTR Document Transfer Request
DTS Development and Training Simulations
DTT DPAS Test Team
DUI Data Manager User Interface
DMS Universal L0R Ingest
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
DV Data Validation
DV&E Data Validation & Exchange
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-R Digital Versatile Disc – Read Only
DWF Design Web Format
DXL DMS L0 and L1 Products


E&A Evaluation and Analysis
E&IT Engineering and Information Technology
E-Government Electronic Government
e-WAD Employee Work Authorization Document
E2E End-to-End
EA Enterprise Architecture
Executive Agency
EAC Estimate at Completion
eAD Enterprise Active Directory
EAR  Export Administration Regulations
EarthMAP Earth Monitoring, Analyses, and Projections
EAS  Evaluation and Analysis Subsystem 
EASI Enterprise Architecture Study Implementation
EAST EROS Architecture Study Team
Eb   Energy per Bit 
Eb/N0 Energy per Bit to Noise
EBAS EROS Billing and Accounting System
EBS Elastic Block Store
EC Electronic Copy
European Commission
EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
ECA Earth Coverage Antenna
ECC Error Correction Code
Embedded Controller Card
ECCC Environment and Climate Change Canada
ECCOE EROS Calibration / Validation Center of Excellence
ECEF Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed
ECF Earth Centered Fixed
ECHO Extraction and Classification of Homogeneous Objects
EOS Clearinghouse
ECI Earth Centered Inertial
ECIMOD ECI Mean of Date
ECITOD  Earth Centered Inertial TRUE of Date 
ECL Emitter-Coupled Logic
ECM EROS Cloud Management
ECMP EROS Contingency Plan Management
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ECOSTRESS Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
eCPIC Electronic Capital Planning and Investment Control
ECR Earth Centered Rotating
Amazon Elastic Container Registry
ECS EOSDIS Core System
Amazon Elastic Container Service
ECU End Cryptographic Unit
ECV Essential Climate Variable
EDAC Error Detection and Correction
EDAP Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot
eDAR Enterprise Data At Rest
EDC   EROS Data Center 
EDDDR EDC Daily Discrepancy Report
EDC Daily Data Received Report
EDDN Emergency Data Distribution Network
EDG  EOS Data Gateway 
EDOS EOS Data Processing Segment
EOS Data and Operations System
EDU Engineering Development Unit
EE EarthExplorer
Edge Extent
EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
EEE Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical
EEF Enterprise Environmental Factors
EEMT EROS Executive Management
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEPROM Electrical Erasable Program Read-Only Memory
EETT Ecosystem Extent Task Team
EF Earth-Fixed
EFS Encrypting File System
Elastic File System
EELV Secondary Payload Adapter Flight System
EGS Enterprise Ground System
EGSE Electrical Ground Support Equipment
EIA Electronic Industry Alliance
EIRP   Effective Isotropic Radiated Power 
EIS External Interface Specification
EISER EROS Information System Event Response
EJB Enterprise Java Beans
EKMS  Electronic Key Management System
EKS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
EL1PS EDC Level 1 Prototype System
ELT Encumbrances, Leans, and Threats
ELV Expendable Launch Vehicle
ELVIS EROS LiDAR Visualization
EM Engineering Model
email Electronic Mail 
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMD Enhanced Metadata
EMI  Electromagnetic Interference
EMIS Emissivity Layer
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
EMSD Emissivity Standard Deviation
EMV Expected Monetary Value
EN EarthNow!
EnMAP Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program
ENVI Environment for Visualizing Images
EO Earth Observing
EO-1 Earth Observing 1
EOA Earth Observation Assessment
EOC   Earth Observation Center 
EOCL Electro-Optical Commercial Layer
EODMS Earth Observation Data Management System
EOF End-of-File
EOIS   Earth Observation Data & Information Systems 
EOL   End-of-Line
EOM End-of-Mission
EOMP End-of-Mission Plan
EOP Executive Office of the President
EOR Earth Observation Requirements
EORES Earth Observation Requirements Evaluation System
EOS   Earth Observing System 
EOSAT  Earth Observation Satellite Company 
EOSDIS   EOS Data and Information System 
EPA   Euler Parameter
ESD Protected Area
EPICS Extended Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites
EPF ETM+ Processing Facility
EPGN EOS Polar Ground station Network
EPP Electronic Power Converter for Payload
EPR  Engineering Peer Review
EPRP Engineering Peer Review Plan
EPS   Electrical Power Subsystem 
EPSG  European Petroleum Survey Group 
ERB Engineering Review Board
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
EROS  Earth Resources Observation and Science
EROS-ISP EROS-Imaging Spectroscopy Project
ERPS EOS Real-time Processing System
ERR   Error 
ERS EROS Registration Service
ERTS  Earth Resources Technology Satellite 
ERMM Emergency Risk Mitigation Maneuver
ES Edge Slope
ESA European Space Agency
Earth Sensor Assembly
eSAS Enterprise Security Applications Service
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESD Earth Science Division
Electrostatic Discharge
ESDIS   Earth Science Data and Information System 
ESDS Earth Science Data Systems
ESF Edge Spread Function
ESIP Earth Science Information Partners
ESM Equipment Support Module
ESMO Earth Science Mission Operations
ESN Enterprise Services Network
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
Engineering Specialty Plans
ESPA EROS Science Processing Architecture
EELV Secondary Payload Adapter
ESTO Earth Science Technology Office
ESRB Elevation Specification Review Board
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
ESRIN European Space Research Institute 
ESSO Earth Systems Science Organization
ESUN Solar Spectral Irradiance
Exoatmospheric Spectral Irradiances
ET Evapotranspiration
ETa Actual Evapotranspiration
ETC Estimate to Completion
ETE End to End
ETf Evapotranspiration Fraction
ETL Extraction, Translation, Load
Extract, Transform, Load
ETM Enhanced Thematic Mapper
ETM+   Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus 
ETMDSS Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus Data Subsetting Subsystem
ETOPO5 Earth Topography Five Minute Grid
ETr Evapotranspiration Alfalfa-Reference Potential
ETRO Estimated Time of Return to Operations
ETUN Evapotranspiration Uncertainty
ETV Expected Time Value
EU   Engineering Unit 
EUG EROS User Group
EUMETSAT European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
EV Earned Value
EVCDU Extended Virtual Channel Data Unit
EVI Enhanced Vegetation Index
EVM Earned Value Management
EVMS Earned Value Management System
EVP Environmental Verification Plan
EVS Earth-Vehicle-Sun angle
Earned Value System
EVT Enhanced Value Technique
Existing Vegetation Type
EWR Eastern and Western Ranges
EWW Extended Workweek
ExPAC Extended PICS Absolute Calibration


F&PS   Functional and Performance Specifications 
FA Formulation Authorization
FAB File Allocation Block
FAC   Full Aperture Calibrator 
FAD Formulation Authorization Document
FAI Federal Acquisition Institute
FANO Forcing and Normalizing Operation
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FASC   Full Aperture Solar Calibrator 
FASCAL Facility for Spectroradiometric Calibrations
FAST-L7A   FAST-Landsat 7 Format 
FAT Factory Acceptance Testing
FAX   Facsimile Transmission 
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBMS Financial and Business Management System
FBU Fixed Base Unit
FC Formulation Contractor
Fiber Channel or Fractional Cover
FC-AL Fiber Channel-Arbitrated Loop
FCA   Functional Configuration Audit 
FCDAS Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station
FD Flight Dynamics or Fire Detection
FDAB Flight Dynamics Analysis Branch
FDAC Failure Detection and Control
FDC Failure Detection and Correction
FDD Facilities Definition Document
Format Description Document
FDDI  Fiber-Distributed Data Interface 
FDF  Flight Dynamics Facility 
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, & Recovery
FDS Flight Dynamics System
FDW Foreign Data Wrapper
FEC Forward Error Corrected
FedRAMP Federal Risk and Authentication Management Program
FEDS Front-End Data System
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEP Front-End Processor
FFOV Full Field of View
FFP Firm Fixed Price
FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
FFS Fiscal Financial System
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FFTW Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
FHS   First Half Scan 
FHSERR First Half Scan Error
FIA Final Implementation Agreement
FIEOS Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites
FIFO First In, First Out
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FIR Finite Impulse Response
FISCAM Federal Information System Control Audit Manual
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act
FISSA Federal Information System Security Awareness
FITARA Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act
FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared
FM Fault Management
Fmask Function of Mask
FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FMECA Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
FMFIA Federal Manager’s Financial Integrity Act
FMT   Format 
FNMOC Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
FOC Full Operational Capability
FOCCB Flight Operations Configuration Control Board
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FOM Facilities Operations Manager
FOP   Flight Operations Plan 
FOR Flight Operations Review
FORE-SCE FOREcasting SCEnarios
FORMATS Flight Dynamics Orbit and Mission Aids Transformation System
FOS  Flight Operations Segment
FOT   Flight Operations Team 
FOTS Free Off-The-Shelf
FOV Field of View
FP Flight Processor
FPA Focal Plane Assembly
Focal Plane Array
FPD Flight Projects Directorate
FPE Focal Plane Electronics
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
FP-IT Forward Processing for Instrument Teams
FPM Focal Plane Modules
FPPS Federal Personnel Payroll System
FPROC Forward Processing
FQT Formal Qualification Testing
Functional Qualification Test
FRB  Full-Resolution Browse
Failure Review Board
FRED Framed Raw Expanded Data
FRP Federal Response Plan
FRPOC Forward Processing
FRR Flight Readiness Review
FRS File Retrieval System
FS Forecast Schedules
fSCA Fractional Snow Covered Area
FSCC Fastcom Serial Card
FSD Flight Systems Development
FSL Flight System Lead
Flight Support Lead
FSM Flight Systems Manager
FSP Fundamental Science Practices
FSSC Financial Support Services Contract
FST Flight Support Team
FSV Flight Software Vendor
FSW   Flight Software 
FTA Fault Tree Analysis
FTD File Transfer Daemon
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
Full-Time Employee
FTP   File Transfer Protocol 
FTR Forced to Rebalance
FTS Flight Termination System
FUSE Filesystem in USErspace
FW Firewall
Full Width
FWHM Full Width Half Maximum
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
FY Fiscal Year


