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Ecosystems-nabat-FPabund: software for fitting false-positive N-mixture models using NABat mobile acoustic data (version 1.0.0)

May 31, 2024
The primary purpose of this software is to document the analytical methods and code used to fit false-positive N-mixture models and make status and trends predictions from: "Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate abundance and trends for three bat species affected by White-nose syndrome" by Udell et al. 2024. In particular, these methods were used to analyze acoustic recordings collected along mobile transects by partners of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) from 2012-2020 to model the relative abundance (species distributions, important covariate effects, and trends over time) for three species of bats at multiple spatial scales. These multiple scales spanned individual transect routes, larger NABat grid cells (10 km Ă— 10 km), regions (states/provinces), and across the entire extent of modeled species ranges. Code provided here includes: 1) R code which prepares data from NABat's Mobile Transect Acoustic Data Request format as encounter histories for analysis, 2) R and JAGS code for fitting each species model to NABat mobile transect acoustic data, and 3) R code for predicting the relative abundance of each species across NABat grid cells within each species' range. As a secondary purpose, this software release also provides some simplified model vignettes which may serve as a more appropriate starting point for others who are interested in adapting this code for future analyses using mobile acoustic data from NABat, or false-positive N-mixture models in general.
Publication Year 2024
Title Ecosystems-nabat-FPabund: software for fitting false-positive N-mixture models using NABat mobile acoustic data (version 1.0.0)
DOI 10.5066/P9R3W0EZ
Authors Bradley J Udell, Bethany R Straw, Susan Loeb, Kathryn M Irvine, Wayne E Thogmartin, Cori Lausen, Jonathan Reichard, Jeremy T Coleman, Paul Cryan, Winfred Frick, Brian E Reichert
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
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