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Landsat Science Team Meeting - February 10-14, 2013

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Santa Ynez Marriott

Buellton, California

February 10-14, 2013


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Meeting Objectives: 

  1. Participate in the Landsat Data Continuity Mission launch activities (briefings and reviews).
  2. Finalize post-launch data evaluation plans.
  3. Review and evaluate current USGS Landsat Project activities.
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team

Sunday, February 10 - Pre-Launch Activities

  • Welcomes, introductions, and review of meeting goals and objectives (Tom Loveland, USGS; Jim Irons, NASA)
  • Launch perspectives (Matt Larsen, USGS; David Jarrett, NASA)
  • Comments by agency leaders (Anne Castle, DOI; Mike Freilich, NASA)
  • Team discussion with special guest Barbara Ryan, Secretariat Director, Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • Landsat Data Continuity Mission pre-launch briefing (Jim Irons, NASA)


Monday, February 11 - LDCM Launch

  • Assemble for trip to launch viewing location
  • LDCM (Landsat 8) launch and briefings
  • Return to hotel meeting site
  • Media and guest briefings and discussions


Tuesday, February 12

  • Landsat 8 post-launch update (Del Jenstrom, NASA)
  • Landsat Advisory Group report (Kass Green, LAG)
  • Science team member updates on research plans:
    • Africa’s changing land cover (Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Centre)
    • Ecological Applications of Landsat Data- USDA Forest Service Science and Operational Needs (Warren Cohen, USDA Forest Service)
    • SDSU OIV Activities (Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University)
    • Integrating Field-Level Biophysical Metrics Derived from Landsat Science Products into a National Agricultural Data Warehouse (James Hipple, USDA Risk Management Agency)
    • Synergies between future Landsat and European satellite missions for better understanding coupled human-environment systems (Patrick Hostert, Humboldt University of Berlin)
    • Developing and Enhancing Landsat Derived Evapotranspiration and Surface Energy Products (Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute)
    • Operational Monitoring of US Croplands with Landsat 8 (David Johnson, USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service)
    • Using time-series approaches to improve Landsat’s characterization of landscape dynamics (Robert Kennedy, Boston University)
    • Multi-sensor Landsat time series (Leo Lymburner, Geoscience Australia)
    • Post-launch calibration/validation at several scales (Joel McCorkel, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
    • Continuity of the Web Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) Product record in the LDCM era (David Roy, South Dakota State University)
    • Cryospheric Applications of LDCM / Landsat-8 (Ted Scambos, University of Colorado)
    • North American Land Surface Albedo and Nearshore Shallow-Bottom Properties from Landsat and MODIS/VIIRS (Crystal Schaaf and Zhongping Lee, University of Massachusetts, Boston)
    • Land/Water-Sat: Landsat’s New Potential to Monitor Case 2 Waters (John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology)
    • Developing decadal high-resolution global lake products from LDCM and Landsat archive (Yongwei Sheng, University of California, Los Angeles)
    • Development of the surface reflectance Fundamental Climate Data Record from the Landsat archive, the LDCM mission and future Landsats (Eric Vermote, Christopher Justice, University of Maryland)
    • Ecological Disturbance Monitoring Using Landsat Time Series Data (Jim Vogelmann, U.S. Geological Survey)
    • Better Use of the Landsat Temporal Domain: Monitoring Land Cover Type, Condition and Change (Curtis Woodcock, Boston University)
    • Integrating the past, present, and future of Landsat: Continuity of science, applications, monitoring, and reporting (Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service)
    • Why Multispectral Matters - (Randy Wynne , Virginia Tech)
  • NASA Education and Public Outreach activities (Holli Riebeek, NASA)
  • Landsat Science Team outreach discussion on contributions to education and public outreach activities
  • Sentinel-2 update (Bianca Hoersch, ESA)
  • Landsat 5 and 7 status (Kristi Kline, USGS)
  • Landsat 5 decommissioning status (Steve Covington, USGS/Aerospace)


Wednesday, February 13

  • Landsat 8 post-launch Update (Jim Irons, NASA)
  • Landsat 9 on-orbit testing plans (Jim Irons, NASA; John Dwyer, USGS)
  • Landsat 8 LPGS data schedule plans and schedule (John Dwyer, USGS)
  • Landsat 8 data acquisition strategy (Gene Fosnight, USGS)
  • Landsat 8 data characterization
  • Cal/Val Team introductions:
    • Landsat-8 instrument overview (Phil Dabney, NASA)
    • Landsat-8 radiometry overview (Brian Markham, NASA)
    • Landsat-8 geometry overview (Jim Storey, USGS)
  • Working session on Landsat Science Team discussion on priorities and plans (Woodcock and Roy):
    • Landsat 8 instrument performance and science readiness
    • Future Landsat products
    • Planning for Landsat 9 and beyond
    • International imaging constellation opportunities
    • Special interest working group formation
  • Wrap-up discussion and identification of next steps


Thursday, February 14

  • Joint technical session with Landsat Cal/Val Team on Landsat 8 data characteristics:
    • TIRS Design and Performance Overview (Dennis Reuter, NASA)
    • OLI Design and Performance Overview (Phil Dabney, NASA)
    • OLI/Sentinel-2 Cross Calibration (Lawrence Ong, NASA)
    • Geometry Characterization and Calibration Overview and Plans (Jim Storey, USGS)
    • Radiometry Plans and Issues (Brian Markham, NASA)
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