Water information is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources. The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.
Multifrequency Acoustics
Multifrequency acoustics is a method for estimating suspended sediment.
Single Frequency Acoustics
Single frequency acoustics is a method to estimate suspended sediment.
Point Acoustics
Point acoustics is a method that uses a point acoustic instrument to estimate suspended sediment. This method can be used if sand content is of interest and the river depth and width is not adequate to profile in multiple “bins” like other sediment acoustic methods.
About SALT
The interagency Sediment Acoustic Leadership Team (SALT) promotes and develops technical guidance and training for using acoustic instruments to measure aquatic sediment. The information provided will help potential users with decision support when selecting between four sediment-acoustics methods.
Message from the Associate Director for Water
The USGS Water Resources Mission Area works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.
Key Officials and Organizational Structure
Listing of key officials and organizational information about the Water Resources Mission Area and its five primary organizational offices.
Office of the Chief Operating Officer
The Office of the Chief Operating Officer is responsible for leadership of the science and technical operations in the USGS Water Resources Mission Area.
Water Science Centers and Regions
A list of all of the USGS Water Resources Mission Area Science Centers and regions, hubs for critical water science funded by Federal, State, and other partners and stakeholders located throughout the country.