G&A General and Administrative
G/T  Gain over Temperature 
GA Geoscience Australia
GAfG Google Apps for Government
GAM Geography Analysis and Monitoring
GAN Generative Adversarial Network
GAO General Accounting Office
GAQD Originator Routing Code for IIRV Messages
GAR Global Archive Refresh
GARD Global Analysis Ready Data
GAST Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time
GB   Gigabyte 
GbE Gigabit per Second Ethernet
GBFOM Global Band Figure of Merit
GBICS Gigabit Interface Converters
GBL Government Bill of Lading
Gbps Gigabits per Second
GBRM Gradient Booted Regression Model
GCCB Ground Segment Configuration Control Board
GCDR Ground System Critical Design Review
GCOR Temperature Corrected Gains
GCOS Global Climate Observing System
GCP Ground Control Point
GCRS Geocentric Celestial Reference System
GCTP General Cartographic Transformation Package
GDAIS General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems
GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDS Ground Data Systems
GECSC Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
GED Global Emissivity Database
GEDU Ground Encryption / Decryption Unit
GEE Google Earth Engine
GEMI Global Environmental Monitoring Index
GEO   Geolocation Index File
Group on Earth Observations
GEOGLAM Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring
GEOID Gravity for Earth, Ocean, and Ice Dynamics
GeoJSON Geographic JavaScript Object Notation
GEOM Geometric
GeoRSS Geographic Really Simple Syndication
GEOS-5 FP-IT Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5 Forward Processing for Instrument Teams
GEOS-R Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series
GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GeoTIFF  Geographic Tagged Image File Format
Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format
GES DISC Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center
GEVS General Environmental Verification Specification
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFI Government Furnished Information
GFOI Global Forest Observations Initiative
GFP Government Furnished Property
GFS Global File System
GFY Government Fiscal Year
GGOS Global Geodetic Observing System
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GHz Gigahertz
GIA Government Inspection Agency
GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification
GIAM Global Irrigated Area Mapping
GIDEP Government Industry Data Exchange Program
GIFOV Ground-projected Instantaneous Field of View
GigE Gigabit Ethernet
GIMP Greenland Ice Mapping Project
GIO Geographic Information Officer
GIPS   Geoinformatics Products and Solutions 
GIQE General Image-Quality Equation
GIS Geographical Information Systems
Geographic Information System
GISRA Government Information Security Reform Act
GISTDA   Geoinformatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Thailand) 
GL Geoscience Laboratory
GLAMR Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance
GLanCE Global Land Cover mapping and Estimation
GLC  Ground Look Calibration Request or Gilmore Creek
GLCC Global Land Cover Characterization
GLCUC Global Land Cover, land Use, and land cover Change
GloVis Global Visualization Viewer
GLS Global Land Survey or Global File System
GMAO Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
GMAP Global Monitoring Acquisition Plan
GMRCA Global Map of Rainfed Cropland Areas
GMSEC Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center
GMSR Government Monthly Status Review
GMT   Greenwich Mean Time 
GN   Ground Network 
GNC Gatineau, Canada Ground Station
GNE Ground Network Element
GNE-DCRS Ground Network Element Data Collection and Routing System
GNEDD Ground Network Element Design Document
GNEOCD Ground Network Element Operations Concept Document
GNERD GNE Requirements Document
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GNU GNU’s Not Unix
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOLD Goddard Open Learning Design
GOOS Global Ocean Observing System
GOP Ground Operations Plan
GOS Geospatial One-Stop
GOT Ground Operations Team
GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf
GP Geophysical Parameter
GP4   General Perturbation Theory 
GPART Geophysical Parameter Tool
Geophysical Parameter Assignment Rating Tool
GPCS General Processing and Control System
GPD GSFC Policy Directive
GPDR Ground System Preliminary Design Review
GPL General Public License
GPR GNE Post-Pass Report
Goddard Procedural Requirement
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act
GPS   Geometric Processing System
Gap Phase Statistic
Global Positioning System
GPSR Global Positioning System Receiver
GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
GRI Ground Reference Image
GRIB Gridded Data or Gridded Binary
GRID Global Resource Information Database
GRM Ground Readiness Manager
GRS Grid Reference System (SPOT)
GRT Ground Readiness Test
GRTP Ground Readiness Test Plan
GRTT Ground Readiness Test Team
GS Ground System
Ground Segment
GSA U.S. General Services Administration
Ground Station Analyst
GSaaS Ground Station as a Service
GSC  Ground Station Controller 
GSCCB Ground System Change Control Board
GSCDR Ground System Critical Design Review
GSD Ground Sampling Distance
Guide Star Data
GSDD Ground System Design Document
GSDRB Ground System Discrepancy Review Board
GSE Ground Support Equipment
Ground Station Engineers
Ground System Engineer
Ground System Element
GSFC   Goddard Space Flight Center 
GSI   Ground Station Identifier
Ground System Infrastructure
Ground Support Infrastructure
GSICS Global Space-based Intercalibration System
GSIRD Ground System Interface Requirements Document
GSIT Ground System Integration
GSITP Ground System Integration and Test Plan
GSIWG Ground System Interface Working Group
GSL GNU Scientific Library
GSLC Geocoded Single-Look Complex
GSM Ground System Manager
GSMO Ground System Management Office
Ground System and Mission Operations
GSMOR Ground System Mission Operations Review
GSOCD Ground System Operations Concept Document
GSOPD Ground System Operations Plan Document
GSPDR Ground System Preliminary Design Review
GSRD Ground System Requirements Document 
GSRR Ground System Requirements Review
GSRT Ground System Review Team
GSRVM Ground System Requirements Verification Maintenance
GSSIR Ground System to Spacecraft Integration Rack
gSSURGO Gridded Soil Survey Geographic Database
GSSP Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information Technology Systems
GST Geographic Support Team
Ground Station Technician
Global Stocktake
GSTDN Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network 
GSVVP Ground System Verification and Validation Plan
GSVWG Ground System Verification Working Group
GSWG Ground System Working Group
GTID Global Transaction Identifier
GTOPO30 Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation Data Set
GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System
GTT GNE Test Team
GUI   Graphical User Interface 
GWENS GroundWater Exploration Navigation System
GXA   Gimbaled X-Band Antennae 


H/W Hardware
HA High Availability
HAAT Header, Ancillary, Annotation, and Trailer
HALE High Altitude Long Endurance
HBR Hard Body Radius
HC Hard Copy
HCA Horizontal Collimator Assembly
HCMP Hardware Configuration Management Plan
HCR Hardware Configuration Request
Hardware Change Request
HDDS Hazards Data Distribution Systems
HDF   Hierarchical Data Format 
HDF-EOS Hierarchical Data Format - Earth Observing System
HDF-EOS2 Hierarchical Data Format - Earth Observing System (version 2)
HDF5 Hierarchical Data Format Version 5
HDF5-EOS Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 - Earth Observing System
HDFS Hadoop File System
HDLC High-Level Data Link Control
HDM Hardware Data Manager
HSM Data Manager
HDP HDF Dumper
HDR   Header 
High Data Rate
HDRM High Data Rate Modem
HDS Horizontal Display Shift
HDT   High-Density Tape 
HDTR High-Density Tape Recorder
HE Hardware Engineer
HEE Half Edge Extent
Hex   Hexadecimal 
HgCdTe Mercury Cadmium Telluride
HGS Hallway Ground Station
HIE High Interest Event
HIRS High-Resolution Infrared Sounder
HITL Hour in the Life
HK Housekeeping
HKDB Housekeeping Data Buffer
HLD High-Level Document
HLS Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2
HMP Hardware Management Plan
HOM Hotine Oblique Mercator
HOMFiH Homogeneity Filter
HOT Haze Optimized Transformation
HP Horizontal Polarization
HPA High-Power Antenna
High Power Amplifiers
HPC High Performance Computing
HPIG Hosted Payload Interface Guide
HPN Panchromatic Band Header File
HPP Highest Point in Polygon
HQ Headquarters
HR Human Resources
Heritage Review
Horizontal Resolution
HR MSI High-Resolution Multispectral Imager
HRS Horizontal Resampling Space
HRV High-Resolution Visible (SPOT sensor)
HSI Hyperspectral Imagery
Hyperspectral Imager
HSM Hierarchical Storage Management
Hierarchical Storage Manager
HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive
HTC High Throughput Computing
HTM Thermal Bands Header File
HTML   Hypertext Markup Language 
HTSI Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
HTTP   Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HUB Historically Underutilized Business
HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
HVU High-Volume User
HWCI   Hardware Configuration Item 
Hz  Hertz 


I   In-Phase Channel 
I&T Integration and Test 
I/O   Input/Output
I/Q In-phase and Quadrature Modulation Components
I1 Internet 1
I2 Internet 2
I2I Image-to-Image
I2RV   Improved Inter-Range Vector Message 
IA Implementing Agreement or Impact Analysis
International Activities
Interagency Agreement
IAA Interagency Agreement
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IAC Independent Assurance Contractor
Issue Assessment Code
IaC Infrastructure as Code
IAD Ion-Assisted Deposition
IAM Identity and Access Management
Inclination Adjustment (Delta I) Maneuver
IAR Image Anomaly Report
IARPA Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
IAS Image Assessment Subsystem
Image Assessment System
IASICP IAS Internal Calibrator Pulse
IATO Interim Authority To Operate
IAU International Astronomical Union
IAW In Association With
IBM International Business Machines
IBR Integrated Baseline Review
IC Interface Control
International Cooperator
Internal Calibrator
Internal Cache
ICD  Interface Control Document 
ICDR Instrument Critical Design Review
ICe Internal Calibrator processing for Emissive bands
ICF Initial Correction Factor
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICO International Cooperator Office
ICT Interface Connectivity Testing
ICVS Independent Calibration and Verification Segment
Independent Characterization and Verification System
ICWP IC Web Portal
ID Infrastructure Design
Interface Documents
IDCC Interval Data Collection Concept
IDCO Image Data Collection Omission
IDCP Interval Data Collection Plan
IDCS Image Data Collection Schedule
IDD Interface Definitions Document
IDE Integrated Device Electronics
Infrastructure Development
Integrated Development Environment
IDF Interval Definition File
Image Data File
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
IDL Interactive Data Language
IDP Individual Development Plan
IDPS Image Data Processing Subsystem 
IDR IAS Data Recorder
IDS  Intrusion Detection System
Interval Delivery Subsystem
IDSO Image Data Schedule Omission
IDSR Image Data Status Report
Image Data Schedule Report
Integrated Daily Status Report
IDWR Idaho Department of Water Resources
IE Infrastructure Element
IEC iStat Executive Committee
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
IEM Integrated Electronics Module
IERS International Earth Rotation Service
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFAT ITOS File Accounting Tool
IFB Invitation for Bid
IFD Image File Directory
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
IFL Interfacility Link
IFOV   Instrument Field of View
Instantaneous Field of View 
IGARSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
IGE Independent Government Estimate
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IGS Integrated Security Gateway
International Ground Station
IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
IIR Image Impact Report
IIRR Instrument Integration Readiness Review
IIRV   Improved Inter-Range Vector 
IITL Interval-In-The-Life
IKE Internet Key Exchange
ILI IGS to LAM Interface
IM Instant Message
Inclination Maneuver
IMAR Instrument Mission Assurance Requirement
IMB Issue Management Board
IMF Inverse Minor Frames
Interval Metadata File
IMP Information Management Plan
Integrated Master Plan
IMR Issue Management Record
IMS  Integrated Master Schedule
Information Management System
Information Management Services
IMT Integrated Mission Timeline
Information Management Technology
IMU   Inertial Measurement Unit
Internal Measurement Unit 
IMWD Internet Moving Window Display
IN Impulse Noise or Ingest
INC Inclination Maneuver
INCITS International Committee for Information Technology Standards
INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering
Inf Infrastructure
INFOSEC Information Security
ING Ingest
INM IGS Network Manager
INPE   National Institute for Space Research (Brazil)
InSb Indium Antimonite
INT Signed Integer
INT16 16-bit Signed Integer
INTR Interpreted Layer
INTSM Interpreted Layer with Some Masks Applied
INTWAM Interpreted Layer with All Mask Applied
INV Inventory
IOC Initial Operational Capability
Initial On-orbit Checkout
Installation Operational Certification
In-Orbit Checkout
Initial Operational Configuration
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IOCCG International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group
IOE Instrument Operations Element 
IOI Inventory Operations Interface
IONET IP Operational Network
IoT Internet of Things
IP  Internet Protocol
Installation Plan
Intellectual Property
International Partnership
IPA Interproject Agreement
Instrument Pallet Assembly
IPAC Intergovernment Payment and Collection
IPC Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
Inter-Process Communication
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPComp IP Payload Compression Protocol
IPDR Instrument Preliminary Design Review
IPDS Information Product Data System
IPDU Internet Protocol Data Unit
IPE Image Processing Element
IPM IGS Priority Mask Online Tool
IGS Priority and Request Map
Incyte Project Manager
Integrated Payload Module
IPMR Integrated Program Management Report
IPMS Integrated Project Management System
IPMSD Integrated Project Management System Description
IPO Integrated Program Office
IPP Invoice Processing Platform
IPR  Intersegment Problem Report 
IPS  Intrusion Prevention System
Image Processing System
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IPSR Instrument Preship Review
IPT Integrated Project Team
Integrated Product Team
Integrated Program Team
IPV Integrated Pulse Value
IQE Image Quality Estimation
IR Infrared
IRB Investment Review Board
IRD Interface Requirements Document
IRFP Implementation Request for Proposal
IRIG Inter-Range Instrumentation Group
IRLS Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
IRP Incident Reporting Plan
IRR Integrated Readiness Review
IRS   Interface Requirements Specification 
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
IRV Improved Inter-Range Vector Message
IS Ingest System
ISA Internet Security and Acceleration
Interconnection Security Agreement
ISAB Integrated Science and Applications Branch
ISC International Science Council
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
ISCP Information System Contingency Plan
iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISD Interface Specification Document
ISE Instrument Support Electronics
ISF Instrument Support Facility
ISI Integral Systems Incorporated
ISIS Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers
ISL Interswitch Link
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Imaging Spectroscopy Project
ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ISRO Indian Space Research Organization
ISSLOB Information Systems Security Line of Business
ISSO Information System Security Official
IST Integrated System Test
ISTESR Ingest Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report
Inventory Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report
IT Information Technology
Integration Test
 Instrument Telemetry
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITC Integration Test Case
ITHR Instrument Transition Handover Review
ITIP Information Technology Infrastructure Plan
ITOS Integrated Test and Operations System
ITP Integration Test Plan
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame
ITRS International Terrestrial Reference System
ITS Information Technology Services
Integrated Time Sweep
ITSD Information Technology Services Division
ITSEC Information Technology Security
ITSNOC Information Technologies Service Network Operations Center
ITSOT Information Technology Security Operations Team
ITSS   Information Technology and Scientific Services 
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IU Individual User
IUR Individual User Request
IV&V Independent Verification and Validation
IVM Interface Verification Matrix
IVOS Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors
IW&DS Information Warehouse and Data Store
IWAD Individual Work Authorization Document
IWG   Interface Working Group 
IWT Image Window Table
Integer Wavelet Transform


