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Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database 2005-2022

The Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database is an aggregation of lists from State Wildlife Action Plans. Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are wildlife species that need conservation attention as listed in action plans. In this database, we have validated scientific names from original documents against taxonomic authorities to increase consistency among names...

Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 4

The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation's inventory of protected areas, including public land and voluntarily provided private protected areas, identified as an A-16 National Geospatial Data Asset in the Cadastre Theme ( ). The PAD-US is an ongoing project with several published versions of a spatial...

U.S. Geological Survey Data Citation Analysis, 2016-2022

In 2022, publication and data linkages were evaluated using two methods in an effort to understand how a data citation workflow has been implemented by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) since the 2016 USGS instructional memorandum, Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research at the U.S. Geological Survey: Scholarly Publications and Digital Data (USGS OSQI, 2016), went into...

Data release for an experimental translocation of invasive bigheaded carps and upstream passage success at a navigation lock

This dataset accompanies the article 'Upstream experience and experimental translocation of invasive bigheaded carps results in increased upstream passage success at a navigation lock in a large river'. The data come from the experimental capture and tagging of invasive bigheaded carp with acoustic transmitters and physically moving some groups farther downstream. These transmitters emit...

Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021

The purpose of this field data collection was to test and compare the OceanInsight HDX Mini Spectrometer as an accessible alternative against the more expensive ASD Fieldspec for collecting ground-based hyperspectral reflectance profiles for landcover analysis. The data collection took place in Dog Head Marsh and South Cape Beach within the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve...

Microcosm experiment data of microcystin-degrading bacteria in Lake Erie source waters and drinking-water plants, 2015-18

In 2015-2018, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes Restoration Initiative investigated the biodegradation of microcystins in source waters and sand filters from drinking-water plants in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Four source waters and three sand filtrate samples were collected from the intakes and sand filters of...

Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S.

This dataset contains all the layers associated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative for the Upper Peninsula Restoration Assessment (UPRA) which aims to identify and rank coastal areas with the greatest potential for wetland habitat restoration. Each layer has a unique contribution to the identification of restorable...

PRISM AN81m Spatial Climate Data Extracted by USGS 12-Digit Hydrologic Units of the Conterminous United States (1895-2017)

This dataset includes PRISM climate data from the AN81m model, extracted to the USGS 12-Digit Hydrologic Unit (HUC-12 basins) spatial grain. Yearly data is available for 83,304 HUC-12 basins from 1895-2017, and variables include annual precipitation, annual means of maximum and minimum daily average air temperature, maximum daily air temperature in August, minimum daily air temperature...

Update DOI example

An extreme flood in 2016 caused widespread culvert blockages and road failures across northern Wisconsin, including extensive damage along steep tributaries and ravines in the Marengo River watershed. Along with the flooding, there were fluvial erosion hazards (FEH) associated with a large amount of erosion in headwater areas. Of special concern were FEHs associated with gullying, loss...

U.S. Geological Survey 2021 Data Management Planning Survey Results and Analyses

In 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Science Data Management Team distributed four surveys related to Data Management Plans (DMPs) and Data Management Planning to USGS researchers, data managers and information technologists, Center Directors, and Program Coordinators and Bureau Approving Officials. This data release includes survey results with redactions (to allow survey...

USGS State of the Data Project: Rubric and Assessment Data

The FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) provide a concise and measurable strategy for optimizing the reuse of scientific data (Wilkinson et al., 2016). In FY20, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated a research study, titled "State of the Data", to evaluate and report on the current FAIRness of USGS data. Project outputs include the USGS FAIR Rubric, which...

TRAD: Thermal traits of anurans database for the Southeastern United States

We present ATraiU-TaDS: Anuran Traits of the United States - Thermal Data for Southeastern Species, a database of thermoregulation trait values related to physiological (critical thermal minima and maxima, preferred temperature, mass) and behavioral thermoregulation (activity period, retreat emergence temperature, basking temperature, foraging temperature minimum and maximum) for 40...
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