The webinar is being hosted by Dr. Todd Hawbaker from the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado and Dr. Casey Teske from the Tall Timbers Research Station in Tallahassee, Florida.
To learn more about this webinar, please visit the SFE registration page.
Webinar description:
Complete and accurate burned area data are needed to document patterns of fires, to quantify their drivers, and to assess the impacts on human and natural systems. Unfortunately, existing fire occurrence datasets are known to be incomplete. In response, the USGS developed the Landsat Burned Area algorithm that identifies burned areas in dense time-series of Landsat data and used it to map burned areas across the conterminous United States.
This presentation will describe the Landsat Burned Area algorithm and data products. Additionally, applications using the Landsat Burned Area products will be covered. Tall Timbers staff are finalizing a statewide project to develop a spatial database of fire extent in Florida that will be integrated into further analyses specific to landscape conservation and monitoring. One of the outcomes of this database is to advance spatial data resolution and tracking of fire regimes in Florida. The extents of fires were derived using the Landsat Burned Area products. Spatial analyses characterizing fire history and fire regime metrics based on fires larger than 2.5 acres are currently in progress. Examples of fire management applications will be discussed.
About SFE:
The Southern Fire Exchange is a regional wildland fire science communication program and a member of the national Fire Science Exchange Network, funded by the Joint Fire Science Program. Representing 11 southern states, SFE works with numerous partners throughout the region to increase the use of available fire science, facilitate discussions about the relevance of research results and future research needs, and connect fire managers and researchers. SFE shares fire science research results and information with natural resource managers, landowners, and scientists by offering a variety of resources and events.