A silver-phase American Eel in a northeastern river begins migrating downstream to the ocean to spawn in the Sargasso Sea. The migration can span hundreds of kilometers in freshwater rivers and thousands of kilometers at sea.
Alexander Haro, Ph.D.
Dr. Haro is a Fish Biologist at the USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory at Turners Falls, Massachusetts, and serves as Section Leader of the Fish Passage Engineering Section.
His present work involves migratory fish behavior, design, engineering, and evaluation of fish passage structures, fish swimming performance, and ecology and management of American eels. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Conservation and serves as a major advisor for graduate students, as well as an instructor for courses in fisheries biology.
Professional Experience
1991-present: Ecologist and Section Leader, Fish Passage Engineering Section, S. O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center, Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey, Turners Falls, Massachusetts
1991-present: Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Organismal and Evolutionary Biology; Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts
1989-1990: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Zoology, University of Maine 1989
M.Sc. Zoology, University of Rhode Island 1985
B. Sc. Biology, University of Michigan 1981
Affiliations and Memberships*
1985-present: American Fisheries Society Parent Society, Bethesda, MD
1985-present: American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter, Woods Hole, MA
1991-present: American Fisheries Society Bioengineering Section, Bethesda, MD
1992-present: University of Massachusetts, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Conservation, Amherst, MA
1996-present: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, American Eel Management Plan Technical Committee, Fish Passage Working Group, Washington, DC
1996-present: Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission (Fish Passage, Shad Studies Work Group, American Eel Subcommittee)
2000 – present: International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES) North American Eel Working Group
2012-present: Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Sea Lamprey Research Board; Trapping Task Force and Barriers Task Force
2010-present: American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental and Water Resources Institute - American Fisheries Society Bioengineering Section Committee on Fish Passage Fisheries Engineering Joint
Science and Products
Passage Technologies for American Eels
Evaluation and Development of Fish Passage Structures and Technologies
Fish Passage
Fishway Structure Data in the Eastern United States
Flume facility data collection at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory in Turners Falls, MA for the 2016-2017 Fishway Entrance Gate Project
Assessment of pulsed DC electric field to guide downstream migrating sea lamprey in experimental flume at USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Lab, Turners Falls, MA (December 2013)
A silver-phase American Eel in a northeastern river begins migrating downstream to the ocean to spawn in the Sargasso Sea. The migration can span hundreds of kilometers in freshwater rivers and thousands of kilometers at sea.
Left: Prototype ABS plastic eel climbing ramp under development and testing at CAFRL. New substrate design allows for passage of a wider size range of eels with less need for precise flow regulation. Right: juvenile eel climbing wetted ABS plastic substrate.
Left: Prototype ABS plastic eel climbing ramp under development and testing at CAFRL. New substrate design allows for passage of a wider size range of eels with less need for precise flow regulation. Right: juvenile eel climbing wetted ABS plastic substrate.
Radio-tagged silver phase American Eels being released for a CAFRL telemetry study of downstream passage of eels at hydroelectric dams on the Shetucket River, Connecticut.
Radio-tagged silver phase American Eels being released for a CAFRL telemetry study of downstream passage of eels at hydroelectric dams on the Shetucket River, Connecticut.
Prototype design of an airlift developed at CAFL to transport downstream migrant eels through a bypass pipe and away from turbine intakes. The airlift design passes eels as well as a conventional siphon or gravity pipe.
Prototype design of an airlift developed at CAFL to transport downstream migrant eels through a bypass pipe and away from turbine intakes. The airlift design passes eels as well as a conventional siphon or gravity pipe.
Apparatus used to test the sensitivity of eels to low-voltage pulsed DC electric fields. Knowledge of sensitivity of eels to electric fields enables development of behavioral barriers that use electricity to guide eels away from turbine intakes.
Apparatus used to test the sensitivity of eels to low-voltage pulsed DC electric fields. Knowledge of sensitivity of eels to electric fields enables development of behavioral barriers that use electricity to guide eels away from turbine intakes.
