This is a subset of our downloadable software for earthquake research. USGS uses GitHub for all new software development, as well as open sourcing older software as time allows. For a comprehensive listing of all available software, see how our applications work, and to collaborate with us, please go to USGS GitHub.
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neic-glass3 is an open source and platform independent seismic event detection and association algorithm developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) and Caryl Erin Johnson, PhD, Introspective Systems LLC. This algorithm converts a time series of seismic phase arrival times, back azimuth estimates from array beams, and cross...
ShakeMap v4 Software
ShakeMap v4 Software and Documentation
This software is for calculating earthquake-induced ground failure hazard (i.e., landslide and liquefaction). These models are intended for regional or global scale applications, and are intended to be distributed in near-real-time, triggered by the Shakemaps.
SeismoTectonic Regime Earthquake Calculator (STREC)
Automatically determines the earthquake type (subduction zone interface, active crustal shallow, stable continental region, etc.) and the earthquake focal mechanism.
mLS is a function that estimates the landslide magnitude (mLS) from cutoff (smallest area that follows power law), beta (power-law exponent), and an array of areas derived from a landslide inventory following the methods of Tanyas and others (in prep). The function plots the best power-law fit for the medium and large landslides and the frequency-area distribution of the analyzed...
Automate production of metadata following the USGS geospatial metadata format.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP) code for performing probabilistic seismic hazard (PSHA) and related analyses. These codes are intended for use with seismic hazard models developed by the NSHMP for the U.S. and its territories.
Point-source to finite-fault distance conversions
Produce approximated finite fault distances and variance corrections given point source information, e.g., Repi (epcentral distance) to Rrup (rupture distance).
Graizer-Kalkan (2015) Ground Motion Prediction Equation
Graizer-Kalkan (2015) ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) is designed to predict peak-ground acceleration and 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration response ordinates for shallow-crustal continental earthquakes to be used in earthquake-engineering applications including probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analyses.
SLAMMER - Seismic Landslide Movement Modeled using Earthquake Records
SLAMMER is a Java program that facilitates performing a variety of sliding-block analyses to evaluate seismic slope performance.
USGS Twitter Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted)
@USGSted (USGS Twitter Earthquake Dispatch) distributes Twitter alerts for earthquakes worldwide with magnitudes of 5.5 and above. When citizens feel shaking activity, they often use the popular social media application, Twitter, to "tweet" what they are experiencing.
Risk-Targeted Ground Motion Calculator
This web application can be used to calculate risk-targeted ground motion values in accordance with “Method 2” of 2010 ASCE 7 Standard Section