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The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to our economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of our water resources. Listed below are discrete data releases and datasets produced during our science and research activities. To explore and interact with our data using online tools and products, view our web tools.

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Application of the WRF-Hydro Modeling System for the Conterminous United States at the NHDPlus version 2 Spatial Resolution Using the Bias Adjusted Version of the CONUS404 Atmospheric Forcings (CONUS404BA), Water Years 2010-2021

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from a hydrologic simulation for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the WRF-Hydro modeling system version 5.2.0 (Gochis and others, 2020) at the NHDPlus version 2 spatial resolution. This simulation was developed to provide water budget estimates for the period 10/1/2009 to 9/30/2021 using the bias adjusted version of the...

Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) version 1.1, GridMET Calibration

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimates of the water budget for the period 1979 to 2021 for one pre...

Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHM) with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and Geospatial Fabric version 1.1, 1980-2021, CONUS404BA

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimates of the water budget for the period 1980 to 2021 for one pre...

Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System for Puerto Rico, Geospatial Fabric version 1.0, and Daymet version 4 Atmospheric Forcings, 1950-2021

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for Puerto Rico using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1, the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018), National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric version 1.0 (Viger and Bock, 2014), and the Daymet version 4 (Thornton et. al., 2020) atmospheric forcing...

Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of precipitation samples from selected Virginia and West Virginia National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites

The stable hydrogen (delta 2H) and oxygen (delta 18O) isotopic compositions of more than 1,400 daily or weekly composite samples of precipitation from four National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites (VA10, VA27, VA28, and WV99) in Virginia and West Virginia were analyzed on archived samples obtained from NADP over various time periods from as early as 1998. The samples are from...

Nutrient balances, river loads, and a counterfactual analysis to determine drivers of Mississippi River nitrogen and phosphorus loads from 1975 to 2017

This data release includes data processing scripts, data products, and associated metadata for a study investigating trends in Mississippi River nitrogen and phosphorus loads to the Gulf of Mexico. This data release consists of three main components: 1) Nitrogen and phosphorus balances and accumulation, which account for major nutrient inputs (fertilizer, manure, waste water treatment...

Data and model code in support of machine learning nitrate modeling study

We developed a suite of models using deep learning to make hindcast predictions of the 7-day average backward-looking nitrate concentration at 46 predominantly agricultural sites across the midwestern and eastern United States. The models used daily observations of discharge and meteorological variables and static watershed attributes describing anthropogenic modification to hydrology...

Water-borne electromagnetic induction, handheld thermal infrared and sediment temperature, chemical, and pressure data collected at Hen Cove, Pocasset, Massachusetts, 2022

Groundwater discharge points to coastal waters can be identified and quantified using natural electrical and temperature data. In August 2022, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected water-borne electromagnetic induction and temperature along selected transects within Hen Cove on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, following a spatial survey of bed sediment temperature. Handheld thermal infrared...

Hawai'i National Hydrologic Model (NHM) application,1980–2021

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the Hawai‘i (HI) domain using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version for the precalibration, by Hydrologic Response Unit (byHRU) release, and by Point Of Interest Observation (byPOIobs) release using the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM; Regan and others, 2018)...

Tables and figures for the unrecognized role of uranium transport in the Devils Hole, Nevada climate record

For more than a half million years, dense vein calcite has been precipitating in Devils Hole, located about 115 km northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. This process also occurs in Devils Hole Cave 2, which is hydrologically connected and situated about 200 meters north of the original Devils Hole cave. Calcite has been precipitating in this natural laboratory in oxygen isotopic equilibrium at...

MODFLOW 6 models used to evaluate the accuracy of enhanced cell connectivity for simulation of flow through dipping aquifers

This data release contains the MODFLOW 6 models described in the related Groundwater journal article ( The models are generalized cross-section models of a hypothetical and idealized aquifer. The models are used to examine the effects of layered or full grid connectivity with and without the XT3D option in the Node Property Flow (NPF) package of...

Streambank vertical temperature profile data collected along tributaries to Farmington River, CT, USA in 2021

Groundwater is often supersaturated in greenhouse gases (GHGs; i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O) and delivers these gasses to stream channels where they are either emitted, consumed, or transported downstream. However, areas of relatively spatially-focused (‘preferential’) groundwater discharge may also be located above the waterline and be immediate sources of GHGs to the atmosphere before moving...
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