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November 12, 2019 – Recent Landsat 7 Data Recorder Anomaly

The Solid State Recorder (SSR), a component of Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor, experienced a “choke anomaly” late October 28, into early October 29, 2019 (DOY 302). This interruption to the satellite’s planned acquisitions lasted just over 5 hours. 

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Map displaying Landsat 7 scenes not acquired Oct 28-29, 2019

There were 56 images lost due to the anomaly.  In addition, 76 image opportunities were lost while the onboard command load was halted in order to recover from the anomaly.

The following scenes were not acquired; they are displayed on the map. (click to enlarge)

Oct 28, 2019   
Path 34  Rows 42-44 
Path 50  Rows 18-25 
Path 66  Rows 18-19, 45
Path 82, Rows 235-241  

Oct 29, 2019
Path 98  Rows 18-23, 61-64
Path  114  Rows 18-21,  22-31, 34-37, 59-65
Path 130 Rows 18-59
Path 146 Rows 18-51

Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions relating to the missing acquisitions.

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