Regional CASC Undergraduate and Graduate Research Opportunities
Regional CASC Research Opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Explore the variety of programs offered through the regional CASCs to support early-career learning and skills development.
The National and Regional CASCs are committed to supporting young and early-career scientists and managers. Read on to see a list of education and training opportunities offered by the regional CASCs.
Alaska CASC
Climate Scholars Program: The Alaska CASC awards scholarships to students to participate in the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Climate Scholar Program. This program provides undergraduate students in the Honors College at the University of Alaska Fairbanks with the opportunity to study climate change in the Last Frontier, working alongside some of the top climate scientists in the world. Scholars will study on the front lines of climate change outside of the classroom, where the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Experts on permafrost, glaciers, sea ice and more will lead scholars through work in Arctic biology, engineering, geophysics, supercomputing and Alaska Native studies. This valuable experience prepares students for careers in climate change, which are some of the fastest-growing career fields. Students will make an impact locally and globally by focusing on actionable science and community engagement. To learn more about applying for unique opportunities for field-based, hands-on learning and research through the Climate Scholars Program at UAF, please contact
Midwest CASC
Tribal Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): The College of Menominee Nation (CNM)'s Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) supports a one-year Midwest CASC Tribal Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program for undergraduate students interested in working in tribal climate adaptation for natural resources in the midwestern US.
Graduate Research Assistantships: The Midwest CASC graduate assistantship program accepts applications from current and prospective students at consortium member universities: University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Indiana University. Students are prepared for a career in climate adaptation science through hands-on experience in research production and community engagement, as well as training and mentorship opportunities in the MW CASC network. Applications are open once a year, typically in January.
Northeast CASC
Graduate and Postdoc
Northeast Fellows Program: The Northeast CASC provides an interdisciplinary forum for students and postdocs. In collaboration with consortium PIs and USGS staff, these early career researchers are essential for accomplishing the CASC research agenda and engaging with partners across the region. Fellows interact through regular virtual meetings and an annual in-person training to share their science and discuss stakeholder engagement, coproduction of knowledge, and science communication. Through research activities, mentorship, and peer-to-peer collaboration, Fellows are provided skill-building opportunities that expose them to priority management issues, engagement practice with key stakeholders, and experiential training in translational science.
Northwest CASC
Graduate and Postdoc
Research Fellowship Program: The Northwest CASC’s Research Fellowship Program enables graduate students and postdocs from a variety of scientific backgrounds to co-produce actionable science in collaboration with regional natural resource managers and decision-makers. Fellows receive support for research aligned with the NW CASC Science Agenda, as well as instruction in the principles and practices of co-production of decision-relevant, or actionable science.
Pacific Islands CASC
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program: The PI CASC’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program is 10-week program designed to provide interested undergraduates the opportunity to gain valuable research experience, improve their skills in climate science, and expand their knowledge of environmental issues in Hawaiʻi and Guam, working with a faculty mentor on a climate-related research project that is aligned with the mission of the PI CASC University Consortium. Depending on their location, students who are accepted will be paired with an available researcher at the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) at Mānoa, UH Hilo, or the University of Guam whose field of expertise and ongoing research in climate science and/or adaptation complements the expressed interests of the student. This fellowship is open to any undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior currently enrolled at any of the UH system campuses or UOG, or currently enrolled at another accredited four-year institution but graduated from a high school in Hawaiʻi or Guam.
PI CASC Graduate Scholars Program: The Pacific Islands CASC funds full-time graduate students who are working toward advanced degrees. PI CASC Graduate Scholars participate in research and outreach projects that support their progress toward successful completion of their thesis and/or dissertation and valuable opportunities to further their education, while addressing the mission and vision of the PI CASC. Students attend several professional development workshops funded by the PI CASC or Hawaii Sea Grant, present their research at the PI CASC’s Student Research Symposium, give a public seminar on their research, and conduct other outreach activities. Questions can be directed to Dr. Darren Lerner (
Manager Climate Corps (MCC): MCC is a practitioner-driven graduate research program that accomplishes this mission through the process of knowledge co-production. Through this collaborative process, we work to increasingly “get to know our neighbors” and unite natural and cultural resource stewards with researchers as co-leads in every stage of the research pathway, from the development of the research question, to the methods and analysis, and ultimate utilization of research output. Hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, the MCC builds adaptive capacity locally by identifying existing professional networks and expanding them through manager-driven research projects.
Climate Adaptation for Resource Management Fellowship Program (CARM): CARM is a fellowship and continuing education opportunity for natural resource managers and professionals in Guam to bolster their professional capacity through higher learning in academia. The CARM program aligns with PI-CASC’s vision to develop applied science, knowledge products, and other services to support policy and management “directed toward the sustainability of interconnected human and ecological communities and the conservation of species of concern” in Guam.
South Central CASC
Stay tuned for future fellowship opportunities! To learn more about what's happening in the South Central CASC, explore their website: South Central CASC.
Southeast CASC
Global Change Fellowship Program: The Southeast CASC Global Change Graduate Fellows Program is designed to train the next generation of global change scientists by providing financial, scientific, and professional development support for graduate students who are interested in multi-disciplinary research. They come together across disciplines to discover, collaborate, and share their knowledge with diverse stakeholders. Additionally, students need to be dedicated to making the science related to climate change better, where better means more true, of a greater impact, or, as our land grant mission dictates, more ethical and just. This program is sponsored by the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center and NC State University. Applicants must be an NC State student and nominated by a SE CASC Faculty Affiliate. The nomination process begins in January of each year.
Southwest CASC
Natural Resources Workforce Development Fellowship: The Southwest CASC Natural Resources Workforce Development (NRWD) Fellowship was developed to provide graduate students with opportunities for training and practice in developing use-inspired and actionable science to inform natural resource management decisions. Key aspects of the training include methods to foster collaborations and the development of science that informs resource management decisions; gain experience in interacting and collaborating with natural resource management decision-makers, and provide experiences in effective communication of research results to enable use of that research. Each year, the fellowship will have a different science theme. The science theme for the 2020-2021 NRWD Fellowship is: Management in the Aftermath of Landscape-Scale Disturbances. The fellowship is open to graduate students enrolled in research-based thesis or dissertation-granting programs at the seven SW CASC consortium institutions. One applicant from each institution will be selected to take part in each fellowship cohort.