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Daily updates about ongoing eruptions, recent images and videos of summit and East Rift Zone volcanic activity, maps, and data about recent earthquakes in Hawaii are posted on the HVO website. 

Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and colleagues.

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Volcano Watch — Earthquake information for the world

Volcano Watch — Earthquake information for the world

Whenever a large, destructive earthquake occurs anywhere in the world, such as those in Sumatera and El Salvador on January 13, there is an agency...

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Volcano Watch — Molokini erupted about 230,000 years ago

Volcano Watch — Molokini erupted about 230,000 years ago

The tiny, crescent-shaped island of Molokini lies 4.2 km (3 miles) offshore of Haleakalā volcano, East Maui. Molokini is a volcanic cone that rises...

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Volcano Watch — A walk on the wild side—of the road, that is

Volcano Watch — A walk on the wild side—of the road, that is

Many readers have visited Halema`uma`u, but how many have turned the other way and walked across Crater Rim Drive? Within 800 m (half a mile)...

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Volcano Watch — Sulfur dioxide advisory developed to improve National Park safety during vog episodes

Volcano Watch — Sulfur dioxide advisory developed to improve National Park safety during vog episodes

With east Hawai'i in the throes of "vog season" over the past several months, the National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian...

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Volcano Watch — Developing partnerships to conserve Hawai`i's natural resources

Volcano Watch — Developing partnerships to conserve Hawai`i's natural resources

The Hawaiian Islands are home to thousands of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Protecting these native species against the...

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Volcano Watch — Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano celebrates 18th birthday

Volcano Watch — Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano celebrates 18th birthday

If we had a dime for every time we've heard a visitor ask, "When is the volcano going to erupt?," we wouldn't be rich, but at least we could go out to...

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Volcano Watch — Viewing lava safely at Kīlauea—advice from those who do a lot of it

Volcano Watch — Viewing lava safely at Kīlauea—advice from those who do a lot of it

Watching lava flow across the ground surface and into the ocean can be mesmerizing and exciting-the experience of a lifetime. Don't let it be the last...

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Volcano Watch — A millennium of eruptions in Hawai‘i

Volcano Watch — A millennium of eruptions in Hawai‘i

By anyone's reckoning, New Year's Day either starts a new millennium or ends its first year. What have Hawai`i's four active island volcanoes done...

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Volcano Watch — Residents on slopes of Popocatepetl Volcano heed evacuation notice

Volcano Watch — Residents on slopes of Popocatepetl Volcano heed evacuation notice

For the past two weeks, numerous reports of increased seismic activity heralding a possible large eruption at Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico have been...

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Volcano Watch — The origin of rejuvenation-stage volcanism still poorly understood

Volcano Watch — The origin of rejuvenation-stage volcanism still poorly understood

It's been 60 years since Harold Stearns first recognized that Hawaiian island volcanoes evolve through stages we call shield, postshield, and...

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Volcano Watch — Hard rain at Halape

Volcano Watch — Hard rain at Halape

Two months ago, we discussed early findings suggesting that Kīlauea had an explosive eruption far larger than we dared think. The study has progressed...

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Volcano Watch — Geodetic monitoring of the submarine south flank of Kīlauea Volcano

Volcano Watch — Geodetic monitoring of the submarine south flank of Kīlauea Volcano

Last week we wrote about the large Kalapana earthquake of 1975. In the article we discussed the importance of repeated geodetic observations that...

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