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On demand viewing of our current and past lecture videos can be found here. You can also view videos (2012 - current) via our Public Lecture Series playlist on our USGS YouTube channel.

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Understanding that science is a culture PubTalk-02/2024: Using Communication Science to Communicate USGS Science
PubTalk-02/2024: Using Communication Science to Communicate USGS Science
PubTalk-02/2024: Using Communication Science to Communicate USGS Science

Using Communication Science to Communicate USGS Science

By Sara McBride, USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center

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Using Communication Science to Communicate USGS Science

By Sara McBride, USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center

Learn how...

Still image of White National Sands National Park, with public lecture title. PubTalk-01/2024: Ancient human footprints in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
PubTalk-01/2024: Ancient human footprints in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
PubTalk-01/2024: Ancient human footprints in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
  • How old are the footprints? How do we know?
  • What is the role of USGS scientists in this discovery?
  • What's the link between these footprints & climate change?
  • How old are the footprints? How do we know?
  • What is the role of USGS scientists in this discovery?
  • What's the link between these footprints & climate change?
November PL 2023 - Thumbnail PubTalk-11/2023: Six Eruptions at Two Volcanoes Over the Past Three Years
PubTalk-11/2023: Six Eruptions at Two Volcanoes Over the Past Three Years
PubTalk-11/2023: Six Eruptions at Two Volcanoes Over the Past Three Years

Six Eruptions at Two Volcanoes Over the Past Three Years

How the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory monitors some of Earth’s most active volcanoes

by Katie Mulliken, Geologist, Research Corporation of the University of Hawai‘i and USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Six Eruptions at Two Volcanoes Over the Past Three Years

How the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory monitors some of Earth’s most active volcanoes

by Katie Mulliken, Geologist, Research Corporation of the University of Hawai‘i and USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Opening screenshot of September 2023 Public Lecture title slide. PubTalk-09/2023 - Geothermal Energy Research Within the USGS: Goldilocks to Electricity With Earthquakes in Between
PubTalk-09/2023 - Geothermal Energy Research Within the USGS: Goldilocks to Electricity With Earthquakes in Between
PubTalk-09/2023 - Geothermal Energy Research Within the USGS: Goldilocks to Electricity With Earthquakes in Between

Geothermal Energy Research Within the USGS: Goldilocks to Electricity With Earthquakes in Between

August Public Lecture Thumbnail video slide image PubTalk-08/2023: Indigenous Communities in the United States: Leaders in Climate Adaptation
PubTalk-08/2023: Indigenous Communities in the United States: Leaders in Climate Adaptation
PubTalk-08/2023: Indigenous Communities in the United States: Leaders in Climate Adaptation

Indigenous Communities in the United States: Leaders in Climate Adaptation

By Aparna Bamzai-Dodson, USGS Physical Scientist,

Nicole Herman-Mercer, USGS Social Scientist

and Sheree Watson, USGS Ecologist

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Indigenous Communities in the United States: Leaders in Climate Adaptation

By Aparna Bamzai-Dodson, USGS Physical Scientist,

Nicole Herman-Mercer, USGS Social Scientist

and Sheree Watson, USGS Ecologist

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July Public Lecture Thumbnail video intro image PubTalk-07/2023: From Snow To Flow - When Snow Falls On A Mountain, Where Does It Go?
PubTalk-07/2023: From Snow To Flow - When Snow Falls On A Mountain, Where Does It Go?
PubTalk-07/2023: From Snow To Flow - When Snow Falls On A Mountain, Where Does It Go?

From Snow To Flow - When Snow Falls On A Mountain, Where Does It Go?

