An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.
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CO2assessment R package
The CO2assessment package provides R functions and a Shiny application for CO2 storage resource assessment using 2013 USGS National Assessment of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources methodology. Tools to facilitate estimation of CO2 storage resources in geologic formations include volumetric and thermodynamic equations and Monte Carlo simulation. The set of input parameters define probabilit
Automated Walrus Haulout Cartography
This pyQGIS script and adjoining QGIS layout templates and style specification generate maps from satellite imagery and any derived geospatial outline data that are inventoried and cross-referenced in a tabular inventory file. The maps are intended for mangers, decision makers, and researchers to support real-time decision making and to provide a graphical record that may be publicly shared.
Code for multi-scale occupancy analysis of Temblor legless lizards, Anniella alexanderae
This repository contains code to fit Multi-scale Occupancy Models to survey data for Temblor legless lizards (Anniella alexanderae)
This repository specifically contains code to reproduce analyses in:
Rose, J.P., Camp, S.M., Sheikh, Z.N., Johnson, C.B., Lei, S.H., Napolitano, G.R., Schoenig, E.J., Macias, D.A., Jordan, A.C., and Halstead, B.J. 2024. Multi-scale occupancy surveys reveal temperatur
RegionGrow3D (RG3D) is a software for computing slope stability on a regional scale within a three-dimensional (3D), limit-equilibrium framework. RG3D efficiently computes discrete, 3D landslide geometries throughout a digital landscape. Potential landslide source areas are identified and grown downhill until force equilibrium is achieved.
Python for Hydrology Self Study Curriculum
This repository contains study materials for python programming for hydrologic applications and a focus on groundwater modeling with flopy. The materials are used in an in-person curriculum at the USGS and provided here for reference for the larger hydrologic community.
plumeria_wd software v3.0.0
Plumeria is a one-dimensional model for wind-driven volcanic plumes. It was originally written in 2007 in Visual Basic to analyze plumes during the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens. The version in this repository, Plumeria_wd, has been modified for crosswinds, translated to Fortran, and tested by comparing predicted with observed plume heights from multiple eruptions. It was compared with
dem_getter Python tool for acquiring digital elevation models and derivatives from The National Map
This repository houses a set of Python tools to expedite the acquisition of 3DEP DEM data. These tools were designed to help geologists in the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program more efficiently produce high-resolution base maps and tailored derivative products that help identify and characterize geologic features. These derivatives include hillshades and slope maps, as well as more com
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: Percent Injury Tool
Welcome to The Bird Mercury Tool website. Please follow the guidance below to download the tool and user guide.
The Bird Mercury Tool: Estimating Methylmercury Injury to Birds can be used by practitioners to help interpret injury to birds caused by methylmercury concentrations in bird tissues or diet.
The dataset, statistical models, and assumptions used within this tool have been published separa
pfdf 1.1.0
This release add the following major features to pfdf:
* Comprehensive documentation
* Raster preprocessing
* Parallelization options when locating outlet basins
* Windowed raster reading
The release also provides minor improvements, as follows:
* Raster data/nodata masks,
* Improved model broadcasting options,
* The Segments.in_mask and Segments.in_perimeter methods
Sentinel Satellite Imagery Download Scripts
These Python scripts enable download of Sentinel 1 & 2 imagery for multiple study sites by accessing the Copernicus Data Base Ecosystem.
Code to analyze static occupancy of northwestern pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) in timberland streams in the interior foothills of northern California
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the distribution of northwestern pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) and invasive American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) in private timberland streams of interior northern California, USA. Fieldwork for the study occurred in 2021-2022 in Lassen, Plumas, Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity counties, California, and involved visual encounter surveys and samplin
Code for a spatially interpolated integrated population model applied to simulations of spatially autocorrelated Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population data
This repository contains R code to:
1. Simulate spatially autocorrelated count and demographic data for 10 populations using mean and process variance estimates from a long-term (1938–2011), range-wide meta-analysis of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population dynamics (Taylor et al., 2012).
2. Fit a spatially interpolated integrated population model (SIIPM) to the simulated da