J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
JACIE Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation
JALBTCX Joint Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise
JAR Java Archive
JASON Joint Activity Simulation for Observatories and Networks
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JaxB Java Architecture for XML Binding
JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks
JBOSS J2EE Application Server
JCL Joint Confidence Level
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JDK Java Development Kit
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format
JIT Just-In-Time (Compiler)
JMS Java Messaging Service
JMSRA Java Message Service Resource Adapter
JPEG   Joint Photographic Experts Group 
JPF Job Parameter File
JPL   Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
JPSS Joint Polar Satellite System
JSA Johannesburg, South Africa Ground Station
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
JSP Java Server Pages
JSpOC Joint Space Operations Center
JSR Java Portlet Specification
JSX Java HTML-like syntax 
JTS Java Topology Suite
JVM Java Virtual Machine
JWT JSON web token


Degrees Kelvin 
K8s Kubernetes
KA8 Known Anomaly Eight
KARI Korea Aerospace Research Institute
KB   Kilobyte 
Kbps Kilobits per second
KBps Kilobytes per Second
KBR Kellogg Brown & Root
KDP Key Decision Point
kg Kilogram
KHB Kennedy Space Center Handbook
KHC Kashi, China Ground Station
kHz   Kilohertz 
KIS Kiruna, Sweden Ground Station
km   Kilometer 
KMA Korean Meteorological Administration
KMI Key Management Infrastructure
KML Keyhole Markup Language
KMP Key Management Plan
KMS Key Management Service
kPa Kilopascal
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KPM Key Performance Measures
KPR Key Performance Requirement
KSAT Kongsberg Satellite Services
KSC Kennedy Space Center
Ksps Kilo-Symbols per Second
KUJ Kumamoto, Japan Ground Station
KVM Keyboard Video Mouse



L&C Likelihood and Consequence
L&EO Launch and Early Orbit
L+30 Launch + 30 Days
L+60 Launch + 60 Days
L+90 Launch + 90  Days
L0 Level 0 Data Product
L0c Level 0 Corrected
L0R  Level 0 Reformatted
L0Ra  Level 0 Reformatted Archive 
L0Rc Level 0 Reformatted Corrected
L0Rp  Level 0 Reformatted Product
L1  Level 1 Data Product or Landsat 1
L1AOS Level 1 Automatic Ordering System
L1G   Level 1 Geometrically (Corrected)
L1Gs Level 1 Geometric Systematic
L1Gt Level 1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected)
L1P Level 1 Precision (Corrected)
L1R  Level 1 Radiometric (Corrected) 
L1R-H Hybrid Level 1 Radiometric
L1SE Level 1 Sustaining Engineering
L1T Level 1 Terrain (Corrected)
Level 1 Precision and Terrain
L1TP Level 1 Terrain Precision (Corrected)
L2 Level 2 Data Product or Landsat 2
L2+ Level 2+
L2GT Level 2 Systematic Terrain (Corrected)
L2PGS Level 2 Product Generation System
L2PS Level 2 Processing Subsystem
L2SP Level 2 Science Product 
L2SR Level 2 Science Product, Reflectance only
L2TP Level 2 Terrain Precision (Corrected)
L3 Level 3
Landsat 3
L3+ Level 3+
L3PGS Level 3 Product Generation System
L4 Level 4
Landsat 4
L5  Level 5
Landsat 5 
L7   Landsat 7 
L8 Landsat 8
L9 Landsat 9
LAADS Landsat Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System
LAASPA Landsat Acquisition and Special Planning Application
LACCA Land Automated Cloud Cover Assessment
LACS Landsat Archive Conversion System
LADS LDCM Archive and Dissemination Segment
LAM   Landsat Archive Manager 
LAM AS LAM Archive Server
LAM008 Interface Between COI PS and L0Rp PS
LAN   Local Area Network 
LANCE Land, Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for EOS
LandIS Landsat Next Instrument Suite
LaRC Langley Research Center
LAS  Land Analysis System 
LASP   Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics 
LaSRC Land Surface Reflectance Code
LASSO Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
LAT   Latitude
Lab Acceptance Test
LBG Libreville, Gabon Ground Station
LC LDCM Contractor
LCA Land Change Assessment
LCACHG Annual Land Cover Change
LCB Load Control Board
LCC  Lambert Conformal Conic or Lifecycle Cost
LCCB Landsat Configuration Control Board
LCCR Landsat Configuration Change Request
LCG  Landsat Coordination Group 
LCGS LDCM Contractor Ground Segment
LCIPS Landsat Cloud Image Processing System
LCLUA Land Cover and Land Use Analysis
LCMAP Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection
LCMASK Land Cover Mask Band
LCMS Landscape Change Monitoring  System 
LCNext Land Cover Next
LCPCONF Primary Land Cover Confidence
LCPRI Primary Land Cover
LCR Logical Change Record
LTAP Collection Request
LCS Land Change Science
LCSCONF Secondary Land Cover Confidence
LCSEC Secondary Land Cover
LCSS LDCM Contractor Space Segment
Land Change Science System
LCU Load Control Unit
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDB IAS Local Database or Land Database
LDCC Landsat Data Continuity Contract
LDCM  Landsat Data Continuity Mission 
LDCMGS Landsat Data Continuity Mission Ground Station
LDCMSC Landsat Data Continuity Mission Spacecraft
LDCP LSDS Data & Capabilities Partnerships
LDDMWG Landsat Data Distribution and Marketing Working Group
LDDWG Landsat Data Distribution Working Group
LDMT Landsat Data Management Team
LDI LPS Data Ingest or L0Ra Data Ingest
LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format
LDIS LAM to DORRAN Interface System
LDPC Low-Density Parity Check
LDPS Landsat Data Purchase System
LDRCS LDCM Document Review Comment Spreadsheet
LDTS  LPS Data Transfer Subsystem 
LE90 Linear Error 90 Percent
LEDAPS Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System
LEI LAM to ECS Interface
LEM   Lower Equipment Module 
LEO Low-Earth Orbiting
Launch and Early Orbit
LEO&A Launch, Early Orbit and Activation
LEO&C Launch, Early Orbit & Commissioning
LEO-T Low-Earth Orbiter-Terminal
LES Log file Extraction Services
Level A Level Zero Aggregated
LF Line-Feed
LFAT Landsat File Accounting Tool
LFO Landsat Flight Operations
LFRDB Landfire Reference Database
LG L0Ra Generator
LGAC Landsat Global Archive Consolidation
LGGS Landsat Global Geodetic Standard
LGN   Landsat Ground Network
LGNT Landsat Ground Network Test
LGO Landsat Ground Operations
LGPL Lesser General Public License
LGS Landsat 7 Ground System
Landsat Ground Station
LGSOWG Landsat Ground Station Operations Working Group 
LH Left Hand
LHC   Left-Hand Circular
L0Ra Histogram Characterization 
LHCP Left-Hand Circularly Polarized
LHS Left-Hand Side
Left-Hand SLO
LIB Library
LICS Landsat International Communication System
LID Landsat and LDCM Inventory Database
LSDS Inventory Database
LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging
LIFO Last In, First Out
LIL Landsat Inventory Loader
LIM Landsat Inventory Management
LDCM Interface for Metadata
Lunar Irradiance Model
LIMA Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica
Landsat Inventory Metadata Application
LIMB LAM Interface for Metadata and Browse
LINEAGEQA Lineage Index
LIR LDCM in Retrospect
LIS Landsat Integration System
LACS Inventory System
LISS-III Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor III
LITAP   Landsat Intersegment Technical Assessment Panel 
LKPC Landsat Kubernetes Processing Controller
LL   Lower Left
Lessons Learned
LLI LAM to LACS Interface
LLIS LAM LPGS Interface Subsystem
LM Labeled Mask
LMASK Labeled Mask
Lmax Maximum Radiance
LMC  Lockheed Martin Corporation 
LMCM Launch Management Coordination Meeting
LMD Landsat Mission Database
LMDD Landsat Metadata Description Document
LMDRS Landsat Metadata Documentation and Reporting System
LMI  Lower Equipment Module Interface 
Lmin Minimum Radiance
LMM Landsat Mission Manager
LMMS   Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space 
LMO Landsat Mission Operations
LMOC Landsat Multi-Satellite Operations Center
LMOCRD Landsat Multi-Satellite Operations Center Requirements Document
LMOP Land Satellites Data System Mission Operations Project
LMST Local Mean Solar Time
LMT Landsat Metadata Transformation
LMWS Landsat Missions Website
LN2 Liquid Nitrogen 
LNA Low-Noise Amplifiers
LNET Lustre Networking
LNext Landsat Next
LO Local Oscillator
LOA Letter of Agreement
LOC Letter of Cooperation
Line of Code
LOE Level of Effort
LON  Longitude 
LOOFA Landsat 7 On-Orbit Flight Automation
LOP Landsat Operational Procedure
LOS  Loss of Signal or Line-of-Sight 
LP DAAC  Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center 
LPCS Land Product Characterization System
LPDS Level 1 Product Distribution System
LDCM Data Product Specification 
LPGS Landsat Product Generation System
LPGSUI Level 1 Product Generation Subsystem User Interface
Landsat Product Generation System User Interface
LPIP Landsat Product Improvements Project
LPO  Landsat Program Office
LSDS Program Office
LPS   Landsat 7 Processing System
Landsat Processing System
LPSNG Landsat Processing System Next Generation
LPSO   Landsat Project Science Office 
LPT Limited Performance Test
LPV Land Product Validation
LR  Lower Right 
LRD Launch Readiness Date
LRMA Land Resources Mission Area
LRMB LDCM Risk Management Board 
LRR Launch Readiness Review
LRS Land Remote Sensing
Landsat Remote Sensing
LRSP Land Remote Sensing Program
LS Launch Segment
LSAA Landsat and Sentinel-2 Archive / Access
Landsat Sentinel Archive Access
LSATH High-Saturation Radiance
LSATL Low-Saturation Radiance
LSB   Least Significant Bit
Low Surface Brightness
LSC Landsat Security Committee
LSCF Landsat Solar Calibration Frame
LSDS Land Satellites Data System
LSF Line Spread Function
LSIMSS LDCM Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Support System
Landsat Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Support System
Landsat Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Simulation System
LSIS LSDS Science Information System
LSM Land Survey Mission
LSO LDCM Science Office
LSRD Science Office
LSP Launch Support Program
Logistics Support Plan
LSQ Least Squares
LSQAT Landsat Science Quality Assurance Team
LSR Launch Support Room
LSRD LSDS Science Research and Development
LSS Launch Services Segment
LST Landsat Science Team
Land Surface Temperature
Landsat Surface Temperature
LST/E Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity
LSTM Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
LTA Long-Term Archive
LTAP Long-Term Acquisition Plan
LTAP-7 Landsat 7 Long-Term Acquisition Plan 
LTAP-8 Landsat 8 Long-Term Acquisition Plan
LTAP-9 Landsat 9 Long-Term Acquisition Plan
LTAS   Landsat Trending and Analysis System 
LTI Legacy Tape Ingest
LTO Linear Tape Open
LTS  LACS Transcription System
LTTS LPCS Trending Tool Suite
LTVA Limited Technical Vulnerability Assessment
LTWG  Landsat Technical Working Group 
Ltypical Typical Radiance
LUCAS Land Use/Cover Area Frame Survey
LULC Land Use & Land Cover
LUN Logical Unit Number
LUT Look-Up Table
LV Launce Vehicle
LVA Launch Vehicle Adapter
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVRR Launch Vehicle Readiness Review
LWIR   Long Wavelength Infrared 
LXR Landsat Transfer Radiometer



