Craig Paukert, PhD
Unit Leader - Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Research Interests
Craig's main research interests are conservation and management of stream and river fishes. However, he also has a background and interest in lake and reservoirs fisheries and have conducted research on systems such as the Colorado and Missouri Rivers, but also large reservoirs, natural lakes, and small streams.
Professional Experience
Unit Leader, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 2010-
Unit Leader, Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 1989-2010
Education and Certifications
Ph D South Dakota State University 2001
MS Oklahoma State University 1998
BS University of Minnesota 1993
Science and Products
Exploring the Potential for Conservation Lands in Middle Mississippi River Floodplains to Mitigate Flood Flows for Ecosystem Services
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
State of the Science on the Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes
Projected Climate Change Impacts on Stream Dwelling Smallmouth Bass Populations in the U.S. (Local Assessment)
Projected Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of the Lower Colorado River Basin (Regional Assessment)
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020
Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands on the Middle Mississippi River
Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing climate change adaptation and management actions for freshwater fishes
Data Supporting a Framework to Incorporate Established Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning
FishTail, Indices and Supporting Data Characterizing the Current and Future Risk to Fish Habitat Degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region
Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish
Habitat selection in a southern Lake Sturgeon population: Implications of temporal, spatial, and ontogenetic variation for restoration
Climate impacts to inland fishes: Shifting research topics over time
CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data
Estimating lentic recreational fisheries catch and effort across the United States
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene
Movement ecology of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir and upstream tributaries
Projected stream fish community risk to climate impacts in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Fish diversity reduction and assemblage structure homogenization in lakes: A case study on unselective fishing in China
Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses of inland fishes: A decision-path approach
A Resist-Accept-Direct decision-support tool for walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) management in Wisconsin
Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development
Lake Class and Walleye Natural Resources Information
The goal of this tool is that users of the tool can use the information provided here to inform their decisions (or their advice to those with decision-making authority) about whether to Resist, Accept, or Direct in walleye fisheries in Wisconsin.
Science and Products
Exploring the Potential for Conservation Lands in Middle Mississippi River Floodplains to Mitigate Flood Flows for Ecosystem Services
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
State of the Science on the Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes
Projected Climate Change Impacts on Stream Dwelling Smallmouth Bass Populations in the U.S. (Local Assessment)
Projected Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of the Lower Colorado River Basin (Regional Assessment)
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020
Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands on the Middle Mississippi River
Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing climate change adaptation and management actions for freshwater fishes
Data Supporting a Framework to Incorporate Established Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning
FishTail, Indices and Supporting Data Characterizing the Current and Future Risk to Fish Habitat Degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region
Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish
Habitat selection in a southern Lake Sturgeon population: Implications of temporal, spatial, and ontogenetic variation for restoration
Climate impacts to inland fishes: Shifting research topics over time
CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data
Estimating lentic recreational fisheries catch and effort across the United States
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene
Movement ecology of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir and upstream tributaries
Projected stream fish community risk to climate impacts in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Fish diversity reduction and assemblage structure homogenization in lakes: A case study on unselective fishing in China
Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses of inland fishes: A decision-path approach
A Resist-Accept-Direct decision-support tool for walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) management in Wisconsin
Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development
Lake Class and Walleye Natural Resources Information
The goal of this tool is that users of the tool can use the information provided here to inform their decisions (or their advice to those with decision-making authority) about whether to Resist, Accept, or Direct in walleye fisheries in Wisconsin.