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May 11, 2017 - USGS Distribution of Resourcesat-2 Products via ISRO

Resourcesat products acquired by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) are now available for download from USGS.

The available data includes current imagery over the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) from the Resourcesat-2 mission, acquired August 2016 to present.  Historical data acquired by the Resourcesat-1 (IRS-P6) mission over the United States from 2003 through end of mission may also become available in the future.

Data products from USGS consist of Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) and Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor Three (LISS-3) images processed to a Level 1 Geometrically (L1G) corrected standard product, along with Level 1 Precision Terrain (L1T) corrected product where feasible.

The ISRO Resourcesat data are available for public download at no cost via EarthExplorer and GloVis.

To learn more, please visit:

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