m   meter 
M&PCB Materials and Processes Control Board
M&PCP Materials and Processes Control Program
M&V Monitoring and Validation
M-CDR MOC Critical Design Review
M-PDF MOC Preliminary Design Review
M-SIR MOC System Integration Review
M-SRR MOC System Requirements Review
M_PDU Multiplexing Protocol Data Unit 
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MA Mission Archive
Multiple Access
Major Application
Mission Assurance
MAA Mission Acquisition Analyst
MAC   Media Access Control
Monitor and Control Subsystem
Mass Acceleration Curve
MACS MSS-X Archive Conversion System
Monitor and Control Subsystem
MAD Median Absolute Deviation
MAE Materials Assurance Engineer
MAID Massive Array of Idle Disks
Master Action Item Database
MAL Master Activities List
MAN Maritime Aerosol Network
MAM Mission Assurance Manager
MAP Mission Assurance Plan
MAR Mission Assurance Requirements
MARCE Multi-Attribute Requirements-Capabilities Evaluator 
MAS   MODIS Archive System 
MATLAB Matrix Laboratory
MAUT Multi-attribute Utility Theory
MAX Maximum
MB   Megabyte 
MBO Management by Objects
Mbps   Megabit per Second 
MBR Minimum Bounding Rectangle
MBSRN Multiband Spectral Relationship Near-Infrared
MBSRV Multiband Spectral Relationship Visible
MBW Model-Building Workbook
MC MAC Controller or Memory Control
MCDL Master Configured Document List
Master Controlled Document List
MCDR Mission Critical Design Review
MCE Mirror Control Electronics
MCM Multichip Module
MCR Mission Concept Review
MCS   Monitor and Control Subsystem 
MD Metrics Database
Mission Data
MD5 Message-Digital Algorithm 5
Message-Digest Algorithm 5
MDA MacDonald, Dettwiler, and Associates
MDD Metrics Driven Development
MDF MOC Directive File
Mission Data File
MDGLS Mid-Decadal Global Land Survey
MDH Mission Data Header
MDIO Mission Data Input / Output
MDL Metadata Loader
MDM Mission Data Management
MDR Mission Dress Rehearsal
Mission Definition Review
mDRC mini-Design Reference Case 
MDS MMO Database System
Metadata Server
MDSL Master Data Source List
MDT Metadata Target
ME Memory Effect
MEaSUREs Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments
MEB Materials Engineering Branch
Main Electronics Box
Main Electronics Board
MEC Metrics ETL Component
MECO Main Engine Cutoff
MEF Mission Essential Function
MEO Matrixed Engineering Organization
MEOS Multi-Mission Earth Observation System
MEOW Minimum Expected Observation Window
MER Mission Equipment Room
MERIS Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MERRA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications
MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2
MET Mission Elapsed Time
Model Evaluation Tool
Meteorological Data
METAR METeorological Aerodrome Reports
METRIC Satellite-Based Energy Balance for Mapping Evapotranspiration With Internalized Calibration
MEXT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (Japan)
MF or mf Minor Frame 
MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes
MFPS  Major Frame Processing Subsystem 
MFR Multifunctional Receiver
MG Metadata Generator
MG1 McMurdo, Antarctica
MGS   MODIS Ground Station
Management Server
MGT Management Target
MHz   Megahertz 
MI Mutual Information
MIG Meeting Information Guide
MIL Materials Identification List
MAC Inventory L0Ra
MIN Minimum
MIR Mid-Infrared
MIRBI Mid-Infrared Burn Index 
MIS Master Integrated Schedule
Management Information System
MISR Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer
MISTE Modular Integrated Simulation and Test Environment
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MJF Major Frame
MJP MAC Job Processor
ML Machine Learning
ML1R Mission Level 1 Requirements
MLC Most Likely Case
MLH Maximum Likelihood Estimate
MLI MACS to LAM Interface
Multi-Layer Insulation
MLT   Mean Local Time 
MM Multi-Mission
Mission Manager
mm   Millimeter 
MM&A Mission Monitor & Analysis
mm/hr   Millimeters per Hour 
MMA Mission Management Analyst
MMIO Modified Moravec Interest Operator
MMO Mission Management Office
MMOIO Mission Management Office Information Officer
MMOSA MMO Security Activity
MMOSE Mission Management Office Systems Engineer
MMR Mission Requirements Review
MMS MDGLS Management System
Multi-Mission Modular Spacecraft
MMU Memory Management Unit
MNDWI Modified Normalized Differences Wetness Index
MO&DSD   Mission Operations and Data System Directorate 
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOC   Mission Operations Center 
MOCRD Mission Operations Center Requirements Document
MOD09 MODIS Surface Reflectance – Terra Satellite
MOD11 MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity – Terra Satellite
MOD13 MODIS Vegetation Indices – Terra Satellite
MODIS   Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MODNET   MO&DSD Operational/Development Network 
MODTRAN Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission
MOE Mission Operations Element
MOERD Mission Operations Element Requirements Document
MOI Moment of Inertia
MOM Mission Operations Manager
MOP Mission Operations Plan
MOPSS   Mission Operations Planning and Scheduling System 
MOR Mission Operations Room
Mission Operations Review
MORKA Mission Operations Readiness Key Activities
MORM Mission Operations Readiness Manager
MOS Mission Operations Simulation
MOTS Mission Off-The-Shelf
Military Off-The-Shelf
Modified Off-The-Shelf
MOU   Memorandum of Understanding 
MOVE Mission Operations Voice Enhancement
MOWG Mission Operations Working Group
MP Multiprocessor
Mission Planner or Mission Planning
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MPR Monthly Progress Review 
MPS MODIS Processing System
Mission Plan System
Mission Planning and Scheduling
MPSR Management Program Status Review
Monthly Project Status Report
MR Management Reserve
MRAM Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
MRB Milestone Review Board
Material Review Board
MRC Metrics Reporting Component
Metadata Record
MRF Meta Raster Format
MRG Metrics Report GUI
MRLC Multiresolution Land Characteristics
MRR Mission Requirements Review
MRT Mission Readiness Testing
MRTG Multirouter Traffic Grapher
MS Multispectral
Mission Simulations
ms   millisecond 
MSA Master Schedule of Activities
MSAVI Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
msb   Most Significant Bit 
MSB   Most Significant Byte 
MSCD   Mirror Scan Correction Data 
MSE Mission Systems Engineering
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSI Multispectral Instrument
Multispectral Imager
MSK   Receive Antenna Horizon Mask Message
Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka
MSM Multiservice Mobility
Mission Simulations Manager
Management Switch Module
Mission Operations Center Systems Manager
MSO Mission Support Office
Msps Mega-Symbols per Second
MSPSP Missile System Prelaunch Safety Data Package
MSR Monthly Status Review
MSS   Multispectral Scanner
Mass Storage System
MSS-A Multispectral Scanner - Archive Format
MSS-P Multispectral Scanner - Processed Format
MSS-R Multispectral Scanner - Raw
MSS-X Multispectral Scanner data, reformatted CCT-X data
MSSG Microwave Sensors Subgroup
MST Mission Support Team
MTA   Metadata 
MTASS Multi-Mission Three-Axis Stabilized Spacecraft
MTBF Mean Time Before Failure
MTBS Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
MTDSS MS and TM Data Subsetting System
MTF   Modulation Transfer Function 
MTFC   Modulation Transfer Function Compensation 
MTHR Mission Transition Handover Review
MTI Matera, Italy
MTL Level 1 Metadata or Metadata Text File Extension
MTP   Distribution Product Metadata 
MTR Mission Transition Review
MTS MDS Transformation Services
MTTR Mean Time to Restore
Mean Time to Repair
Mean Time to Recovery
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
MU Mobile Unit
MUA Materials Usage Agreement
MUSES Multiple User System for Earth Sensing
mW   milliWatt 
MWD Moving Window Display
MWIR Mid-wave Infrared
MXL Multimodeling eXchange Language
MYD09 MODIS Surface Reflectance – Aqua Satellite
MYD11 MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity – Aqua Satellite
MYD13 MODIS Vegetation Indices – Aqua Satellite
MYSA Malaysian Space Agency