Effect of backwatering a streamgage weir on the passage performance of adult American Shad (Alosa sapidissima)
Thirteen novel ideas and underutilized resources to support progress towards a range-wide American eel stock assessment
Fishway Entrance Palisade
Evaluation of visible light as a cue for guiding downstream migrant juvenile Sea Lamprey
Effects of plunge pool configuration on downstream passage survival of juvenile blueback herring
Fishway entrance gate experiments with adult American Shad
Push and pull of downstream moving juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) exposed to chemosensory and light cues
Comparison of attraction, entrance and passage of downstream migrant American eels (Anguilla rostrata) through airlift and siphon deep entrance bypass systems
The S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center--a model for progress
Downstream fish passage guide walls: A hydraulic scale model analysis
Hydraulic and biological analysis of the passability of select fish species at the U.S. Geological Survey streamgaging weir at Blackwells Mills, New Jersey
Sensitivity of the downward to sweeping velocity ratio to the bypass flow percentage along a guide wall for downstream fish passage
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Fishway Structure Data in the Eastern United States
This geonarrative represents a compilation of fishways, and their associated characteristics, collected by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) member states at the request of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Science and Products
Passage Technologies for American Eels
Evaluation and Development of Fish Passage Structures and Technologies
Fish Passage
Fishway Structure Data in the Eastern United States
Flume facility data collection at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory in Turners Falls, MA for the 2016-2017 Fishway Entrance Gate Project
Assessment of pulsed DC electric field to guide downstream migrating sea lamprey in experimental flume at USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Lab, Turners Falls, MA (December 2013)
A silver-phase American Eel in a northeastern river begins migrating downstream to the ocean to spawn in the Sargasso Sea. The migration can span hundreds of kilometers in freshwater rivers and thousands of kilometers at sea.
A silver-phase American Eel in a northeastern river begins migrating downstream to the ocean to spawn in the Sargasso Sea. The migration can span hundreds of kilometers in freshwater rivers and thousands of kilometers at sea.
Left: Prototype ABS plastic eel climbing ramp under development and testing at CAFRL. New substrate design allows for passage of a wider size range of eels with less need for precise flow regulation. Right: juvenile eel climbing wetted ABS plastic substrate.
Left: Prototype ABS plastic eel climbing ramp under development and testing at CAFRL. New substrate design allows for passage of a wider size range of eels with less need for precise flow regulation. Right: juvenile eel climbing wetted ABS plastic substrate.
Radio-tagged silver phase American Eels being released for a CAFRL telemetry study of downstream passage of eels at hydroelectric dams on the Shetucket River, Connecticut.
Radio-tagged silver phase American Eels being released for a CAFRL telemetry study of downstream passage of eels at hydroelectric dams on the Shetucket River, Connecticut.
Prototype design of an airlift developed at CAFL to transport downstream migrant eels through a bypass pipe and away from turbine intakes. The airlift design passes eels as well as a conventional siphon or gravity pipe.
Prototype design of an airlift developed at CAFL to transport downstream migrant eels through a bypass pipe and away from turbine intakes. The airlift design passes eels as well as a conventional siphon or gravity pipe.
Apparatus used to test the sensitivity of eels to low-voltage pulsed DC electric fields. Knowledge of sensitivity of eels to electric fields enables development of behavioral barriers that use electricity to guide eels away from turbine intakes.
Apparatus used to test the sensitivity of eels to low-voltage pulsed DC electric fields. Knowledge of sensitivity of eels to electric fields enables development of behavioral barriers that use electricity to guide eels away from turbine intakes.
Effect of backwatering a streamgage weir on the passage performance of adult American Shad (Alosa sapidissima)
Thirteen novel ideas and underutilized resources to support progress towards a range-wide American eel stock assessment
Fishway Entrance Palisade
Evaluation of visible light as a cue for guiding downstream migrant juvenile Sea Lamprey
Effects of plunge pool configuration on downstream passage survival of juvenile blueback herring
Fishway entrance gate experiments with adult American Shad
Push and pull of downstream moving juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) exposed to chemosensory and light cues
Comparison of attraction, entrance and passage of downstream migrant American eels (Anguilla rostrata) through airlift and siphon deep entrance bypass systems
The S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center--a model for progress
Downstream fish passage guide walls: A hydraulic scale model analysis
Hydraulic and biological analysis of the passability of select fish species at the U.S. Geological Survey streamgaging weir at Blackwells Mills, New Jersey
Sensitivity of the downward to sweeping velocity ratio to the bypass flow percentage along a guide wall for downstream fish passage
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Fishway Structure Data in the Eastern United States
This geonarrative represents a compilation of fishways, and their associated characteristics, collected by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) member states at the request of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government