Mineral Resources Program Website Moves
Looking for your favorite Mineral Resources Program websites? See the list below to start!
Mineral Resources Program
The website formerly at minerals.usgs.gov
- Mineral Resources Program Home
- Science - some key changes are that the science projects are no longer in one big long list - they are organized by overarching science theme: Critical Mineral Resources, Mineral Resources Assessments, Mineral System Life Cycles, Minerals Information and Materials Flow, Regional Studies and Mineral Resources, Support Activities
- Publications
- Data
Note - the Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data site is still at the same location - https://mrdata.usgs.gov/ - Contacts
National Minerals Information Center
The website formerly at minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/
- National Minerals Information Center Home
- Commodity Statistics and Information
- International Minerals Statistics and Information
- Materials Flow
- State Minerals Statistics and Information
- NMIC Seminars
- Publications
- News
Other Science Centers Receiving Mineral Resources Program Funding
- Eastern Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center
- Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
- Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
- Alaska Science Center
Why move the website?
We have migrated our website into a new framework that better aligns with our national USGS mission. Besides the obvious cosmetic overhaul and new look of the website, the underlying architecture and functionality is considerably different. The new website improves upon:
- Search engine optimization,
- Mobile compatibility,
- Better accessibility.
Like moving a home, it takes time to unpack everything and move into new locations. If you still need help locating things, please contact Maria Montour.
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