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The Water Resources Mission Area creates a wide variety of geospatial products. Listed below are traditional USGS publication-series static maps. To explore GIS datasets, online mappers and decision-support tools, data visualizations, view our web tools.

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Groundwater potentiometric-surface altitude in 2022 and groundwater-level changes between 1968, 1991, and 2022, in the alluvial aquifer in the Big Lost River Valley, south-central Idaho

The U.S. Geological Survey and the Idaho Department of Water Resources measured groundwater levels during spring 2022 and autumn 2022 to create detailed potentiometric-surface maps for the alluvial aquifer in the Big Lost River Valley in south-central Idaho. Wells were assigned to shallow, intermediate, and deep water-bearing units based on well depth, groundwater potentiometric-surface...

Potentiometric surface map of the Southern High Plains aquifer in the Cannon Air Force Base area, Curry County, New Mexico, 2020

Declining water levels and the potential impact on water resources on and around Cannon Air Force Base (AFB), New Mexico, has necessitated an up-to-date review of the potentiometric surface to evaluate the availability of water resources for future use. Analysis of groundwater-flow directions and hydraulic gradients can provide an understanding of depletion by heavy groundwater pumping...

Use of high-resolution topobathymetry to assess shoreline topography and potential future development of a slack water harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Southwestern Division, Little Rock District Civil Works program has a mission to maintain cohesion between physical and naturally developed environments. The USACE authorized the development of an off-channel harbor (hereinafter referred to as the “proposed slack water harbor”) along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System at river...

Bathymetric map, surface  area, and stage-capacity for the U.S. part of Lake Koocanusa, Lincoln County, Montana,  2016–18

The U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers collected high-resolution multibeam sonar data during 2016–18 to compute stage-area and stage-capacity tables for the U.S. part of Koocanusa Reservoir in Lincoln County, northwestern Montana. Koocanusa Reservoir is a transboundary reservoir extending about 48 miles from Libby Dam upstream to the U.S. international boundary with...

Regional water table in the Antelope Valley and Fremont Valley groundwater basins, Southwestern Mojave Desert, California, March 2014

Water levels were measured during March 2014 in wells in the Antelope Valley and Fremont Valley groundwater basins, southwestern Mojave Desert, California, in cooperation with the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water District, Palmdale Water District, and Littlerock Creek Irrigation District. A regional water-table map was constructed. Historical water-level data from the USGS National Water...

Elevation and elevation-change maps of Fountain Creek, southeastern Colorado, 2015-20

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities, has collected topographic data annually since 2012 at 10 study areas along Fountain Creek, southeastern Colorado. The 10 study areas were located between Colorado Springs and the terminus of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River in Pueblo. The purpose of this report is to present elevation maps based on...

Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020

The purpose of this report is to present a potentiometric-surface map for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA). The source data for the map were groundwater-altitude data from wells measured manually or continuously generally in spring 2020 and from the altitude of the top of the water surface measured generally on April 9, 2020, in rivers in the area.

Bathymetry of Deadmans Lake, Golf Course Reservoir 9, Ice Lake, Kettle Lakes 1–3, and Non-Potable Reservoirs 1–4 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, 2019

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), carried out bathymetric and topographic surveys to characterize the volume of Deadmans Lake, Golf Course Reservoir 9, Ice Lake, Kettle Lakes 1–3, and Non-Potable Reservoirs 1–4 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado. Bathymetric maps of each lake and reservoir are presented with figures of the elevation...

Potentiometric surfaces, 2011–12, and water-level differences between 1995 and 2011–12, in wells of the “200-foot,” “500-foot,” and “700-foot” sands of the Lake Charles area, southwestern Louisiana

Water levels were determined in 90 wells to prepare 2011–12 potentiometric surfaces focusing primarily on the “200-foot,” 500-foot,” and “700-foot” sands of the Lake Charles area, which are part of the Chicot aquifer system underlying Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes of southwestern Louisiana. These three aquifers provided 34 percent of the total water withdrawn and 93 percent of the...

Geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers within northern Medina County, Texas

The karstic Edwards and Trinity aquifers are classified as major sources of water in south-central Texas by the Texas Water Development Board. During 2018–20 the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Edwards Aquifer Authority, mapped and described the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the rocks composing the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in northern Medina County from...

Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018

A potentiometric-surface map for spring 2018 was created for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer using available groundwater-altitude data from 1,126 wells completed in the MRVA aquifer and from the altitude of the top of the water surface in area rivers from 66 streamgages. Personnel from Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, Arkansas Department of Health, Arkansas...

Elevation and elevation-change maps of Fountain Creek, southeastern Colorado, 2015–19

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities, has been collecting topographic data at 10 study areas along Fountain Creek, Colorado, annually since 2012. The 10 study areas are located between Colorado Springs and the terminus of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River in Pueblo. The purpose of this report is to present elevation maps based on topographic...
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