Long-Term Study Finds Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Urban Waterways
Scientists Electrofishing on the North Branch of the Chicago River
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists determined that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) were present in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, water, and fish tissue in urban waterways in the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi River Regions (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio) during 1999 through 2009.
Urban waterways provide critical functions, including water supply, wastewater disposal, transportation, and aquatic habitat. Management of these multiple uses requires an understanding of the sources, fates, and effects of chemical contaminants. There are many potential sources of chemicals to urban waterways including discharges from municipal and industrial WWTPs, inputs from land-surface runoff, and wet and dry atmospheric deposition.
Scientists started with a survey of WWTP effluent and stream water at or near some of the major WWTPs in the regions to understand differences among sites and inputs to urban waterways. A focused investigation of the Greater Metropolitan Chicago Area Waterways, Illinois assessed the movement of EDCs from their source within the WWTP sewer collection system, through the major treatment processes, and into the receiving stream. The approach also included the assessment of fish tissue concentrations and fish endocrine disruption responses to understand corresponding environmental health implications.
Scientists measured alklyphenolic EDCs including surfactant degradation products 4-nonylphenol (NP), 4- nonylphenolpolyethoxylates (NPEO), 4-nonylphenolethoxycarboxylic acid (NPEC), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), 4-tert-octylphenolpolyethoxylates (OPEO), a plastic component (bisphenol A), and an antimicrobial (triclosan). Other non-EDCs (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA] and boron) were measured as tracers of wastewater. Multiple fish species were collected, and their tissues were analyzed for NP, NPEO, NPEC, OP, and OPEO.
This study documented that WWTP effluent discharges can be long-term sources for a diverse group of EDCs that are not removed completely during the treatment process, and once introduced into the receiving stream, the compounds can persist for long distances downstream. All EDCs measured were detected among WWTP effluent samples, with NPEC found most frequently and with the greatest concentrations. The EDCs also were detected in the water and fish tissue of waterways receiving WWTP effluent. Biomarkers of endocrine disruption in fish indicated exposure to EDCs in the WWTP- impacted urban waterways, with a positive correlation between whole-body tissue concentrations of NP and biomarkers of endocrine disruption.
Detailed investigations of the highly engineered Greater Metropolitan Chicago Area Waterways, Illinois, indicated that (1) alkylphenolic EDCs in the sewer systems came from residential, commercial, and industrial sources; (2) although EDCs decreased during wastewater treatment, they were still present in the final WWTP effluent; (3) some EDCs are produced during wastewater treatment as the result of biodegradation of the parent surfactants; and (4) EDCs and other contaminants discharged in the WWTP effluent are transported downstream with little change in concentrations.
Information on contaminants in urban waterways is important to resource managers facing issues including wastewater reclamation and reuse, drinking water quality, aquatic biota health, and impacts of engineering approaches to change flow direction for controlling invasive species.
This research was funded by the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area’s Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Science Team
Sources of Contaminants to Congaree National Park—USGS and National Park Service Working Together
New Study Measures Crop Bactericide, Nitrapyrin, in Iowa Streams
Complex Mixtures, Complex Responses—Using Comprehensive Approaches to Assess Pharmaceutical Effects on Fish
Potential Exposure to Bacteria and Viruses Weeks after Swine Manure Spill
Assessing Environmental Chemical Mixtures in United States Streams
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Persist Downstream from the Source
Biological Activity of Steroid Hormones in U.S. Streams
Contaminants Affect Fish and Wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay
Chemical Combo and Intersex Fish Found at Smallmouth Bass Nesting Sites
Complex Mixture of Contaminants Persists in Streams Miles from the Source
Hormones in Land-Applied Biosolids Could Affect Aquatic Organisms
Improvements in Wastewater Treatment Reduces Endocrine Disruption in Fish
Below are publications associated with this project.
Endocrine disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals and other contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents, urban streams, and fish in the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi River Regions
An overview of estrogen-associated endocrine disruption in fishes: Evidence of effects on reproductive and immune physiology
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists determined that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) were present in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, water, and fish tissue in urban waterways in the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi River Regions (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio) during 1999 through 2009.
Urban waterways provide critical functions, including water supply, wastewater disposal, transportation, and aquatic habitat. Management of these multiple uses requires an understanding of the sources, fates, and effects of chemical contaminants. There are many potential sources of chemicals to urban waterways including discharges from municipal and industrial WWTPs, inputs from land-surface runoff, and wet and dry atmospheric deposition.
Scientists started with a survey of WWTP effluent and stream water at or near some of the major WWTPs in the regions to understand differences among sites and inputs to urban waterways. A focused investigation of the Greater Metropolitan Chicago Area Waterways, Illinois assessed the movement of EDCs from their source within the WWTP sewer collection system, through the major treatment processes, and into the receiving stream. The approach also included the assessment of fish tissue concentrations and fish endocrine disruption responses to understand corresponding environmental health implications.
Scientists measured alklyphenolic EDCs including surfactant degradation products 4-nonylphenol (NP), 4- nonylphenolpolyethoxylates (NPEO), 4-nonylphenolethoxycarboxylic acid (NPEC), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), 4-tert-octylphenolpolyethoxylates (OPEO), a plastic component (bisphenol A), and an antimicrobial (triclosan). Other non-EDCs (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA] and boron) were measured as tracers of wastewater. Multiple fish species were collected, and their tissues were analyzed for NP, NPEO, NPEC, OP, and OPEO.
This study documented that WWTP effluent discharges can be long-term sources for a diverse group of EDCs that are not removed completely during the treatment process, and once introduced into the receiving stream, the compounds can persist for long distances downstream. All EDCs measured were detected among WWTP effluent samples, with NPEC found most frequently and with the greatest concentrations. The EDCs also were detected in the water and fish tissue of waterways receiving WWTP effluent. Biomarkers of endocrine disruption in fish indicated exposure to EDCs in the WWTP- impacted urban waterways, with a positive correlation between whole-body tissue concentrations of NP and biomarkers of endocrine disruption.
Detailed investigations of the highly engineered Greater Metropolitan Chicago Area Waterways, Illinois, indicated that (1) alkylphenolic EDCs in the sewer systems came from residential, commercial, and industrial sources; (2) although EDCs decreased during wastewater treatment, they were still present in the final WWTP effluent; (3) some EDCs are produced during wastewater treatment as the result of biodegradation of the parent surfactants; and (4) EDCs and other contaminants discharged in the WWTP effluent are transported downstream with little change in concentrations.
Information on contaminants in urban waterways is important to resource managers facing issues including wastewater reclamation and reuse, drinking water quality, aquatic biota health, and impacts of engineering approaches to change flow direction for controlling invasive species.
This research was funded by the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area’s Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Science Team
Sources of Contaminants to Congaree National Park—USGS and National Park Service Working Together
New Study Measures Crop Bactericide, Nitrapyrin, in Iowa Streams
Complex Mixtures, Complex Responses—Using Comprehensive Approaches to Assess Pharmaceutical Effects on Fish
Potential Exposure to Bacteria and Viruses Weeks after Swine Manure Spill
Assessing Environmental Chemical Mixtures in United States Streams
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Persist Downstream from the Source
Biological Activity of Steroid Hormones in U.S. Streams
Contaminants Affect Fish and Wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay
Chemical Combo and Intersex Fish Found at Smallmouth Bass Nesting Sites
Complex Mixture of Contaminants Persists in Streams Miles from the Source
Hormones in Land-Applied Biosolids Could Affect Aquatic Organisms
Improvements in Wastewater Treatment Reduces Endocrine Disruption in Fish
Below are publications associated with this project.