Use of Lidar in Coastal Studies
Since 1998, airborne light detection and ranging, or lidar, capabilities have been developed and utilized to support CMHRP research projects and hazard assessments. Lidar is a remote-sensing technique that measures distance to a target by sending out light energy and detecting how long it takes the reflected pulses to return to the sensor. Lidar data provide information about the elevation, shape, and characteristics of Earth's surface. High-accuracy land and seafloor elevation data acquired using CMHRP-developed lidar have improved vulnerability assessments of coastal regions. The elevation data have been used to determine how coastal beaches, dunes, wetlands, and coral reefs changed after storms or other events.

Applications to coastal vulnerability studies are represented well by the USGS response to Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall along the New Jersey coastline in 2012. USGS collected lidar data along the entire New Jersey coastline to document Sandy's impact. By including lidar data collected before the storm, the CMHRP is able to initialize coastal hazard models, predict coastal change, and document actual changes due to storms or other events. For example, at Mantoloking, New Jersey, storm surge and waves eroded the beach and dunes, and the 250-meter-wide barrier island was completely breached, destroying houses and roads. Overwash deposition occurred in many areas. The CMHRP's lidar capability was utilized immediately after the storm before the breach had been filled, whereas the photo survey was conducted a few days later after the breach was filled.

Lidar surveys are being used to assess the vulnerability of natural resources. Lidar resolution (approximately 1 m × 1 m) allows a broad range of seabed features to be distinguished at many different spatial scales, such as sand waves, island topography, and reefscapes. The high resolution is achieved rapidly over large distances (when there is sufficient water clarity), leading to efficient and effective resource characterization, particularly in relatively shallow and complex coastal areas, such as reefs and wetlands.
Explore the CMHRP Decadal Strategic Plan geonarrative
The CMHRP Decadal Science Strategy 2020-2030
Forecasting Coastal Change
Since 1998, airborne light detection and ranging, or lidar, capabilities have been developed and utilized to support CMHRP research projects and hazard assessments. Lidar is a remote-sensing technique that measures distance to a target by sending out light energy and detecting how long it takes the reflected pulses to return to the sensor. Lidar data provide information about the elevation, shape, and characteristics of Earth's surface. High-accuracy land and seafloor elevation data acquired using CMHRP-developed lidar have improved vulnerability assessments of coastal regions. The elevation data have been used to determine how coastal beaches, dunes, wetlands, and coral reefs changed after storms or other events.

Applications to coastal vulnerability studies are represented well by the USGS response to Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall along the New Jersey coastline in 2012. USGS collected lidar data along the entire New Jersey coastline to document Sandy's impact. By including lidar data collected before the storm, the CMHRP is able to initialize coastal hazard models, predict coastal change, and document actual changes due to storms or other events. For example, at Mantoloking, New Jersey, storm surge and waves eroded the beach and dunes, and the 250-meter-wide barrier island was completely breached, destroying houses and roads. Overwash deposition occurred in many areas. The CMHRP's lidar capability was utilized immediately after the storm before the breach had been filled, whereas the photo survey was conducted a few days later after the breach was filled.

Lidar surveys are being used to assess the vulnerability of natural resources. Lidar resolution (approximately 1 m × 1 m) allows a broad range of seabed features to be distinguished at many different spatial scales, such as sand waves, island topography, and reefscapes. The high resolution is achieved rapidly over large distances (when there is sufficient water clarity), leading to efficient and effective resource characterization, particularly in relatively shallow and complex coastal areas, such as reefs and wetlands.
Explore the CMHRP Decadal Strategic Plan geonarrative