JoJo Mangano
JoJo Mangano is a digital cartographer with the USGS Science Publishing Network (SPN). He uses his background in geology, hydrology, and GIS to produce geologic maps and cartographic illustrations for USGS publications.
Prior to joining the SPN, JoJo spent eight years as a hydrologist/geomorphologist with the USGS Oregon Water Science Center working on geomorphic, hydrologic, and mapping projects throughout the Pacific Northwest.
JoJo is co-located at the Washington Water Science Center in Tacoma, Washington.
Education and Certifications
M.S. Geosciences—Colorado State University
B.S. Geology—Western Washington University
Science and Products
Geomorphic and larval lamprey surveys in tributaries of the Umpqua River, Oregon
Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016
Continuous temperature measurements to assess upstream connection of off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016
Point measurements of temperature and water quality in the main channel and off-channel features of the lower reaches of the Willamette River, Clackamas River, Molalla River, and Johnson Creek, 2017
Water surface elevations recorded by submerged water level loggers in off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016
Point measurements of temperature and water quality in main-channel and off-channel features of the Willamette River, 2015-2016
Boat-based river bathymetry and stream velocity on the upper Willamette River, Oregon, Spring 2015
Water surface elevations recorded by submerged pressure transducers along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, Spring, 2015
Boat-based water-surface cross sectional elevation surveys along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, March, 2015
Boat-based water surface elevation profiles along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, in March, 2015
Geologic map of the Vancouver and Orchards quadrangles and parts of the Portland and Mount Tabor quadrangles, Clark County, Washington, and Multnomah County, Oregon
Eroding Cascadia— Sediment and solute transport and landscape denudation in western Oregon and northwestern California
River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon
Temperature and water-quality diversity and the effects of surface-water connection in off-channel features of the Willamette River, Oregon, 2015–16
Estimating river discharge with swath altimetry: A proof of concept using AirSWOT observations
Water temperature in tributaries, off-channel features, and main channel of the lower Willamette River, northwestern Oregon, summers 2016 and 2017
Monitoring framework for evaluating hydrogeomorphic and vegetation responses to environmental flows in the Middle Fork Willamette, McKenzie, and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
Summary of environmental flow monitoring for the Sustainable Rivers Project on the Middle Fork Willamette and McKenzie Rivers, western Oregon, 2014–15
Debris flow occurrence and sediment persistence, Upper Colorado River Valley, CO
Geologic and physiographic controls on bed-material yield, transport, and channel morphology for alluvial and bedrock rivers, western Oregon
Preliminary assessment of channel stability and bed-material transport in the Tillamook Bay tributaries and Nehalem River basin, northwestern Oregon
An environmental streamflow assessment for the Santiam River basin, Oregon
Preliminary assessment of channel stability and bed-material transport in the Coquille River basin, southwestern Oregon
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Geomorphic and larval lamprey surveys in tributaries of the Umpqua River, Oregon
Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016
Continuous temperature measurements to assess upstream connection of off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016
Point measurements of temperature and water quality in the main channel and off-channel features of the lower reaches of the Willamette River, Clackamas River, Molalla River, and Johnson Creek, 2017
Water surface elevations recorded by submerged water level loggers in off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016
Point measurements of temperature and water quality in main-channel and off-channel features of the Willamette River, 2015-2016
Boat-based river bathymetry and stream velocity on the upper Willamette River, Oregon, Spring 2015
Water surface elevations recorded by submerged pressure transducers along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, Spring, 2015
Boat-based water-surface cross sectional elevation surveys along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, March, 2015
Boat-based water surface elevation profiles along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, in March, 2015
Geologic map of the Vancouver and Orchards quadrangles and parts of the Portland and Mount Tabor quadrangles, Clark County, Washington, and Multnomah County, Oregon
Eroding Cascadia— Sediment and solute transport and landscape denudation in western Oregon and northwestern California
River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon
Temperature and water-quality diversity and the effects of surface-water connection in off-channel features of the Willamette River, Oregon, 2015–16
Estimating river discharge with swath altimetry: A proof of concept using AirSWOT observations
Water temperature in tributaries, off-channel features, and main channel of the lower Willamette River, northwestern Oregon, summers 2016 and 2017
Monitoring framework for evaluating hydrogeomorphic and vegetation responses to environmental flows in the Middle Fork Willamette, McKenzie, and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
Summary of environmental flow monitoring for the Sustainable Rivers Project on the Middle Fork Willamette and McKenzie Rivers, western Oregon, 2014–15
Debris flow occurrence and sediment persistence, Upper Colorado River Valley, CO
Geologic and physiographic controls on bed-material yield, transport, and channel morphology for alluvial and bedrock rivers, western Oregon
Preliminary assessment of channel stability and bed-material transport in the Tillamook Bay tributaries and Nehalem River basin, northwestern Oregon
An environmental streamflow assessment for the Santiam River basin, Oregon
Preliminary assessment of channel stability and bed-material transport in the Coquille River basin, southwestern Oregon
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.