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MRP information and data can be accessed through multiple pathways from publications to data releases. The Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data web portal is MRP's primary resource for interactive maps and downloadable geospatial data for regional and global geology, geochemistry, geophysics, and mineral resources. Individual data releases and data sets are also listed below.

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U-Pb zircon geochronology data from Eocene igneous rocks in the Stibnite-Yellow Pine mining district and vicinity, Idaho

This data release includes laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) U-Pb zircon geochronology data to determine the ages of Challis igneous rocks in the Thunder Mountain volcanic field and dikes west of the volcanic field, especially in and near the Stibnite-Yellow Pine mining district, ID. These efforts were made to help understand the stratigraphy and lithologic cha

Surface electrical resistivity tomography, magnetic, and gravity surveys in Redwell Basin and the greater East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017

Surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), time-domain electromagnetics (TEM), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetics, and gravity data were acquired in 2016, 2017 and 2018 in the greater East River Watershed near Crested Butte Colorado with a focused effort in Redwell Basin. Five ERT profiles were acquired within Redwell Basin and Brush Creek to map geologic structure at depths up to 4

GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Butte 1 x 2 Degrees Quadrangle, Montana

The data release for the geologic map of the Butte 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Montana, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report MBMG 363 (Lewis, 1998). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and polygons) in the forma

GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Lake Owen Quadrangle, Albany County, Wyoming

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents a digital database of geospatially enabled vector layers and tabular data transcribed from the geologic map of the Lake Owen quadrangle, Albany County, Wyoming, which was originally published as U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1304 (Houston and Orback, 1976). The 7.5-minute Lake Owen quadrangle is located in southeastern Wy

Indium deposits in the United States

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides the descriptions of the only U.S. sites-including mining districts, mineral occurrences, and mine features-that have reported production and (or) resources of indium (In). This dataset contains the Bingham and West Desert deposits in Utah, and the Chino site in New Mexico. Indium is considered a critical and strategic mineral because of its

Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Hajigak iron deposit: 2019 field season

These data include geochemical analyses of rock, mine waste, sediment, soil, and water samples collected from the Hajigak iron deposit, Bamyan and Wardak Provinces, Afghanistan in 2019.

Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Chrome Corporation of America in the Mountain View area, 1988 to 1990

This dataset includes TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) images of graphic drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a TIFF image of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, an Esri shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and 17 individual .csv files of tabular data that were compiled from handwritten drill core logs. The drill core is from the Mou

Structural measurements and their calculated surface traces, South Kawishiwi area, Duluth Complex, Minnesota

This dataset includes a point shapefile representing structural measurements taken from a study area near the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota and a line shapefile representing the surface traces of the structural measurements. The structural measurements point file consists of a compilation of data from multiple published and unpublished sources. The surface trace file w

Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Aynak copper deposit: 2019 field season

These data include geochemical analyses of rock, mine waste, sediment, and soil samples collected from the Aynak copper deposit, Logar Province, Afghanistan in 2019. In addition, these data include geochemical analyses of water samples collected from the Aynak copper deposit, Logar Province, Afghanistan in 2019.

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Idaho Cobalt Belt, Central Idaho, 2021 - Magnetic and Radiometric Data

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high resolution magnetic and radiometric survey over an area of central Idaho, USA. The survey includes airborne geophysical data collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) effort (Day, 2019). Earth MRI is a cooperative effort between the USGS, the Association of American State Geolog

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Munsungun region in northern Maine, 2021

This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over parts of northern Maine. The airborne data collection was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) with goals of better understanding volcanogenic massive sulfide mineral deposits, sediment hosted manganese deposits, and their surr

Mallnock, Wolfram Camp, and Andrew Curtis Scheelite and Wolframite U-Pb Isotope Data

Uranium and lead isotope ratios from (1) scheelite from ore deposits near Mallnock, Austria, (2) wolframite from the Wolfram Camp mine, Australia, and (3) scheelite from the Andrew Curtis mine near Los Angeles, California are provided in spreadsheet format. Data from four analysis sessions are included and separated according to both analysis data and mineral analyzed meaning 4 spreadsheets. For t
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