Remote Sensing of Environment is calling for proposed paper abstracts for a special issue on Time-Series Analysis with High Spatial Resolution Imagery (Landsat-scale observations) that will include papers that address the following topics that time-series science, data analysis, and state-of-the-art applications using sub 100-meter data. Specific topics of interest include:
- Time-series algorithms
- Monitoring strategies based on high-temporal frequency imagery
- Multi-source data synthesis or fusion
- Operational applications
- Validation of measurements developed from time-series
Proposed paper abstracts are due November 30, 2017.
For more information, visit
Remote Sensing is seeking manuscripts for a special issue on the Science of Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) that aims to explore the new generation of Landsat science data products that are about to be released by the USGS. Among the topics the issue will address include:
Tools and algorithms for visualizing and analyzing Landsat ARD
Suitability of Landsat ARD for mapping and monitoring land and water dynamics
- Current status and planned/operational Landsat ARD products
- Specifications and characteristics of Landsat ARD, including geometric and radiometric consistency
- Combined used of Landsat ARD and other sensor data (e.g., Sentinel-2, LIDAR, microwaves, thermal scanners) and fusion approaches
Manuscript submissions are due July 31, 2018.
For more information, visit