N/A   Not Applicable 
N/T Normal-Through
N0   Noise Density 
N2 N-Squared
NAD27 North American Datum 1927
NAD83 North American Datum of 1983
NAIP National Agriculture Imagery Program
NAK Negative Acknowledgement
NALCMS North American Land Change Monitoring System
NAPP National Aerial Photography Program
NARA National Archive and Records Administration
NARR North American Regional Reanalysis
NAS NASA Assurance Standard
Network Attached Storage
NASA   National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
NASADEM National Aeronautics and Space Administration Digital Elevation Model
NASCOM NASA Communications 
NASDA   National Space Development Agency (Japan) 
NASRDA National Space Research Agency (Nigeria)
NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office
NB Narrow Band
NBAR Nadir Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Adjusted Reflectance
NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure
NBR Normalized Burn Ratio or Navigation Base Reference
NBRT Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal
NCAC National Civil Applications Committee
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research
NCAS   National Carbon Accounting System 
NCC   Network Control Center 
NCI Non-configured Item
NCR Network Change Request
Non-conformance Report
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NCSA   National Center for Supercomputing Applications 
NCT Network Connectivity Test
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
NDBC National Data Buoy Center
NDE Non-Destructive Examination
NDEP National Digital Elevation Program
NDF   NLAPS Data Format 
NDI Non-Development Items
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
NDMI Normalized Difference Moisture Index
NDOP National Digital Orthoimagery Program
NDP National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive (NSLRSDA) Data Package
NDPF NASA Data Processing Facility
NDSI  Normalized Difference Snow Index
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NDWI Normalized Difference Water Index
NErT Noise Equivalent Delta Temperature
NED Natural Elevation Data
National Elevation Data
NEDL Noise Equivalent Detector Radiance
Noise Equivalent Differential Luminance
NEDT Noise Equivalent Detector Temperature
Noise Equivalent delta Temperature
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEN Near Earth Network
NENUG Near Earth Network User’s Guide
NEOG National Earth Observation Group
NEOS  National Earth Orientation Service 
NEPAG NASA EEE Parts Assurance Group
NESDIS  National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service 
NET No Earlier Than
NetCDF Network Common Data Form
NewOps New Operational Procedures System
NEX NASA Earth Exchange
NFS  Network File System
NG National Guard
NGA National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
NGAC National Geospatial Advisory Committee
NGDA National Geospatial Data Asset
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NGP National Geospatial Program
NGS National Geodetic Survey
NGTOC National Geospatial Technical Operations Center
NH Northern Hemisphere
NHAP National High Altitude Photography
NHB NASA Handbook
NIC Network Interface Card
NIER National Institute of Environmental Research
NIFC National Interagency Fire Center
NIIRS National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale
NIOB Niobrara, Nebraska
NIPD Network Interface Planning Document
NIR Near-infrared
NIRD Network Interface Requirements Document
NIS National Imagery Summit 
NISAR NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar
NISN NASA Integrated Services Network 
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NITF National Imagery Transformation Format
NKAU National Space Agency of Ukraine
NLAPS   National Land Archive Production System 
NLCD National Land Cover Dataset
National Land Cover Database
NLI National Land Imaging
NLIP National Land Imaging Program
NLIR National Land Imaging Requirements
NLSR Nighttime Light Surface Radiance
nm Nanometer
NMAS  National Map Accuracy Standards
NMD National Mapping Discipline
NMDB Navigation and Mission Design Branch
NMS Network Management Software
NN Nearest Neighbor
NOA New Obligating Authority
NOAA  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
NOC NUGS Operations Concept
Network Operations Center
NOLAN  Nascom Operational Local Area Network 
NOM Network Operations Manager
NOR  NORAD Two Line Element Message 
NORAD  North American Air Defense
North American Aerospace Defense Command
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NOVAS Naval Definition Vector Astronomy Software
Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software
NP Narrative Procedure
NPD NASA Policy Directive
NPI Norwegian Polar Institute
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NPM Node Package Manager
NPOESS National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
NPR NASA Procedural Requirements
NPS National Park Service
NPSL NASA Parts Selection List
NPT Network Performance Test
NPV  Net Present Value
Net Pulse Value
NRCA Nonconformance Reporting and Corrective Action
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRD Network Requirements Document
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NRSCC National Remote Sensing Center of China
NRT Network Readiness Test
Near Real Time
NRT-IC Near Real Time for International Cooperators
NRTL Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
NRZ-L   Non-Return to Zero-Level 
NRZ-M   Non-Return to Zero-Mark 
NSA National Security Agency
NSC Norwegian Space Centre
NSDI   Normalized Snow Difference Index
National Spatial Data Infrastructure
NSF National Science Foundation
NSG Neustrelitz, Germany Ground Station
NSIDC National Snow and Ice Data Center
NSLRSDA National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive
NSM Network and Security Manager
NSMC National Satellite Meteorological Center
NSN/NSG Neustrelitz Ground Station (Germany)
NSO Nadir Simultaneous Overpass
Netherlands Space Office
NSOF NOAA Satellite Operations Facility
NSPAR Nonstandard Parts Approval Request
NSS NASA Safety Standard
NSSDA National Standards for Spatial Data Accuracy
NSSDC National Space Science Data Center
NSTC National Science and Technology Council
NSTT New Space Task Team
NTE Not-To-Exceed
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTR New Technology Report
NUC Non-Uniformity Correction
NUGS NASA-USGS Joint Ground System
NUP North Up
NUSO National Uncrewed Systems Office
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NWI National Wetlands Inventory
NWIS National Water Information System
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction
NWS National Weather Service


O&M Operations & Maintenance
O&S Operations & Sustaining
O-CCB Operations Configuration Control Board
O-PRB Operations Products Review Board
OA Operational Archive
Operations Agreement
Operations Analyst
Orbital Alliant Tech Systems
Office Automation
OAC Opportunity Assessment Code 
OAD Operational Algorithm Description
OAG Office of Acquisitions and Grants
OAR On-Orbit Acceptance Review
Operational Acceptance Review
OAV Operational Verification Assessment
OB Orbit Reference Frame
OBC Onboard Computer
Onboard Calibrator
Onboard Blackbody Calibrator
OBE Overcome By Events
OBP Onboard Processor
OBPG Ocean Biology Processing Group
OBS Organizational Breakdown Structure
Obs-IRD Observatory Interface Requirements Document
OC Online Cache or Operations Concept
OCAO Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
OCC Operator Control Console or Occurrence
OCD Operations Concept Document
OCE Office of Chief Engineering
OCI Organization Conflict of Interest
OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCM Operational Configuration Management
Orbital Conjunction Message
OD Orbit Determination
Orbital Debris
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
ODC Other Direct Costs
Open Data Cube
ODI On-Demand Interface
ODL   Object Description Language
Object Definition Language
ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence
ODOS Order Distribution and Order Status
ODS Order Distribution Service
OE Operations Engineer
OEI Office of Enterprising Information
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
Oracle Enterprise Manager
OFE Order Fulfillment Element
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OH Optical Head
OHS Order Handler Subsystem
OIRD Observatory Interface Requirements Document
OIS OLI-2 Interface Simulator
OITL Orbit-In-The-Life
OIV On-orbit Initialization and Verification
OJT On-The-Job Training
OLAF OPO Laser Alignment Facilities
OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing
OLCI Ocean and Land Color Instrument
OLI Operational Land Imager
OLI-2 Operational Land Imager-2
OLS Ordinary Least Square
OLTWG Old Landsat Technical Working Group
OM Operations and Maintenance
OMA  Oblique Mercator Type A 
OMB Office of Management and Budget or Oblique Mercator Type B
OMF Order Metadata File
OMI Ozone Monitoring Instrument
OMP Operations Management Plan
OMS Optimum Management System
ONR Office of Naval Research
OO Orbit Oriented
OOB Out-of-Band
OPA Organizational Process Asset
OPeNDAP Open-Source Project for Network Data Access Protocol
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OPM3 Organizational Management Maturity Model
OPO Optical Parameter Oscillator 
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
OPS   Operations 
Ops Con Operations Concept
Ops GUI Operations Graphical User Interface
OQPSK Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
OR Operations Readiness
Oracle Reduction 
ORB Object Request Broker
Ocean Radar Backscatter
ORC Optimized Row Columnar
ORE Operations Readiness Exercise
OREO Operational Readiness Exercises and Observations
ORIT Oracle Reduction Integation and Test
ORR  Operations Readiness Review
ORST Oracle Reductioin System Test
ORT Operational Readiness Test
OS Operating System
OLI-2 Simulator
OSAM On-Orbit Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing
OSB Observatory System Branch
OSC Orbital Science Corporation
OSD Object Storage Device
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI  Open Systems Interconnection 
OSS Object Storage Server
Operations Support Simulations
Open Source Software
OSSMA Office of Systems Safety and Mission Assurance
OST Object Storage Target
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy
OTB Over Target Baseline
OTF Optical Transfer Function
OLI Test Facility
On The Fly
OTS OLI-TIRS Subsetter
Over Target Schedule
OU Organizational Unit
OUI   Operator User Interface 
OV Operational Verification
OV-1 Operational View 1
OVA Operations Validation and Acceptance
OVAD Operational Verification Acceptance Document
OVAP Operational Verification Acceptance Period
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
OWB Oracle Warehouse Browser
Oracle Warehouse Builder
OWSGUI Oracle Web Service GUI 


P&C Project Management and Controls
P&S Planning and Scheduling
P/D Programmable Demodulator
P/N Part Number
P/P Patch Panel
P3I Preplanned Product Improvement
PaaS Platform as a Service
PAC   Partial Aperture Calibrator
Prince Albert, Canada Ground Station
PACE Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem
PACI Payload and Attitude Control Interface
PAIV Project Acceptance and Implementation Variance
PALMA Portfolio Analysis Machine
PAM Pluggable Authentication Module
PAN Production Acceptance Notification
PAP Primary Archive Program
PAPH Pseudo-Average Pulse Height
PAPL Project Approved Parts List
PAR Post-Assessment Report
PASC   Partial Aperture Solar Calibrator 
PB Playback or Petabyte
PBL Project Baseline Log
PBS Project Breakdown Structure
PBTLM PB X-Band Housekeeping Telemetry
PC  Personal Computer
Production Control
Program Charter
Property Clerk
PCA   Physical Configuration Audit
Physical Channel Access
Point of Closest Approach 
Pcache Processing Cache
PCB Parts Control Board
Project Control Board
Product Control Board
PCD   Payload Correction Data 
PCDS   Payload Correction Data Subsystem 
PCI Peripheral Component Interface
Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCI-E or PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
PCI-X Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCP Parts Control Plan
PCR Project Closeout Review
PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression
PCS   Process Control Subsystem
Product Control Subsystem
Production Control Subsystem
PCSS  Program Coordinate Systems Standards 
PCTUN Percent Uncertainty
PCU Power Control Unit
PD Product Distribution
Position Description
Program Directive
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDB Program Decision Board
Project Database
PDD   Presidential Decision Directive 
PDE Propulsion Drive Electronics
PDF   Portable Document Format
Payload Data Formatter 
PDI Product Delivery Interface
PDL Product Design Lead
PDM Precedence Diagramming Method
PDPS Planning and Data Processing Segment 
PDR Product Delivery Record
Preliminary Design Review
PDRD   Product Delivery Record Discrepancy 
PDRM Product Delivery Receipt Mechanism
PDS  Product Distribution System 
PDU Protocol Data Unit
Power Distribution Unit
PE Proficiency Exercises
PED Personal Electronic Device
Portable Electronic Device
PER Performance Evaluation Review
Pre-Environmental Review
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PF Polarization Factor
PF1 Poker Flats 1
PFPA  Prime Focal Plane Assembly 
PFR Problem / Failure Report
PFS Product Functional Specification
PG Product Generation
PgC Program Charter
PGE Product Generation Element
PgIMS Program Integrated Master Schedule
PgMP Program Management Plan
PGN Polar Ground Network
PGS Product Generation System (Generic Name for NLAPS)
Product Generation Subsystem
PgWBS Program Work Breakdown Structure
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PI Primary Investigator
Principal Investigator
PIA Project Implementation Agreement
Privacy Impact Assessment
PIB Payload Interface Board
PICS Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site
Planetary Image Cartography System
PID Process Identification
PIE Payload Interface Electronics
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PIL Parts Identification List
PIMS Project Integrated Master Schedule
PIP Premium Internet Protocol
PITL Pass-In-The-Life
PIV Personal Identity Verification
PIXELQA Pixel Quality Assessment
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PKO Project Kick-Off
PL Public Law
PL-DRO  Phase-Locked Dielectric Resonance Oscillator 
PL/SQL Procedural Language / Structured Query Language
PLA Payload Adapter
PLAR Postlaunch Assessment Review
PLRA Program Level Requirements Agreement
Program Level Requirements Appendix
PM Phase Modulation
Program Management
Project Management
PMB Performance Measurement Baseline
PMBOK Project Management Book Of Knowledge
PMC Performance Monitoring Counter
Program Management Council
Payload Mode Control
PMEF Primary Mission Essential Function
PMI Project Management Institute
PMMM Program Management Maturity Model
PMO Persistent Mission Object
 Portfolio Management Office
PMP Project Management Professional
Project Management Plan
Procurement Management Plan
PMPDR   Physical Media Product Delivery Record 
PMPDRD   Physical Media PDR Discrepancy 
PMRT Post-Mission Readiness Testing
PMSC Program Management Systems Committee
PMSEIT Program Management, Systems Engineering, and Integration and Test
PMT Performance Measurement Technique
PN  Pseudorandom Noise or Pseudo-Noise
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PNTR   Pointer 
PO Project Owner
Purchase Order
POA&M Plan of Action and Milestones
POC Point of Contact
POJO Plain Old Java Object
POL Policy
Polarimetric Radar
POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna (Polish Space Agency)
POP Point-Of-Presence
Point of Performance
Period of Performance
POS Position and Orientation System
POSC   Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation 
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
POT Product Order Tables
PP Planning Package
PPF   Payload Processing Facility 
PPL Preferred Parts List
PPM Program Project Management
ppm Parts Per Million
PPOC Procurement Point of Contact
PPP Project Protection Plan
PPQA Process and Product Quality Assurance
PPR Post-Pass Report
PPROC Post-Processing
PPS Pulse Per Second
PPT Proficiency Pass Training 
PQ Pixel Quality
PQA Palm Query Application
PR Program Review
Problem Report
Product Request
Purchase Request
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
PRB  Problem Report Message 
PRD Project Reference Database
PRDS Project Reference Database System
PRI  Priority Mask Message 
PRISM Professional Resources in Information Systems Management
Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model
PRL Pull Remote Logs
PRN Pseudorandom Noise Pattern
PRNU Photo Response Non-uniformity
PROD Production
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
PROP Propulsion
PS Polar Stereographic
Production Server
Ps Probability of Mission Success
PSA Pre-Security Assessment
PSD Power Spectral Density
PSF Point Spread Function
PSG Pull and Send GPR
PSGUI Production Server Graphical User Interface
PSHSCCSS Percent Slope, Hillshade, Cloud, Cloud Shadow, and Snow
PSK  Phase Shift Keyed 
PSLA Project Service Level Agreement
PSM Project Safety Manager
PSMON Power Status Monitor
PSR Priority/Service Request Mask File
Preship Review
Preshipment Review
Program Status Review
PSS Pull and Send SSOH
PSU Power Supply Unit
PSW1 Partial Surface Water 1
PTA Post-Test Analysis
PTM Principal Task Manager
PTP Primary Transfer Program
Programmable Telemetry Processor
PTR Post-Test Review
PTS Project Task Structure
PUB Publication
PUP Perfectly Uniform Pitch
PV Planned Value
PVCS   Polytron Version Control System 
PVL   Parameter Value Language 
PWA Printed Wire Assembly
PWB Printed Wiring Board
PWBS Project Work Breakdown Structure
PWC PCS Work Order Controller
PWG PCS Work Order Generator
PWL PCS Work Order Scheduler Lite
PWS Project Website
PCS Work Order Scheduler 
PWSL Potential Wetland Soil Landscape 
PWV Precipitable Water Vapor
PyCCD Python-based CCD


