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Bradley J Udell, PhD

Bradly Udell is a quantitative ecologist with an expertise in wildlife population ecology, Bayesian statistics, landscape ecology, conservation biology, and decision analysis. His work develops and applies methods for integrating multiple streams of monitoring data with ecological models and decisions support tools to inform conservation management of threatened and imperiled species.

Bradley has worked with several local, state, and federal government agencies over the years on wildlife ecology and conservation issues including: 1) predicting the abundance distributions of marine mammals and their collision risk with watercraft, 2) modeling the optimal design of watercraft speed zones to minimize collision risk with manatees, 3) predicting species distributions of invasive plants, and developing decision support tools for the optimal control of invasive species in the Everglades, 4) optimal reserve design for Cape Romain National Wildlife refuge under sea level rise, and 5) modeling the status and trends of North American bat species across their continental ranges.

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