By Andrea Creighton, USGS Hydrologist 

JunePL 2023 - Thumbnail slide image PubTalk-06/2023: Next Generation Topographic Mapping
PubTalk-06/2023: Next Generation Topographic Mapping
PubTalk-06/2023: Next Generation Topographic Mapping

Map what you want, where you want, when you want with topoBuilder

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 Thumbnail Image of May Public Lecture Opening Slide PubTalk-05/2023: Harnessing Our Greatest Life Force - Swim with Us Through Water Data for the Nation
PubTalk-05/2023: Harnessing Our Greatest Life Force - Swim with Us Through Water Data for the Nation
PubTalk-05/2023: Harnessing Our Greatest Life Force - Swim with Us Through Water Data for the Nation

Harnessing Our Greatest Life Force - Swim with Us Through Water Data for the Nation

By Nicole Felts, Shawna Gregory, Candice Hopkins, Emily Read, and Matt Rhoads, USGS Water Resources

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Harnessing Our Greatest Life Force - Swim with Us Through Water Data for the Nation

By Nicole Felts, Shawna Gregory, Candice Hopkins, Emily Read, and Matt Rhoads, USGS Water Resources

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Thumbnail Image of April Public Lecture Opening Slide PubTalk-04/2023: Gravity Never Sleeps - Landslide Science and Risk Reduction
PubTalk-04/2023: Gravity Never Sleeps - Landslide Science and Risk Reduction
PubTalk-04/2023: Gravity Never Sleeps - Landslide Science and Risk Reduction

Gravity Never Sleeps - Landslide Science and Risk Reduction 

By Jonathan Godt, USGS Landslide Hazards Program Coordinator 

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Gravity Never Sleeps - Landslide Science and Risk Reduction 

By Jonathan Godt, USGS Landslide Hazards Program Coordinator 

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Thumbnail opening slide of March Public Lecture PubTalk-03/2023: Coral Reef in Crisis - Science to Guide Reef Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery
PubTalk-03/2023: Coral Reef in Crisis - Science to Guide Reef Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery
PubTalk-03/2023: Coral Reef in Crisis - Science to Guide Reef Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery

Coral Reef in Crisis - Science to Guide Reef Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery

By Ilsa Kuffner, Research Marine Biologist 

USGS St. Petersburg Coastal & Marine Science Center

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Coral Reef in Crisis - Science to Guide Reef Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery

By Ilsa Kuffner, Research Marine Biologist 

USGS St. Petersburg Coastal & Marine Science Center

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Thumbnail for Feb. 2023 Public Lecture opening slide PubTalk-02/2023: Behind the Headlines of a Wildlife Disease Die-off
PubTalk-02/2023: Behind the Headlines of a Wildlife Disease Die-off
PubTalk-02/2023: Behind the Headlines of a Wildlife Disease Die-off

Behind the Headlines of a Wildlife Disease Die-off

The how and why of wildlife disease investigation 

By Dr. Kimberli Miller, Wildlife Disease Specialist 

USGS National Wildlife Health Center

Behind the Headlines of a Wildlife Disease Die-off

The how and why of wildlife disease investigation 

By Dr. Kimberli Miller, Wildlife Disease Specialist 

USGS National Wildlife Health Center

Screen shot from video PubTalk-01/2023: Building a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) for the Future
PubTalk-01/2023: Building a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) for the Future
PubTalk-01/2023: Building a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) for the Future

Building a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) for the Future 

By Charles Mandeville - USGS Volcano Hazards Program Coordinator 

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Building a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) for the Future 

By Charles Mandeville - USGS Volcano Hazards Program Coordinator 

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Endangered bumble bees: Science on the threats and recovery PubTalk-11/2022: Endangered Bumble Bees - Science on the Threats and Recovery
PubTalk-11/2022: Endangered Bumble Bees - Science on the Threats and Recovery
PubTalk-11/2022: Endangered Bumble Bees - Science on the Threats and Recovery

Endangered Bumble Bees - Science on the Threats and Recovery

by John Mola , USGS Research Ecologist (Former Employee), Assistant Professor, Colorado State University 

Learn About:

Endangered Bumble Bees - Science on the Threats and Recovery

by John Mola , USGS Research Ecologist (Former Employee), Assistant Professor, Colorado State University 

Learn About:

Windmill images with presenter's face in small box, presenting PubTalk-10/2022: Blowing in the Wind - Science to Help Understand and Help Reduce Wildlife Impacts from Wind Energy
PubTalk-10/2022: Blowing in the Wind - Science to Help Understand and Help Reduce Wildlife Impacts from Wind Energy
PubTalk-10/2022: Blowing in the Wind - Science to Help Understand and Help Reduce Wildlife Impacts from Wind Energy

Blowing in the Wind 

Science to Help Understand and Help Reduce Wildlife Impacts from Wind Energy

by Manuela Huso 

USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center 

Blowing in the Wind 

Science to Help Understand and Help Reduce Wildlife Impacts from Wind Energy

by Manuela Huso 

USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center 

screenshot showing shakealert images PubTalk-09/2022 - You Can be Powered by ShakeAlert®️ - Earthquake Early Warning for All!
PubTalk-09/2022 - You Can be Powered by ShakeAlert®️ - Earthquake Early Warning for All!
PubTalk-09/2022 - You Can be Powered by ShakeAlert®️ - Earthquake Early Warning for All!

