Cartographic Specifications - Structures
US Topo cartographic specifications for Structures including emergency services, medical services, pipelines, public services, and recreation.
Feature Type
Fire Station / EMS Station
FType: Emergency Response and Law Enforcement
FCode: 74026
Feature Description: A facility housing fire-fighting equipment and/or personnel and a provider of emergency medical services.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 5.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 (base) | 5.0 | 220/20/60 | 0 |
Hospital / Medical Center
FType: Health and Medical
FCode: 80012
Feature Description: A building or building complex providing inpatient services for medical or surgical care.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 5.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 (base) | 6.0 | 12/71/157 | 0 |
Law Enforcement
FType: Emergency Response and Law Enforcement
FCode: 74034
Feature Description: A facility housing law enforcement equipment and personnel.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 2 (base) | 5.5 | 65/105/225 | 0 |
Layer 1 (top) | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Oil / Gas Pipeline*
FType: Energy
FCode: 75017
Feature Description: A closed conduit for conveying oil and (or) gas over long distances located above the ground (terrain) or above the surface of a waterbody.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Line Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Line | 0.36 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
*Alaska only
Public Services
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82010
Feature Description: A place or area for burying the dead.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 4.2 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 4.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 3 (base) | 5.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Font Style | Font Size | Font Color | Halo Size | Halo Color | Placement Properties | Anno Graphic Depiction |
Segoe UI | 7.00 | 0/0/0 | 0.7 | 240/240/240 | Best position around point. |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
City / Town Hall
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83044
Feature Description: A building that contains the offices of the public officials of a city, town, or community.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 10.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 - Halo (base) | 0.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
College / University
FType: Education
FCode: 73006
Feature Description: A building or group of buildings used exclusively as an institution of higher learning that grants a degree at the completion of an extensive course of studies.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 7.5 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 7.5 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 7.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 4 | 6.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 5 | 6.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 6 | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 7 (base) | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Font Style | Font Size | Font Color | Halo Size | Halo Color | Placement Properties | Anno Graphic Depiction |
Segoe UI | 7.00 | 0/0/0 | 0.7 | 240/240/240 | Best position around point. |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Court House
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83011
Feature Description: A building in which courts of law are regularly held.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 10.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 7.0 | 115/38/0 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 4 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 5 | 17.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 6 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 7 (base) | 1.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Font Style | Font Size | Font Color | Halo Size | Halo Color | Placement Properties | Anno Graphic Depiction |
Segoe UI | 7.00 | 0/0/0 | 0.7 | 240/240/240 | Best position around point. |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
FType: Education
FCode: 73003
Feature Description: A school for the first four to eight years of a child's formal education, often including kindergarten.
High School
FType: Education
FCode: 73005
Feature Description: A secondary school attended after middle school that usually includes grades 9 or 10 through 12.
Middle School
FType: Education
FCode: 73004
Feature Description: A school between elementary school and high school, usually having three or four grades, variously including grades 5 through 9.
