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Landsat Science Team Meeting - July 15-17, 2008

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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U.S. Geological Survey Headquarters

Reston, Virginia

July 15-17, 2008


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Tuesday, July 15

Landsat Data Continuity Mission Progress

  • LDCM overall status (Bill Ochs, NASA)
  • OLI briefing (Ed Knight and others, Ball Aerospace)
  • LDCM ground system status (John Dwyer, USGS)
  • Mission schedule and capabilities (Ed Grigsby, NASA)

Other Landsat Related Reports

  • Landsat 5 and 7 status and planning for web access (Kristi Kline, USGS)
  • Cloud detection and other image Processing Issues (Pat Scaramuzza, SGT/USGS EROS)
  • Status of global Landsat archive planning (Steve Covington, Aerospace/USGS and Steve Labahn, USGS)
  • GLS 2005 status and GLS 2010 Planning (Jeff Masek, NASA and John Dwyer, USGS)
  • CEOS Constellation for Land Surface Imaging and GLS 2010 (Bryan Bailey, USGS)
  • Outreach update (Anita Davis, NASA)
  • USGS Landsat user’s survey and cost-benefit study (Richard Bernknopf, Natalie Sexton and Holly Stinchfield, USGS)


Wednesday, July 16 

Science Team Members Presentations

  • Monitoring trends in forest condition in the western United States using Landsat time series data (Jim Vogelmann, ASRC Research and Technology Solutions/USGS EROS)
  • Update on tropical forest monitoring with Landsat image mosaics (Eileen Helmer, U.S. Forest Service)
  • The promise of an open Landsat archive: A new era for landscape monitoring and management? (Robert Kennedy, Oregon State University)
  • Benefits of the new Landsat data access policy (Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Centre)
  • Interannual, multitemporal applications of Landsat to forest ecosystem monitoring and management (Randy Wynne, Virginia Tech)
  • Monitoring forest change with Landsat and early rumblings on cirrus Clouds (Curtis Woodcock, Boston University)
  • Synergistic use of EOS/MODIS and Landsat/TM for mapping global forest carbon fluxes (Rama Nemani, NASA)
  • Cloud Contamination in Landsat Imagery: Current and Future Possible Solutions (Sam Goward, University of Maryland)
  • Advancing ice sheet research with the next generation Landsat sensor (Robert Bindschadler, NASA)
  • Water resource assessment with LDCM (John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology)
  • Mapping drought and evapotranspiration at high resolution using Landsat/GOES thermal imagery (Martha Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service)
  • Peace in the water rights world through Landsat thermal data (Tony Morse, Idaho Department of Water Resources)
  • Developing ideal spectral signatures of irrigated areas for use in spectral matching techniques and decision trees (Prasad Thenkabail, International Water Management Institute
  • Developing consistent moderate resolution data products from Landsat and Landsat-like data (Feng Gao, ERT, Inc./NASA)
  • A surface reflectance standard product from LDCM and supporting activities (Chris Justice, University of Maryland)
  • Cloud detection challenges in LDCM (Lazaros Oreopoulos, University of Maryland Baltimore County/NASA)
  • Long term radiometric calibration: can we extend consistent calibration parameters from Landsats 7 & 5 back through Landsats 1-4 MSS? (David Aaron, South Dakota State University)


Thursday, July 17

  • USGS Outreach update (Ron Beck ,USGS)
  • Planning for Landsat 9 (Tim Newman, USGS)
  • Review of selected Landsat science drivers (Tom Loveland, (USGS)
  • Landsat end-of-mission criteria discussion (Tom Loveland. USGS)

Technical discussion on gap filling approaches (Curtis Woodcock , Boston University)

Planning for winter 2009 Landsat Science Team Meeting:  Tenatively scheduled Jan 6-8, 2009 in Fort Collins, CO.

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