Christopher A Ellison, PhD
Chris is a project chief for water-quality studies, focusing on sediment-related investigations. He writes and submits proposals, designs studies, collects field data, analyzes data, and writes scientific investigation reports. He also assists other projects with statistical analysis and reviewing colleague reports.
Chris began his career in 2008 as a hydrologist in Minnesota. While there, he developed and conducted sediment-related studies that included measuring suspended-sediment concentrations and bedload throughout the state. He wrote proposals and worked with the Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Environmental Quality, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. He developed regression equations for dimensionless rating curves to reduce data collection requirements and predict suspended-sediment concentrations and bedload in Minnesota rivers. In 2016, he transferred to the Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center and worked as a supervisory hydrologist from 2016 to 2021. During this time, he supervised 10 hydrologists and hydrologic technicians and worked on the Clark Fork River Superfund Site. He also completed a study using surrogates to predict metallic contaminants in the Clark Fork River as it flows through the Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site. He is currently serving in a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) appointment after retiring in 2021. He is working on a Sediment Fingerprinting project in collaboration with the Teton Conservation District in Jackson, Wyoming. His NDAA appointment is expected to end in September 2026.
Education and Certifications
PhD Rangeland Ecology & Watershed Science, University of Wyoming
MS Rangeland Ecology & Watershed Science, University of Wyoming
BS Computer Science, Park College, MO
AS Geodetic Survey Technology, Community College of the Air Force
AS Computer Science, Community College of the Air Force
Science and Products
Predicting water quality in the Clark Fork near Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, southwestern Montana
Application of surrogate technology to predict real-time metallic-contaminant concentrations and loads in the Clark Fork near Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Montana, water years 2019–20
Using continuous measurements of turbidity to predict suspended-sediment concentrations, loads, and sources in Flat Creek through the town of Jackson, Wyoming, 2019−20 — A pilot study
Using acoustic Doppler velocity meters to estimate suspended sediment along the lower Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Suspended-sediment concentrations, bedload, particle sizes, surrogate measurements, and annual sediment loads for selected sites in the lower Minnesota River Basin, water years 2011 through 2016
Application of dimensionless sediment rating curves to predict suspended-sediment concentrations, bedload, and annual sediment loads for rivers in Minnesota
Geomorphic responses of Duluth-area streams to the June 2012 flood, Minnesota
Three-dimensional visualization maps of suspended-sediment concentrations during placement of dredged material in 21st Avenue West Channel Embayment, Duluth-Superior Harbor, Duluth, Minnesota, 2015
Suspended-sediment concentrations, yields, total suspended solids, turbidity, and particle-size fractions for selected rivers in Minnesota, 2007 through 2011
Suspended-sediment concentrations, loads, total suspended solids, turbidity, and particle-size fractions for selected rivers in Minnesota, 2007 through 2011
Sediment concentrations, loads, and particle-size distributions in the Red River of the North and selected tributaries near Fargo, North Dakota, during the 2011 spring high-flow event
Sediment concentrations, loads, and particle-size distributions in the Red River of the North and selected tributaries near Fargo, North Dakota, during the 2010 spring high-flow event
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Assessing the impacts of mining on the Transboundary Koocanusa Reservoir
Suspended-sediment concentrations, acoustic data, and linear regression models for the Lower Minnesota River, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin, 2015-2017
Science and Products
Predicting water quality in the Clark Fork near Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, southwestern Montana
Application of surrogate technology to predict real-time metallic-contaminant concentrations and loads in the Clark Fork near Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Montana, water years 2019–20
Using continuous measurements of turbidity to predict suspended-sediment concentrations, loads, and sources in Flat Creek through the town of Jackson, Wyoming, 2019−20 — A pilot study
Using acoustic Doppler velocity meters to estimate suspended sediment along the lower Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Suspended-sediment concentrations, bedload, particle sizes, surrogate measurements, and annual sediment loads for selected sites in the lower Minnesota River Basin, water years 2011 through 2016
Application of dimensionless sediment rating curves to predict suspended-sediment concentrations, bedload, and annual sediment loads for rivers in Minnesota
Geomorphic responses of Duluth-area streams to the June 2012 flood, Minnesota
Three-dimensional visualization maps of suspended-sediment concentrations during placement of dredged material in 21st Avenue West Channel Embayment, Duluth-Superior Harbor, Duluth, Minnesota, 2015
Suspended-sediment concentrations, yields, total suspended solids, turbidity, and particle-size fractions for selected rivers in Minnesota, 2007 through 2011
Suspended-sediment concentrations, loads, total suspended solids, turbidity, and particle-size fractions for selected rivers in Minnesota, 2007 through 2011
Sediment concentrations, loads, and particle-size distributions in the Red River of the North and selected tributaries near Fargo, North Dakota, during the 2011 spring high-flow event
Sediment concentrations, loads, and particle-size distributions in the Red River of the North and selected tributaries near Fargo, North Dakota, during the 2010 spring high-flow event
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.