FType: Education
FCode: 73002
Feature Description: A building or group of buildings used primarily/exclusively as learning center for children grades pre-kindergarten through high school.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 3 (base) | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Post Office
FType: Mail and Shipping
FCode: 78006
Feature Description: Facility operated by the United States Postal Service for the collection, processing and distribution of mail.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 4.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 4.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 3 (Base) | 12.0 | 52/52/52 | 0 |
Prison / Correctional Facility
FType: Emergency Response and Law Enforcement
FCode: 74036
Feature Description: A facility for the confinement of persons convicted of crimes.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 (base) | 6.0 | 52/52/52 | 0 |
State Capitol
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83006
Feature Description: A building occupied by a state legislature.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 2 (base) | 7.5 | 255/255/0 | 0 |
Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
State Supreme Court
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83010
Feature Description: A building that houses the highest court in the state court system.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 10.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 7.0 | 115/38/0 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 4 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 5 | 17.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 6 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 7 - Halo (base) | 1.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Font Style | Font Size | Font Color | Halo Size | Halo Color | Placement Properties | Anno Graphic Depiction |
Segoe UI | 7.00 | 0/0/0 | 0.7 | 240/240/240 | Best position around point. |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Technical / Trade School
FType: Education
FCode: 73007
Feature Description: Private, state or government establishment primarily engaged in offering courses, job-specific training and (or) apprenticeships in skilled occupations often leading to job-specific certifications.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 4.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 16.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 7.0 | 0/0/0 | 0 |
Layer 4 | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 5 (base) | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
US Supreme Court
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83008
Feature Description: A building that houses the Supreme Court, the highest judicial body in the United States and meets in Washington, D.C. in the United States Supreme Court Building.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 5.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 2.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 2.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 4 | 10.0 | 107/36/18 | 0 |
Layer 6 | 10.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 5 | 8.0 | 168/56/0 | 0 |
Layer 7 - Halo (base) | 1.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82007
Feature Description: A cabin is a small house, cottage or hut, usually of primitive design and often situated in a wild or remote area. Cabins are typically isolated and have some functional significance as a shelter.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 11.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 3 (base) | 8.8 | 60/179/133 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 5.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82008
Feature Description: A developed, designated site for camping in tents and/or recreational vehicles.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Marker Symbol - Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 60/179/113 | 0 |
Marker Symbol - Layer 2 (base) | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83023
Feature Description: The primary administrative office of an organization, such as the National Park Service or U.S. Forest Service, as designated by the respective organization. This is often a center of operations from which orders are issued.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 3 (base) | 10.5 | 102/51/0 | 0 |
Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 2 | 9.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Picnic Area
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82040
Feature Description: An established area for picnics which may include picnic tables and possibly other items related to eating outdoors, such as built-in grills, water faucets, garbage containers, and restrooms.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (Top) | 9.0 | 60/179/113 | 0 |
Layer 2 (Base) | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Ranger Station
FType: Government and Military
FCode: 83033
Feature Description: A ranger station is a small building or a portion of a larger building typically where law enforcement or emergency services are available to visitors, such as where a Park Ranger or Forest Ranger is based.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 1 (top) | 10.5 | 102/51/0 | 0 |
Layer 2 (base) | 10.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
FType: No FType for this feature
FCode: 82008
Feature Description: A designated shelter set up to provide warmth and refuge during cold weather conditions.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Layer 2 | 4.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 3 | 3.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Layer 4 (Bottom) | 8.5 | 60/179/113 | 0 |
Layer 1 (top) | 5.5 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82047
Feature Description: A designated area developed to provide transition from vehicle to foot, horse, or ATV travel. “Designated” means the responsible federal agency has marked the trailhead with ground signage, or it appears on a current and official visitor map, or is included in a GIS dataset provided by the responsible agency.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Marker Symbol - Layer 1 (top) | 9.0 | 205/133/63 | 0 |
Marker Symbol - Layer 2 (base) | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Visitor Center
FType: Public Attractions and Landmark Building
FCode: 82048
Feature Description: A building or building cluster associated with (and usually, but not always, geographically inside) a federal land unit such as a National Park or National Forest. The primary purpose of a visitor center is to serve the general public through direct contact with staff and dissemination of information about the land unit. Visitor centers commonly have educational exhibits, artifact displays, and public restroom facilities. Excludes administrative office buildings open to the public and open-air structures such as amphitheaters, observation towers, or outdoor interpretive exhibits.
Cartographic Representation
Point Graphic Depiction | Linear Graphic Depiction | Polygon Graphic Depiction |
Sources/Usage: Public Domain. View Media Details
Point Symbology Specifications
SpecName | SizePt | Color RGB | Transparency(%) |
Marker Symbol - Layer 1 (top) | 8.0 | 255/255/255 | 0 |
Marker Symbol - Layer 2 (base) | 8.0 | 205/133/63 | 0 |