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The National integrated water availability assessment, water years 2010–20

January 15, 2025

Water availability is fundamentally important to human well-being, economic vitality, and ecosystem health. Because of its central importance, the U.S. Congress tasked the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other Federal agencies with conducting regular, comprehensive assessments of water availability in the United States through the requirements under the SECURE Water Act. In response to this mandate, the USGS has developed the U.S. Geological Survey Integrated Water Availability Assessment—2010–20, which addresses aspects of water supply, quality, and use related to water availability in the United States. This is the first chapter of that report. The major climatic factors affecting water availability are also described. Multiple aspects of water availability are integrated to produce a more comprehensive analysis of water availability in the United States. This chapter enumerates the development, organization, and tools used in the USGS Integrated Water Availability Assessment. SECURE Water Act reports, developed by the Department of Energy Hydropower Climate Change Assessment and the Bureau of Reclamation West-Wide Climate and Hydrology Assessment, are also described. A distilled list of key findings from the overall report is also provided, serving as an introduction to each topic along with the most important high-level information.

Publication Year 2025
Title The National integrated water availability assessment, water years 2010–20
DOI 10.3133/pp1894A
Authors Edward G. Stets, Althea A. Archer, James R. Degnan, Melinda L. Erickson, Galen Gorski, Laura Medalie, Martha A. Scholl
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Professional Paper
Series Number 1894
Index ID pp1894A
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization WMA - Earth System Processes Division
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