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Dissolved noble gas data and helium mass balance models for the Colorado and Virgin Rivers

Dissolved noble gas data were collected using a portable mass spectrometer mounted on inflatable rafts on the Colorado River near Glenwood Springs, Colorado and the Virgin River near La Verkin, Utah. Data were collected approximately every 3 to 10 minutes for a suite of noble gases including helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), and xenon (Xe). Patterns in observed dissolved He concent

Maps of habitat suitability improvement potential for the Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) satellite populations in Southwestern Colorado

Habitat restoration efforts to conserve wildlife species are often conducted along a range of local site conditions, with limited information available to gauge relative outcomes for habitat suitability among sites and identify those that may lead to the greatest returns on restoration investment. We leveraged existing resource selection function models to generate heatmaps of spatially varying ha

Green Peter and Foster Reservoirs 2023 CEQUAL-W2 Model

This data release consists of a two-dimensional (laterally averaged) hydrodynamic water-quality model (CE-QUAL-W2; Wells, 2019) of Green Peter and Foster Lakes for the 2023 calendar year, and three theoretical deep drawdown operational scenarios that apply the 2023 model to calendar year 2024. The model and scenarios were used to gain insights into the thermal processes in Green Peter and Foster L

Spectral reflectance measurements of standard reference materials in laboratory setting using an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec® 4 Hi-Res and Ocean Optics OCEAN-HDX-VIS-NIR® (HDX), suitable for comparison to other spectroradiometer measuremen

Two spectroradiometers, a Malvern Panalytical Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec® 4 Hi-Res (hereafter referred to as ASD spectrometer) and a high sensitivity spectrometer, OCEAN-HDX-VIS-NIR®, from Ocean Optics (hereafter referred to as HDX) were used to collect reflectance measurements of materials in a controlled indoor setting at the USGS Spectroscopy Lab in Denver, Colorado on July 8, 2022 t

Data for Brown Pelican Bayesian Network Model

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release represents data for the creation of a spatially explicit Bayesian network model that predicts Brown Pelican nests on islands across the U.S. portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Well-targeted management plans are needed to achieve Brown Pelican population objectives (number of breeding pairs) because conservation and restoration opportunities are limited a

Metrics to Characterizing Periods of Anomalously Low Water Storage for Selected Reservoirs in the Conterminous U.S. from 1981 to 2020

This metadata record describes a series of tabular datasets containing metrics used to characterize periods of anomalously low storage for select large reservoirs across the Conterminous United States for the climate years (April 1 – March 31) from 1981 to 2020. These data support the associated Simeone and others (2024) publication. The reservoirs in this dataset are those included in the ResOpsU

Bathymetry and Water-Quality Data of Surface Water Bodies in Cook County, Illinois, 2024

In 2024, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the Cook County Bureau of Technology (BOT), carried out comprehensive hydrographic and water-quality surveys, and activity and disturbance assessments of 44 total water bodies encompassing lakes and rivers within Cook County, Illinois. These surveys and assessments describe the bathymetry, water-quality conditions, and on-site field

Transcriptomic Responses to Hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese Quail (In Press)

This study examined effects of the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) on the avian endocrine system. Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) were exposed to multiple doses of HBCD over multiple generations through feed and by maternal deposition into the egg. Liver transcriptomes were examined to identify genes and pathways directly affected by HBCD to better understand the mechan

AquaMatch Chlorophyll a Data from Water Quality Portal: ~1970-2024

This dataset, “AquaMatch Chlorophyll a Data from Water Quality Portal ~1970-2024”, is a component of a forthcoming update to AquaSat (Ross et al., 2019), AquaSat version 2 (“v2”). The overarching purpose of AquaSat V2 is to emphasize the individual parts of the AquaSat pipeline that make-up the matchups between satellite and in-situ measurements. 

Data and analytical code associated with pinyon jay local-scale density-habitat relationship model (2008 - 2020) in the InterMountain West, USA

This data release provides pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) counts and local-scale vegetation data associated with summertime point count surveys conducted throughout the InterMountain West under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program, 2008 - 2020. We also provide code written in the R programming language to model pinyon jay abundance as a function of local-s

Multilayer perceptron classifier and shoreline extraction routine for Minnesota Point PlanetScope satellite imagery

A site-specific multilayer perceptron model was developed to classify PlanetScope satellite imagery of Minnesota Point, and the classifier was paired with a shoreline delineation routine to extract the position of the land-water interface. Satellite-dervived shorelines were used to measure changes in beach width associated with beach nourishment projects and changing water levels. The model is bas

Data release for toxicity of Antimycin A incorporated management bait for grass carp

The goal of this study was to develop and examine whether a management bait that can be used for selective control of grass carp. Our objectives were to 1) quantify the water-based 24-h LC50 of Antimycin-A for grass carp and rainbow trout, 2) quantify the 96-h LD50 of orally administered Antimycin-A laden bait for grass carp and rainbow trout, 3) quantify the leaching rate of Antimycin-A from the
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