Q   Quadrature Channel
Quantized Output
Q&A   Quality and Accounting 
Q1 Quarter 1
Q1G L1G Quality Assurance
Q1R L1R Quality Assurance
Q2 Quarter 2
Q3 Quarter 3
Q4 Quarter 4
QA Quality Assurance
Quality Assessment
QAA   Quality Assurance Audit
QAS Quality Assessment Subsystem
QASP Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QB Quality Board
Quality Band
QC Quality Control
QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance
QFS Quick File System
QMM   Landsat Quarterly Management Meeting 
QMP Quality Management Plan
QMS Quality Management System
QOCI Qt Oracle Call Interface
QPSK   Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 
QTH Quartz Tungsten Halogen
QUI Quality Assurance User Interface
QWIP Quantum Well Infrared Photometers
QWR  Quarterly Web Review 


R&D  Research and Development
R&D Reference and Validation
R-C Resistor-Capacitor
R-S  Reed-Solomon
R/T Receive/Transmit
R0C A stage of Radiometric Processing; Radiometric Calibration
R0R A stage of Radiometric Processing; Radiometric Artifacts Collection
R1 Release 1
R1R  A stage of Radiometric Processing; Cosmetic Changes
R2 Release 2
R21 Resource 21
R3 Release 3
R53 Amazon Route 53
RA Right Ascension
Risk Assessment
RAC Real Application Cluster
Risk Assessment Code
RAD Radiometric
Rapid Application Development
RadCalNet Radiometric Calibration Network
RadCaTS Radiometric Calibration Test Site
RADSATQA Radiometric Saturation
RadSim Radiometry Simulator
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAM  Random Access Memory
Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Resource Allocation Matrix
RAMP Radarsat Antarctica Mapping Project
RAS Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
RAT Regression Analysis Test
Release Acceptance Test
RBD Risk Based Decision
RBS Reflective Band Sensor
Risk Breakdown Structure
RBST Role-Based Security Training
RBV  Return Beam Vidicon 
RC Real Constellation
RCA Radio Corporation of America
RCA-EO Requirements, Capabilities, and Analysis for Earth Observations
RCC Raw Computer Compatible 
RCCA Root Cause and Corrective Action
RCM Resource Configuration Manager
RADARSAT Constellation Mission
RCMAP Rangeland Condition, Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection
RCN  Revision Control Number 
RCR Remote Controlled Repository
RCS Reaction Control System
Reference Climate Station
RD Requirements Document
RDA Research Data Alliance
RDAC Redundant Disk Array Controller
RDB Requirements Database Baseline
RDBMS Related Database Management System
RDC Remote Desktop Connection
RDCS  Raw Data Capture Subsystem 
RDM Radiation Design Margin
RDPS  Raw Data Processing Subsystem 
RDS  Raw Data Subsetter
Relational Database Service
Remote Desktop Services
RDSS RCC Data Subsetter
Raw Data Subsetting Subsystem
RE Requirements Engineer and Responsible Engineer
REC Recovery Time
REF Reference
REL Relative
REQ Service Request Message
RER Relative Edge Response
REST Representational State Transfer
REVCM Revised Cloud Mask
RF  Radio Frequency 
RFA Request for Action
RFC Request for Comments
RFI Request for Information
RFID Root File Identification
Radio-Frequency Identification
RFO Request for Offer
RFP  Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quote
RFR Request for Record
Run for Record
RFS Radio Frequency System
RG Relative Gain
RGAC RADARSAT-1 Global Archive Consolidation
RGB  Red Green and Blue Color Value 
RGE Research Grade Evaluation
RH Red-High or Right Hand
RHC  Right-Hand Circular 
RHCP Right-Hand Circularly Polarized
RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux
RHORC Rayleigh-corrected Reflectance
RHS Right-Hand Side
Right-Hand SLO
RHSS RHEL Satellite Server
RIDS Review Item Discrepancies
RIM Risk Information Management Tool
RIO Risks, Issues, and Opportunities
RIPL Risk Identification Prompt List
RIRLS Robust Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
RIS24  24-bit Raster Image 
RIT Rochester Institute of Technology
RITSO Regional IT Security Officer
RL Red-Low
RLN Resource Load Network
RLUT Response Linearization Look-Up Table
RM Requirements Management
Risk Manager or Resource Manager
RMAN Recovery Manager
RMAP Remote Memory Access Protocol
RMB Risk Management Board
RMD Risk Management Database
RMF Risk Management Framework
RMM Risk Mitigation Maneuvers
RMP Requirements Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
RMR Risk Management Record
RMS Root Mean Square or Risk Management System
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
RMSEr Radial Root Mean Square Error
RMT Risk Management Tool
RN Random Noise
RO Receiving Officer
ROC Real-Time Operations Console
ROI Return on Investment
Region of Interest
ROIC Read-Out Integrated Circuit
ROLO Robotic Lunar Observatory
ROM  Rough Order of Magnitude 
ROS Relative Operational Sequence
ROSCOSMOS Russian Space Agency
ROSHYDROMET Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
RPC Remote Procedure Call
Rational Polynomial Coefficient
RPE Rational Publishing Engine
RPI Rumpin, Indonesia Ground Station
RPM Revolutions per Minute
RPM Package Manager
RPS Radiometric Processing Subsystem 
RR Readiness Review
RRAS Routing and Remote Access Services
RRB Reduced Resolution Browse
Rrs Remote Sensing Reflectance
RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
RSB Remote Sensing Branch
RSD Remote Sensing Division
RSDO Rapid Spacecraft Development Office
RSDP Rapid Spacecraft Development Office
RSP Real-Time Science Processing
RSPP Robotic System Protection Plan
RSR Relative Spectral Responses
RSS Reuse Subsystem
Really Simple Syndication
Rich Site Summary
Root Sum Square
RST Remote Sensing Technologies
RT Real Time or Radiative Transfer
RTA  Roof Top Antenna 
RTC  Remote Telemetry and Command Unit
Remote Telemetry Command
RTCS  Relative Time Command Sequence 
RTF Rich Text Format
RTK Real-Time Kinematic
RTO Real Time Operations
RtoO Research-to-Development-to-Operations
RTS Relative Time Sequence
RTT Round Trip Time
RTTM Requirements-To-Test Matrix
RTTOV Radiative Transfer (RT) for Television InfraRed Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS)
RVM Requirements Verification Matrix
RVPN Railroad Valley Playa
RWA Reaction Wheel Assembly
RWOC Radiometric Work Order Common
RX Receive


