Lampreys in the Umpqua River basin face multiple threats, including predation by nonnative fish such as smallmouth bass.
USGS and Tribal researchers developed a spatially explicit framework to support the conservation of Western brook lamprey and Pacific lamprey in the Umpqua River. The framework identified 18 percent of the river network as likely to support potential burrowing habitat for lamprey larvae based on geomorphic conditions. Average August water temperatures were suitable for smallmouth bass over 32 percent of potential lamprey burrowing habitat, which increased to 42 percent with projected 2040 temperatures. At finer spatial scales, potential burrowing habitat was influenced by channel features, such as large wood, pools, and local channel slope and width. These results provide an initial template for identifying locations in river networks likely to have potential burrowing habitat, considering the overlap between threats and habitats, and planning conservation actions to support native lampreys.
Jones, K.L., Dunham, J.B., O'Connor, J.E., Keith, M.K., Mangano, J.F., 2020, River network and reach scale controls on larval lamprey habitat in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon: North American Journal of Fisheries Management,
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