You Can be Powered by ShakeAlert®️ - Earthquake Early Warning for All!

by Robert-Michael de Groot, USGS Earthquake Science Center 

You Can be Powered by ShakeAlert®️ - Earthquake Early Warning for All!

by Robert-Michael de Groot, USGS Earthquake Science Center 

Colorful slide during speaker presentation for August Public Lecture. PubTalk-08/2022 - The National Geologic Map Database - A wealth of geologic information at your fingertips!
PubTalk-08/2022 - The National Geologic Map Database - A wealth of geologic information at your fingertips!
PubTalk-08/2022 - The National Geologic Map Database - A wealth of geologic information at your fingertips!

The National Geologic Map Database

A wealth of geologic information at your fingertips! 

By David Soller, USGS Geologist

July Public Lecture Thumbnail video intro image PubTalk-07/2022 - Mapping the World from Satellites
PubTalk-07/2022 - Mapping the World from Satellites
PubTalk-07/2022 - Mapping the World from Satellites

Mapping the World from Satellites Helping us understand Global Food & Water Security in the 21st Century

by USGS Research Geographer Prasad Thenkabail

Mapping the World from Satellites Helping us understand Global Food & Water Security in the 21st Century

by USGS Research Geographer Prasad Thenkabail

Opening slide of speaker presentation. PubTalk-06/2022 - Keeping Tabs on the Volcanoes of the Last Frontier
PubTalk-06/2022 - Keeping Tabs on the Volcanoes of the Last Frontier
PubTalk-06/2022 - Keeping Tabs on the Volcanoes of the Last Frontier

Keeping Tabs on the Volcanoes of the Last Frontier

An Update from the Alaska Volcano Observatory

By Michelle Coombs, USGS Research Geologist 

Scientist-in-Charge, Alaska Volcano Observatory 

Keeping Tabs on the Volcanoes of the Last Frontier

An Update from the Alaska Volcano Observatory

By Michelle Coombs, USGS Research Geologist 

Scientist-in-Charge, Alaska Volcano Observatory 

thumbnail PubTalk-05/2022 - Using Military Remote Sensing Technology to Support Federal Civil Agency Science: Sunk Cost, Well Spent
PubTalk-05/2022 - Using Military Remote Sensing Technology to Support Federal Civil Agency Science: Sunk Cost, Well Spent
PubTalk-05/2022 - Using Military Remote Sensing Technology to Support Federal Civil Agency Science: Sunk Cost, Well Spent

Using Military Remote Sensing Technology to Support Federal Civil Agency Science: Sunk Cost, Well Spent

By Paul M. Young, Director of the USGS National Civil Applications Center

Using Military Remote Sensing Technology to Support Federal Civil Agency Science: Sunk Cost, Well Spent

By Paul M. Young, Director of the USGS National Civil Applications Center

Screenshot of video call showing title screen: A Burning Question PubTalk-04/2022 - A Burning Question: What can long-term datasets tech us?
PubTalk-04/2022 - A Burning Question: What can long-term datasets tech us?
PubTalk-04/2022 - A Burning Question: What can long-term datasets tech us?

A Burning Question: What can long-term datasets tech us?

By Justin Welty, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

A Burning Question: What can long-term datasets tech us?

By Justin Welty, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

screenshot of video PubTalk-03/2022 - Hoofing it in the West: Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Migratory Big Game
PubTalk-03/2022 - Hoofing it in the West: Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Migratory Big Game
PubTalk-03/2022 - Hoofing it in the West: Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Migratory Big Game

Hoofing it in the West: Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Migratory Big Game

By Matthew Kauffman, USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Hoofing it in the West: Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Migratory Big Game

By Matthew Kauffman, USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

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