S&O  Search and Order
S&CMP Stakeholder & Communications Management Plan
S-NPP Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership
S/C  Spacecraft 
S/T Straight-Through
S/W Software
S2 Sentinel-2
S2QWG Sentinel-2 Quality Working Group
S2VT Sentinel-2 Validation Team
S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service
SA Spacecraft Analyst
Single Access
Systems Administrator
Storage and Archive Subsystem
System Architect
SA-AC Storage Archive – Archive Cache
SA-IC Storage and Archive – Internal Cache
SA-PC Storage Archive – Processing Cache
SAA South Atlantic Anomaly
Solar Azimuth Angle
SaaS Software as a Service
SAC  Satellite Application Centre (South Africa) 
SADA Solar Array Drive Assembly
SADD System Algorithm Description Document
SAFe Scaled Agile Framework
SAG System Administrator Guide
SAGUI Storage and Archive Graphical User Interface
SAIC  Science Applications International Corporation 
SAM  Scan Angle Monitor
Storage Archive Manager
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language
SAMP Software Acquisition Management Plan
SAN Storage Area Network
SanDiA Sankey Diagram Application
SANS System Administration, Networking, and Security Institute
SANSA South African National Space Agency
SAP Systems Applications and Products
Software Assurance Plan
SAPMSO Space Asset Protection Mission Support Office
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
Spacecraft Acceptance Review
SARF System Access Request Form
SARR Security Assessment Response Report
SAS Serial Attached SCSI
Solar Array Simulator
SASS Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
SAT Site Acceptance Testing
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SatAPI Satellite Application Programming Interface
SATO Science Algorithms to Operations
SAVI Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
SAW Systems Analysis Workgroup
SAWG Software Assurance Working Group
SB SoftBench Simulator
SBA Societal Benefit Area
SBAF Spectral Band Adjustment Factor
SBC Single Board Computer
SBCG System Build and Configuration Guide
SBG Software Build Guide
Surface Biology and Geology
SBM Serena Business Manager
Solutions Business Manager
SBRS  Santa Barbara Remote Sensing 
SBS Subsetter System
SBU Sensitive But Unclassified
SC Spacecraft or Science Campaign
SC-GND Spacecraft to Ground
SCA Sensor Chip Assembly
Snow Covered Area
Security Configuration Assessment
Static Code Analyzer
SCAMA Switching, Conferencing, and Monitoring Arrangement
Station Conferencing and Monitoring Assembly
SCAN Soil Climate Analysis Network
SCB Schedule Control Board
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
System Control Center
Station Control Computer
SCD Small Conversion Device
SCDR Spacecraft Critical Design Review
SCES Station Contact Execution Summary
SCH  Contact Schedule Message 
SCI Software Configuration Item
SCID  Spacecraft Identifier 
SCL  Signal Conditioning Unit - Lower Equipment Module 
SCLAST Time Since Last Change
SCM Software Configuration Management
Shared Container Migration
SCMAG Change Magnitude
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SCMQA Spectral Model Quality
SCN  Scan 
SCP  Standard Controls Processor
Secure Copy Protocol
SCR System Concept Review
Software Configuration Request
Standard Collection Request
Special Collection Request
Satellite Cross-calibration Radiometer
SCRC Special Collection Request Cancellation
SCRIL Smart Card Required for Interactive Login
SCRU Special Collection Request Update
SCS Scan-Correlated Shift
Satellite Checkout Station
NOAA/IPO Space and Communications Segment
SCSS Sass Cascading Style Sheets
SCSI Small Computer Software Interface
SCSTAB Spectral Stability Period
SCTIME Time of Spectral Change
SCTR Special Calibration Test Requirements
SD South Dakota or Scan Direction
SDAT Special Data Acquisition Tool
SDAV Spatial Data Analysis & Visualization
SDB Satellite-derived Bathymetry
SDCG Space Data Coordination Group
SDD  Software Design Document
Station Description Document
SDDS Seamless Data Distribution System
SDF  Software Development File 
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SDK Software Development Kit
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
Software Development Life Cycle
SDLT  Super DLT 
SDM Silo Data Manager
SDMP Software Development Management Plan
SDN South Dakota Network
SDP  Software Development Plan
Science Data Production
Science Data Processing
SDP&I Science Data Processing and Infrastructure
SDPE Science Data Processing and Engineering
SDPS Support Data Processing Subsystem
Science Data Processing Segment
SDR System Design Review or Software-defined Radio
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDS  Scientific Data Set
Space Defense Squadron
SDU Service Data Unit
SDVF Software Development and Validation Facility
Spacecraft Development Verification Facility
SDW Seamless Data Warehouse
SE Systems Engineer
Systems Engineering
SEA Sensor Azimuth Angle
SeaDAS Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor Data Analysis System
SeaWiFS Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor
SEB Source Evaluation Board
SEBAL Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land
SED  Software Engineering Department
Stream Editor
SEE Single-Event Effect or Science Execution Environment
Software Engineering Environment
SEFI Single Event Functional Interrupt
SEI  Software Engineering Institute 
SEIT System Engineer Integration and Test
SEL Single-Event Latchup or Software Engineer Lead
SELC System Engineering Lifecycle
SelfDef Self-Defining CMDA format
SEM Security Engineered Machine
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan
SEO Systems Engineering Office
SES Schedule and Exchange System
SET Systems Engineering Team
SETA Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance
SEU  Single-Event Upset – Anomaly Event 
SEV Severity or Sun-Earth-Vehicle angle 
SEWP Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement
SEZ Sensor Zenith Angle
SF Service Framework
SFBME Short-Form Brouwer Mean Element
SFC Scene Framing Component
SFCG Space Frequency Coordination Group
SFFT Short-Form Functionality Testing
SfM Structure from Motion
SFT SIFMT File Transfer
SFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol
Sg/SG6 Svalbard Ground Station
SG1 Svalbard, Norway
SGDAWG Space to Ground Data Acquisition Working Group
SGI  Silicon Graphics Incorporated
Shadnagar, India Ground Station
SGICD Space to Ground Interface Control Document
SGLT Space to Ground Link Terminal
SGO Satellite and Ground Systems Operations 
SGP4 Simplified General Perturbations
SGS Svalbard Ground Station
Svalsat Ground Station
SGT Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies
SH Southern Hemisphere
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
Shapelib Shapefile Library
SHC Shutter Histogram Characterization
SHS  Second Half Scan 
SHSERR Second Half Scan Error
SI Searchable Inventory
Space Imaging
Science Instrument
International System of Units
Système International or Spectral Indices
SIAT Spectral Image Annotation Tape
SIC Spacecraft Identifier Code
SID Searchable Inventory Database or System ID
SIDECAR System for Image Digitization Enhancement Control and Retrieval
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SIFMT Scene to Interval to File Mapping Table
SIG  Signaling 
SIP Standard Internet Protocol
SiPIN Silicon PIN
SIPS Science Investigation Processing System
SIR  Scientific Investigations & Research
Survey Investigation and Research or System Integration Review
SIRCUS Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Responsivity Calibration Using Uniform Sources
SIRD Satellite Instrument Requirements Document
SIRU Scalable Inertial Reference Unit
SIS Science Information System
Spacecraft Interface Simulator
Spherical Integrating Sources
SISO Subsystem Information System Owner
SISSE Senior Information System Security Engineer
SIT Strategic Implementation Team
SITL Single Interval-In-The-Life
SITP Software Integration Test Plan
SKMP System Key Management Plan
SL  Scan Line or Stim Lamp
SLA Service Level Agreement
Scan Line Artifact
SLAM Storage Location Allocation Manager
SLAT Spacecraft Location and Attitude Tape
SLATE System Level Automation Tool for Enterprises
SLC Scan Line Corrector
Software Development Life Cycle
SLD  Scan Line Data 
SLI Sustainable Land Imaging
SLL  Scan Line Length 
SLO Scan Line Offset 
SLOC Standard Lines of Code
SLP Service Location Protocol
SLPP Summary Level Planning Package
SLS  Scan Line Start 
SLSTR Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer
SLT Senior Leadership Team
SM Schedule Manager
Scan Mirror
SM RVM Science and Mission Requirements Verification Matrix
SMA  Safety and Mission Assurance
S-Band Multiple Access
Semi-Major Axis
SMACAA SDSU MODTRAN Atmospheric Correction Anytime Anywhere
SMAP Safety and Mission Assurance Plan 
SMART Space-based Machine Automated Recognition Technique
SMAT System, Model, and Analysis Tool
SMC Subsetter Monitor and Controllers
SMD Stored Mission Data
Science Mission Directorate
SME  Scan Mirror Electronics
Subject Matter Expert
SMP Software Maintenance Plan
Software Management Plan
SMR Staff Management Request
SMRD Science and Mission Requirements Document
Spacecraft Mission Requirements Document
SMS System Management Server
Science Modeling System
SMSR Safety and Mission Success Review
SMTF Sync Marked Transfer Frame
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SN  Space Network 
SNAS Space Network Access System
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNO Simultaneous Nadir Overpass 
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SNS Simple Notification Service
SNSA Swedish National Space Agency
SNUG Space Network Users' Guide
SNWG Satellite Needs Working Group
SO Search and Order
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
Satellite Operator Agency
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOC Satellite Operations Center
SOCC Satellite Operations Control Center
SOD Seconds Of Day
SOH State of Health
SOM  Space Oblique Mercator 
SOMA Scanning Order Management Application
SON Statement of Need
SOO Statement of Objectives
SOP  Standard Operating Procedure 
SORN System of Record Notice
SOS or S/OS Spacecraft/Observatory Simulator
SOW  Statement of Work
SP Special Publication
SPA Science Processing Algorithm
SPAM Spatial Production Allocation Model
SpaceWire Access Memory
SPAOS Standard Product Automatic Ordering System
SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture
SPDR Spacecraft Preliminary Design Review
SPI Schedule Performance Index
SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics
SPIT Systems Performance Improvement Team
SPITL Scheduling Period In The Life
SPL Software Project Lead
SPOC Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Proof of Concept or Security Point of Contact
SPOF Single Point of Failure
SPOT Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (Satellite for Earth Observation)
SPR Software Problem Report
SPS Science Product System
SID Population Service
SPSR System Preship Review
SPT Science Processing Toolkit
SPT VDI Science Processing Toolkit Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
SPVM System Performance Verification Matrix
SPVP System Performance Verification Plan
SQA Software Quality Assurance
SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SQL Structured Query Language
SQMS Software Quality Management System
SQPSK Staggered Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
SQRT  Square Root
SQS Amazon Simple Queue Service
SR System Review
Surface Reflectance
sr  Steradian 
SRAEROSOLQA Internal Surface Reflectance Aerosol Quality Assessment
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRB Schedule Review Board
Standing Review  Board
SRCLOUDQA Surface Reflectance Quality Assessment Band
SRD   System Requirements Document 
SRE Site Reliability Engineering
SRI Standard Robot Interface
SRLUT Spectral Radiance Look-Up Table
SRF Spectral Response Function
SRI Summation Research, Inc.
SRIX4Veg Surface Reflectance Intercomparison eXercise for Vegetation
SRM Silo Resource Manager
SRO Systems Review Office
SRP Systems Review Plan
SRR System Readiness Review
System Requirements Review
Software Requirements Review
SRS Software Requirements Specification
System Requirements Specification
SRT Systems Review Team
Si Racha, Thailand Ground Station
SRTM   Software Requirements Traceability Matrix
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
SS Space Segment or System Support
Signal Strength or Steady State
SSA  S-Band Single Access
Space Situational Awareness
SSAI Science Systems and Applications, Inc
SSC Software Security Center
SSCL Standard System Control List
SSD Subsystem Design Document
 Solid State Drive
SSDLC Secure Software Development Life Cycle
SSE Subsystem Engineer
SSEB Simplified Surface Energy Balance
SSEBop Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance
SSERB Systems Support Engineering Review Board
SSG System Support Group
SSH Secure Shell
SSHGS Secure Shell Gateway Service
SSI Sensitive Security Information
Spectral Sampling Interval
Superspectral Imager
SSIP System Safety Implementation Plan
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SSM Scene Select Mechanism
Scene Select Mirror
 Amazon Systems Manager
SSO Single Sign-On
SSoH Stored State of Health
SSOP Security Standard Operating Procedure
SSP System Security Plan
Satellite Support Plan
SSP-MSO Space System Protection - Mission Support Office 
SSPA  Solid State Power Amplifier 
SSPP Systems Safety Program Plan
SSR  Solid State Recorder
Software Specification Review
SSRR Spacecraft System Requirements Review
SSSC Science Support Services Contract
SSURGO NRCS Soil Survey Geographic Database
ST System Test or Surface Temperature
STAC SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog
STARFM Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model
STARS Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction System
STC System Test Case
STD Standard
STDEV Standard Deviation
STDMP Simulated and Test Data Management Plan
STDN Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network 
STE System Test Equipment
STESR System Test Execution Summary Report
STF  System Transfer Function
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guide
STIM Stimulus
STK StorageTek
Systems Toolkit
STOL System Test and Operations Language
STP System Test Plan
STQA Surface Temperature Quality Assessment
STR System Test Report
Special Task Report
STS Scene Transmit Schedule
Security Token Service
STSOC System Test and Operations Language
STSS Synchronize to Secondary Server
STV Spacecraft Transportation Vehicle
SUI Subsetter Operator User Interface
SUM Summary
SUMM Software User and Maintenance Manual
SUN Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SURFRAD Surface Radiation
Surface Radiation Budget Network
SUROM Start-Up Read-Only Memory
SV  Space Vehicle, Schedule Variance, or Subversion
SvalSat Svalbard Satellite Station
SVN Sun-Vehicle-Normal angle or Subversion
SVT Site Verification Test
SVVP System Verification and Validation Plan
SW Switch
SWAP Size, Weight, and Power
SWD Software Development
SWE Software Engineer
SWG Simulator Working Group
Standards Working Group
SWIR Short Wavelength Infrared
Shortwave Infrared
SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat
Surface Water and Ocean Topography
SYS Systems
SZA Solar Zenith Angle



