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The Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) generate  environmental contaminant and pathogen, toxicity, and effects data. All of which is provided to the public in our publications and data sets. 

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Surface Materials Data from Breccia-Pipe Uranium Mine and Reference Sites, Arizona, USA

This data release includes elemental analysis of soil samples collected at breccia-pipe uranium mines, at one undeveloped breccia-pipe uranium deposit, and at a reference site in northern Arizona. Samples were collected near the Arizona 1, Canyon, Kanab North, and Pinenut uranium mines, over the EZ2 breccia-pipe uranium deposit, and at the Little Robinson Tank reference site. Samples were collect

Natural gradient, lakebed tracer tests using nitrite in a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in Ashumet Pond, Massachusetts

The U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program at Cape Cod has been investigating the fate and transport of a treated-wastewater, groundwater contaminant plume. A portion of the contaminated groundwater discharges into Ashumet Pond, a kettle hole, freshwater lake. A study was conducted from June 2013 to June 2015 to document transport, transformation, and discharge of dissolved inor

Electrical geophysical data collected in the shallow sediments of Snake Pond, Cape Cod, USA

Quantification of mobile/less-mobile porosity dynamics at the sediment/water interface is critical to predicting contaminant storage, release, and transformation processes. Zones in groundwater flow-through lakes where lake water recharges the aquifer can strongly control aquifer water quality. Less-mobile porosity has previously been characterized in aquifers using flow path scale (10's of m+) tr

Concentrations of Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Organic Waste Indicators, and Volatile Organic Chemical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects Potential in Wadeable Southeastern USA Streams

This dataset presents the results of 475 unique organic compounds collected from 54 wadeable streams within the Southeastern, USA, collected within 10 weeks during 2014. Maximum and median exposure conditions were evaluated in relation to watershed characteristics and for potential biological effects. This dataset contains the summary statistics (maximum and median concentrations)of detected compo

Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, Arizona 2017

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), dissolved organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Canyon Mine containment pond water, sediment, vegetation and invertebrate samples collected in calendar year 2017.

Occurrence and Concentrations of Trace Elements in Discrete Tapwater Samples Collected in Chicago, Illinois and East Chicago, Indiana, 2017

This dataset contains the trace element concentration results for samples collected from tapwater sites in East Chicago, Indiana, August-September, 2017, and Chicago, Illinois, July-December, 2017. Samples were collected one time, from 45 private residences and associated drinking water plants and source water locations. Water-quality samples were analyzed at two U.S. Geological Survey laboratorie

Target-Chemical Concentrations, Exposure Activity Ratios, and Bioassay Results for Assessment of Mixed-Organic/Inorganic-Chemical Exposure in USA Tapwater, 2016

Chemical and biological concentration results, quality assurance and quality control and statistical summaries from 26 tapwater samples, collected from paired residential and work place sites in 11 states in 2016. Samples were analylzed at U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency laboratories.

Behavioral Effects of Copper on Larval White Sturgeon

Attributes regarding the effects of copper exposure on larval white sturgeon swimming and feeding behaviors and time to response.

Histopathological assessment of the digestive gland of a freshwater snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) exposed to uranium

This dataset consists of measurements of the digestive gland in the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis orally exposed to uranium. The objective of the study was to assess the morphological effects of uranium on the snail digestive gland by light microscopy. Laboratory-cultured L stagnalis were exposed to either synthetic or natural solid phases of uranium and a subset (6 controls and 6 exposed) we

Organic and total carbon analyses of rock core collected from boreholes 83BR, 84BR, 85BR, 86BR, 87BR, 88BR, and 89BR in the mudstone underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey

These data sets present results for analyses of the fraction of total and organic carbon in samples of rock core collected from boreholes 83BR, 84BR, 85BR, 86BR, 87BR, 88BR, and 89BR in the Lockatong Formation (mudstone) underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey.

Results from radiochemical analyses of small rodent whole bodies collected from breccia pipe uranium mines and reference locations in the Grand Canyon watershed.

These data are comprised of measurements of gross alpha activity, gross beta activity, and radionuclide activities (isotopic U, isotopic Th, Ra-226) in small rodent bodies. Samples were collected at non-mining and U breccia pipe mining sites in various production stages, in the Grand Canyon watershed.

Occurrence data for organic compounds and bioactive chemicals in water, sediment and tissue from Rocky Mountain National Park, 2012-13

This data set contains the concentration results for water- and sediment-quality and tissue samples, as well as associated quality-assurance data, collected at sampling locations located in the Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Samples were collected between 2012 and 2013. Samples were analyzed for nutrients, hormones, pharmaceutical, wastewater indicator compounds and pesticides, at the U.S
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