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CASC Host Recompetition

Each CASC is a collaborative arrangement between the USGS National CASC and a regional host institution. Host institutions are selected through a competitive request for proposal (RFP) process and are funded through multi-year cooperative agreements awarded by the USGS.

Upcoming Recompetitions

The Northeast, South Central, and Pacific Islands CASCs will be recompeted in FY2025. The Notice of Funding Opportunity will likely post in September 2024 with proposals due February 2025. 

Map of the US highlighting the Northeast, South Central, and Pacific Islands CASC regions

To facilitate the financial assistance application process, two information sessions will be conducted by the National CASC to accommodate inquiries from applicants about this program and the proposal review, evaluation, and selection process. The information sessions will be scheduled as follows: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 3 PM EDT and Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 3 PM EDT.  Interested applicants should email to obtain connection information

Recompetition Schedule

Each regional CASC is recompeted approximately every five to seven years.  

CASC Cycle 1 host awarded Cycle 2 host awarded Cycle 3 host awarded
Alaska CASC 2010 – University of Alaska Fairbanks  2017 – University of Alaska Fairbanks  2023 – University of Alaska Fairbanks 
Northwest CASC  2010 – Oregon State University  2017 – University of Washington  2023 – University of Washington 
Southeast CASC  2010 – North Carolina State University  2017 – North Carolina State University  2023 – North Carolina State University 
North Central CASC  2011 – Colorado State University  2018 – University of Colorado at Boulder  2024 - TBD (Recompete in progress) 
Southwest CASC  2011 – University of Arizona  2018 – University of Arizona  2024 - TBD (Recompete in progress) 
Pacific Islands CASC  2012 – University of Hawai'i at Mānoa  2019 – University of Hawai'i at Mānoa 


Notice of Funding Opportunity - to be Posted End of September 2024

Proposals Due - February 3, 2025

South Central CASC  2012 – University of Oklahoma  2019 – University of Oklahoma 
Northeast CASC  2012 – University of Massachusetts Amherst  2019 – University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Midwest CASC  2021 – University of Minnesota Twin Cities     


What is a CASC Host? 

Each regional CASC is based at an organization (hereafter termed Hosts or Host Institutions) that provides suitable facilities, partnerships, science, capacity building, communications, and programmatic capabilities, either alone or in combination with other partners (“consortium partners”).  

In addition to a Host institution component, each CASC also has a federal component. The Host and federal components have distinct funding, personnel, and work plans but work together with a collaborative approach towards a common mission. In general, the federal component’s focus is on developing science priorities and a science agenda, as well as longer-term research and synthesis activities – especially when these span multiple funding cycles. The Host institution component’s focus is generally on science implementation, communications, and outreach. 

View proposal evaluation criteria>>


Who is Eligible? 

Eligible Applicants 
  • State governments 
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education 
  • Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education 
  • County governments 
  • City or township governments 
  • Independent school districts 
  • Public and State controlled institutions of higher education 
  • Special district governments 
  • Private institutions of higher education 
Additional Information on Eligibility 
  1. Non-Federal entities eligible to submit proposals under this Announcement include state, not-for-profit, local government, and academic institutions. USGS entities may not submit proposals and may not be listed as formal partners on proposals. Federal agencies may collaborate in the execution of research projects, but should not be a Host or a consortium partner; Federal partners must receive money through other methods as appropriate and not through Federal financial assistance (i.e., the CASC hosting cooperative agreement). 
  2. Any eligible non-Federal entity, organization, or consortium interested in hosting a Center in the identified CASC region may apply; consortium partners are not required to be physically located within their corresponding CASC region. However, proposals involving institutions located outside the focal region should provide strong evidence of experience and capability to conduct research and maintain active partnerships with resource management stakeholders within the focal region, either directly or through other consortium members. 
  3. Proposals may be submitted for a single institution or by one institution serving as the CASC Host, along with additional consortium partners. Consortium partners should only be included if they will play a clear and substantive role in CASC strategy and operations. Examples include the provision of cooperative agreement funding for faculty and students or post-doctoral researchers for research activities related to the CASC science agenda. 


Relevant Materials

The following materials should be referenced when submitting a proposal: 




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