T Temperature 
T&A Trending and Analysis
Trending & Archive
T&C Telemetry and Command
T&E Testing and Evaluation
T/V Thermal/Vacuum
T1 Tower 1
Tier 1
T2 Tower 2
Tier 2
T382 Triangular 382
Ta Maximum daily air temperature
TAA Technical Assistance Agreement
TAI International Atomic Time
TAM Three-Axis Magnetometer
TAMR Telemetry Archive Metrics Report
TAP Technical Assessment Panel
Time-series Analysis and Plotting
TAR Tape Archiver
TAT Turn-Around-Time 
TAYF Test As You Fly
TB Terabyte
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Determined 
TBDEM Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model
TBR To Be Resolved
To Be Reviewed
To Be Refined
TBS To Be Submitted
To Be Supplied
To Be Specified
To Be Scheduled
TC Test Case
Test Conductor
Thermal Control
Tasseled Cap
TC0AOS TIRS Collection 0 Automatic Ordering System
TC1AOS TIRS Collection 1 Automatic Ordering System
TCA Time of Closest Approach
TCDC Total Cloud Cover
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
Technology Control Plan
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 
TCPI To Complete Performance Index
TCS Thermal Control Subsystem
TCXO Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TD Test Director
TDB Barycentric Dynamical Time
TDEA Triple Data Encryption Algorithm
TDF Tracking Data Formatter
Time-Dependent Factor
TDG Test Data Generator
TDI Time Delay Integration
TDMS Technical Data Management System
TDR Test Discrepancy Report
Trusted Digital Repository
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System 
TDT Terrestrial Dynamical Time
TDWG Test Dataset Working Group
TDY Temporary Duty
TE Test Engineer
TEM Technical Exchange Meeting
TERSS Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station Consortium 
TES Thermal-Emissivity Separation
TESR Test Execution Summary  Report
TFA Two-Factor Authentication
TFDH Telemetry Frame Delivery Header
TFF TIRS Free Flyer
TGS Tile Generation System
tHC The Hammers Company
TIC Trusted Internet Connection
TICD Thermal Interface Control Document
TID Total Ionizing Dose
TIFF Tagged Image File Format 
TIM Technical Interchange Meeting
Technical Issue Memorandum
Thermal Infrared Module
TIPCE TIRS-2 Image Performance and Cryogenic Evaluation
TIR Thermal Infrared
TIROS Television InfraRed Observation Satellite
TIRS Thermal Infrared Sensor
Thermal Infrared Scanner
TIRS-2 Thermal Infrared Sensor -2
TIS Thermal Infrared Sensor
TIRS Interface Simulator
 Teledyne Imaging Sensor Corp.
TIU Tape Interface Unit 
TL8AOS TIRS Landsat 8 Automatic Ordering System
TL8CAOS TIRS Landsat 8 Collection Automatic Ordering System
TLE Two-Line Element 
TLM Telemetry
TLS Transport Layer Security
TM Thematic Mapper
Traverse Mercator
Task Manager
Test Modulator
TM-A Thematic Mapper - Archive Format
TM-R Thematic Mapper - Raw Format
TMACS Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner Archive Conversion System
Tmask Time-series Mask
multiTemporal Mask
TMIAS Thematic Mapper Image Assessment System
TML Total Mass Loss
TMON Telemetry Monitor
TMR Thermal Mapper Raw
TMS Training Management System
TMSCAG Thematic Mapper-based Fractional Snow Cover and Grain Size
TMSG Terrain Mapping Subgroup
TMSR TSSC Monthly Status Report
TMSS TM Subsetter
TnB Thumbnail Browse
TNOC Tromso Network Operations Center
TNOS Tromso Network Operations Centre
TNS Transport Network Substrate
TO Task Order
Terrain Occlusion
TOA Top of Atmosphere
TOA BT Top of Atmosphere Brightness Temperature
TOAR Top of Atmosphere Reflectance
TOMS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOMS-EP Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer-Earth Probe
TOR Terms of Reference
TOV TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder
TP Task Plan or Trimmed Pass
TPIO Technology, Planning and Integration for Observation
TPL Telemetry Packetization Layer 
TPM Technical Performance Measures
TPS Test Procedure Specification
TPU Total Propagated Uncertainty
TQCM Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalance
TRAD Thermal Radiance Layer
TRAM Tracking, Routing, and Metrics
TRAMAOS Tracking, Routing, and Metrics Automatic Ordering System
TRD Technical Requirements Document
TREES Tropical Ecosystem Environment Observations by Satellite
TRN Technical Redirection Notice
TRR Test Readiness Review
TRT Transition Readiness Test
TS TIRS-2 Simulator
TSI Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
TSR Technical Service Request
TSSC Technical Support Services Contract
TST Technical Support Team
Tsync T-Interface Synchronization
TT Terrestrial Time
TT&C Telemetry, Tracking, and Control
TT&E Test, Training, and Exercise
TTF TIRS Test Facility
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TTMS TSSC Task Management System
TTOR Transition To Operations Review
TTPs Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
TUTR Tunable Universal Track Receiver
TÜBITAK Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
TVAC Thermal Vacuum
Tw//DTW Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
TWITL Total WRS-2 in the Life
TWM Task and Work Management
TWTA Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier
TX Transmit



U/C Up Converter
U/L Uplink 
U/P  Uplink Processor 
UAC User Account Control
UAE United Arab Emirates
UAF University of Alaska, Fairbanks
UAR Update as Required
UAS Unmanned Aerial System
Uncrewed Aerial System
UB Undistributed Budget
UDI Uplink Downlink
UDM  Unusable Data Mask 
UDP Upper Data Point
User Datagram Protocol
UDT UDP Data Transfer
UG User's Guide
uhd User's Home Directory
UI  User Interface 
UIC User Interface Compile
UID Unique Identifier
UINT8 8-bit Unsigned Integer
UIS USGS Inventory Server
UKSA United Kingdom Space Agency
UL Upper Left 
ULA United Launch Alliance
ULC Update LGN Cache
UM Unified Messaging
UML Unified Modeling Language
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNIX Bell Laboratories trademark for operating system language and time sharing
unixODBC Unix Open Database Connectivity
UNOOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNT Unsigned Integer
UP User Portal System
UPE User Portal Element
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
Universal Polar Stereographic
UPW User Portal Website
UQPSK Unbalanced Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
UR Upper Right
User Request
URAD Upwell Radiance Layer
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator 
URP User Request Parameters
URS User Registration System
US  United States 
USAF United States Air Force
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USB Universal Serial Bus
USC United States Code
USDA  U.S. Department of Agriculture 
USFS United States Forest Service
USG U.S. Government 
USGS U.S. Geological Survey 
USML United States Munitions List
USNO U.S. Naval Observatory
USPS U.S. Postal Service
USSF United States Space Force
USSTRATCOM U.S. Strategic Command
UT  Universal Time
Unit Test
UT1 UTC Corrected 
UTC  Universal Time Code
Coordinated Universal Time
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator 


V&V Verification and Validation
VA Veterans Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
VAA Viewing Azimuth Angle
VAC Variance at Completion
Volts AC
VAFB Vandenberg Air Force Base 
VAL Validation
VAP Value-Added Processor
VAR Value-Added Resellers
Variance Analysis Report
VAST Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
VC Virtual Channel
VC63 Virtual Channel 63
VCA Virtual Channel Access 
VCDU Virtual Channel Data Unit 
VCID Virtual Channel Identifier
Virtual Channel Identification
VCLC  Virtual Channel Link Control 
VCM Vector Covariance Message
VDC Virtual Data Center
Volts Direct Current
VDD  Version Description Document 
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDP Validation Data Products
VER  Version 
VF Valley Forge 
VHRI Very High-Resolution Imager
VH-RODA Very High-resolution Radar & Optical Data Assessment
VI Vegetation Index
VIIRS Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite 
VIS Visual Information Systems
VisID Visual Identification
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VLUT Vendor Look-Up Table
VM Version Manager 
VMM Virtual Machine Manager
VMS Virtual Memory Storage
VNIR Visible and Near Infrared 
VNP09 VIIRS Surface Reflectance
VO Verification Owner
VOI Value of Information
VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
VP Vertical Polarization
VPC Virtual Port Channel
Virtual Private Cloud
VPN Virtual Private Network 
VQA Visual Quality Assurance
VRM Verification Requirements Matrix
VRP Video Reference Pixel
VRS Vertical Resampling Space
VSD Volume Size Distribution
VSFB  Vandenberg Space Force Base 
VSM Versity Storage Manager
VSWIR Visible to Short Wavelength Infrared
VTI Value Tree Information
VTL Verification Tracking Log
VTP Verification Test Procedures
VTW Value Tree Workbook
VVP Verification and Validation Plan
VZA Viewing Zenith Angle


W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WA Work Authorization
WAD Work Authorization Document
WAF Web Application Firewall
WAN Wide Area Network
WAO Work Authorization Order
WB  Wideband 
WBDR Wideband Downlink Report
WBM Wideband Module
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WBV Wideband Video
WBVT Wideband Videotape
WC Worst Case
WCS Web Coverage Services
WDCD Wideband Data Capture Device
WELD Web-Enabled Landsat Data
WFS Web Feature Services
WG Working Group
WGClimate Working Group on Climate
WGCV Working Group for Calibration and Validation
WGISS Working Group on Information Systems and Services
WGRIB Web Gridded Information in Binary Form
WGS World Geodetic System or Wallops Ground Station
WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984
WGSC Western Geographic Science Center
WILMA Wide Long-Term Multi-Satellite Archive
WIP Work In Progress
WITL WRS2-In-The-Life
Week in the Life
WLS Weighted Least Square
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WMS Web Mapping Services
WMTS Web Mapping Tile Services
WO Work Order
WORS  Wallops Orbital Tracking Station 
WOTIS Wallops Orbital Tracking Information Systems 
WP Work Plan or Work Package
WPI Wetland Potential Index
WPS Wallops Ground Station
WR Western Range
WRD Water Resources Division
WRS Worldwide Reference System 
WRS-2  Worldwide Reference System-2
WRS2TT Worldwide Reference System-2 to Time Translation
WRS2TTT Worldwide Reference System-2 to Time Translation Table
WSC White Sands Complex 
WSDL Web Service Definition Language
WSGI Web Server Gateway Interface
WSGT White Sands (NASA) Ground Terminal 
WS-I Web Services Interoperability
WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux
WVTCS Wideband Videotape Conversion System
WWW World Wide Web 
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get


XGBoost eXtreme Gradient Boosting
XIB Transmitter Interface Board
XML Extensible Markup Language 
XS Multispectral SPOT Sensor
XSD XML Schema Definition
XSS Cross-Site Scripting
XT Across Track
XTX X-Band Transmitter 


YAML YAML Ain’t Markup Language
Yet Another Markup Language
YGC Yaw Gyro Compassing 
YH Yellow-High
YL Yellow-Low
YSF Yaw Steering Frame
YTD Year-To-Date


Zulu time (same as GMT) 
ZB Zettabyte
ZFS Zettabyte File System


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