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Larry B Barber, II

Dr. Larry Barber is a Research Geologist with the USGS Water Resources Mission Area and Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory.

I joined the USGS NRP as a student appointments in 1982. Since then, my research has involved long-term interdisciplinary research projects that characterize environmental sources of organic and inorganic contaminants, quantify the biogeochemical processes that control their fate, and assess their potential effects on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Particular emphasis is focused on the interactions between chemistry, hydrology, and biology. A major area of expertise is the analysis of emerging contaminants by gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, which provides a foundation for assessing their occurrence, exposure pathways, and impacts.

Current research focuses on biologically-active contaminants and receiving water (surface water and groundwater) attenuation capacity. Compounds being investigated include endocrine disrupting chemicals, neuro-active pharmaceuticals, and antimicrobials. We develop state-of-the-science approaches to landscape-based, watershed-scale (second-order streams to continental rivers) evaluation of chemical loading and fate combined with the field-based biological assays, to establish a holistic understanding of contaminant behavior and impacts. This interdisciplinary research involves teams of scientists to allow comprehensive evaluation of critical water resource issues.

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