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Landscape characteristics for urban gradients in United States cities across multiple scales

This dataset contains tabular data at three scales (city, tract, and synoptic site) and related vector shapefiles (for watersheds or buffers around synoptic sites) for areas included in the Carbon in Urban River Biogeochemistry Project (CURB) to assess how social, built, and biophysical factors shape aquatic functions. The city scale included 486 urban areas in the continental United States with g

Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico

Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains and lands

Orthomosaic and Digital Terrain Model for CRMS sites 0224 and 3166

South Louisiana's continued land-loss due to erosion and subsidence is a constant process and demands attention thru restoration and mitigation efforts. Data is needed to determine elevation and vegetation related to subsidence, climate change and saltwater intrusion. This information is critical to our partners for continued monitoring of marsh in degrading landscape. Weather from subsidence ,ero

Landuse / Landcover Map of Los Planes Watershed, Baja California Sur, Mexico

This landuse / landcover (LULC) map displays a basic depiction of the Los Planes watershed in Baja California Sur, Mexico. This simplified, 7-class LULC map displays classes that are useful for hydrologic modeling and broad vegetation mapping in the region. It was created from analysis of six Sentinel-2 satellite images and other existing geospatial datasets. These satellite images are provided at

U-Pb Isotope Geochronology Data and Geochemical Analyses of Selected Rocks from the Seldovia Quadrangle, Southcentral Alaska

This dataset contains U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of zircons within the lithologic framework of igneous, metaigneous, and metasedimentary rocks collected from the Seldovia quadrangle in southcentral Alaska. The samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted from 2020 to 2023 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Zircon gr

Scavenging and frugivory data in the Greater Everglades, 2019 (ver. 2.0, July 2024)

Mid-sized mammals (i.e., mesomammals) fulfill important ecological roles, serving as essential scavengers, predators, pollinators, and seed dispersers in the ecosystems they inhabit. Consequently, declines in mesomammal populations have the potential to disrupt ecological processes and degrade ecosystems. However, ecosystems characterized by high functional redundancy, where multiple species can f

Pathogen Exposure Data for Chukchi Sea Polar Bears 1988-1994 and 2008-2017

This dataset is one table with results of tests to determine exposure of Chukchi Sea polar bears to a suite of pathogens. Results are serological tests for antibodies and tests of fecal samples for presence of parasites. Serologic assays were conducted for Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Francisella tularensis, Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Brucella canis, Brucella abortus/suis, and can

Channel steepness and chi data for part of the northern San Francisco Bay Region including parts of the Russian River and Cache Creek watersheds, northern California

The California Coast Range are an area with a long-lived deformation history which includes modern, ongoing right lateral strike slip faulting. Large strike slip faults in the region include the San Andreas fault, the Maacama fault, the Bartlett Springs fault among many others. In areas where strike slip fault geometry changes, either in restraining or releasing bends, vertical motion may occur in

Complete female and male mitogenomes of the mucket mussel (Ortmanniana ligamentina)

Data include fasta files of full mitochondrial sequence data for the male and female mitotypes of the mucket (Ortamannia ligamentina). These have been deposited in the NCBI database under BioSample Accession number SAMN39271813, SRA Accession number SRR27608898, and GenBank Accession numbers : PP103562 and PP103563.

Cave climate data in Wood Valley pit crater, Hawai'i

Wood Valley Pit Crater is a nearly circular pit approximately 50m across and 50m deep with vertical walls. This pit is of particular interest because it hosts access to a cave entrance at its base, providing an opportunity to monitor cave climate throughout a type of cave structure that is ordinarily inaccessible. In-situ cave climate observations included cold trapping, cave breathing, possible e

Ice cave climate data and frost imagery at Sunset Crater, AZ: 02 March 2021 to 13 December 2022

The purpose of the data collection was to monitor the microclimate in the “Bonito Flow” Ice Cave located in Sunset Crater National Monument. This cave is considered a sacred spot for some southwestern tribes as it was a historical source for ice. The main purpose of the climate monitoring was to determine if the cave is still an active ice cave, i.e., a cave that contains perennial ice. The data a

Postfire erosion estimates for large California wildfires that occurred between 1984 and 2021

This data release presents a compilation of postfire sediment mobilization data from wildfires greater than 100 km2 that occurred in California or regions of southern Oregon that drain to the California coast between 1984 and 2021. This compilation includes three sources of sediment mobilization data: hillslope erosion modeled using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) postfire erosion mode
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