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September 18, 2019

Our lunchtime seminars are held Tuesdays from 12pm to 1 pm PT. The science lectures are held at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center at 2130 SW 5th Avenue in Portland, OR. The presentations are informal and are open to the public. Please, bring your lunch.

If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then please sign up for the online mailing list at: The online mailing list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations or other schedule changes.


  • October 07 - "Chasing Helium: Mantle-to-Surface Connections to Water Quality and Geomicrobiology" - Laura Crossey, University of New Mexico (Birdsall Dreiss Lecture)
  • October 15 - "Groundwater/Surface Water Exchanges in the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River" - Xingyuan Chen, PNNL
  • October 22 - "Powell Expedition" - Tess Harden, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR
  • October 29 - "Hidden World of Stream Biodiversity Revealed through Water Sampling for Environmental DNA" - Kevin Weitemier, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
  • November 05 - "Where, When, and How Much Salmonid Habitat is There on the Willamette River? Using High-Resolution Hydraulic Models to Inform Flow-Management, Restoration, and Status and Trends Monitoring" - James White, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR
  • November 12 - "Cyanobacteria Gas Vesicles" - Stuart Dyer, PhD, OHSU
  • November 19 - "Wasting (and Dissolving) Away in Western Oregon" - Jim O'Connor, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR
  • December 3 - "Golden Eagle Nestlings and Exposure to Lead Fragments in Eastern Oregon," Jeremy Buck/Leland Brown, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR
  • December 10 - "Fiber Optic Temperature" - Adam Stonewall, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR

PSU Campus Map

Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please check this page prior to attending a seminar.

*Disclaimer -- The research, opinions, and materials expressed by presenters are solely of the individuals and are not reflective of the Oregon Water Science Center, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Department of the Interior.

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