Craig Paukert, PhD
Unit Leader - Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Research Interests
Craig's main research interests are conservation and management of stream and river fishes. However, he also has a background and interest in lake and reservoirs fisheries and have conducted research on systems such as the Colorado and Missouri Rivers, but also large reservoirs, natural lakes, and small streams.
Professional Experience
Unit Leader, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 2010-
Unit Leader, Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 1989-2010
Education and Certifications
Ph D South Dakota State University 2001
MS Oklahoma State University 1998
BS University of Minnesota 1993
Science and Products
Exploring the Potential for Conservation Lands in Middle Mississippi River Floodplains to Mitigate Flood Flows for Ecosystem Services
Reconnection of floodplains to their rivers has been considered a fundamentally beneficial ecological practice.
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
Fisheries managers in Midwestern lakes and reservoirs are tasked with balancing multiple management objectives to help maintain healthy fish populations across a landscape of diverse lakes. As part of this, managers monitor fish growth and survival. Growth rates in particular are indicators of population health, and directly influence the effectiveness of regulations designed to protect...
State of the Science on the Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes
Changes in the Earth’s climate are expected to impact freshwater habitats around the world by altering water temperatures, water levels, and streamflow. These changes will have consequences for inland fish – those found within lakes, rivers, streams, canals, reservoirs, and other landlocked waters – which are important for food, commerce, and recreation around the world. According to the...
Projected Climate Change Impacts on Stream Dwelling Smallmouth Bass Populations in the U.S. (Local Assessment)
The smallmouth bass (SMB) is a widespread species with a distribution that extends throughout the eastern and central U.S., in addition to introduced populations in other regions. From a management perspective, the SMB is important both as a popular sport fish and as a threat to native species where it is present outside of its natural range. Understanding the population-level responses...
Projected Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of the Lower Colorado River Basin (Regional Assessment)
Previous climate change research for the Colorado River Basin has used down-scaled climate models to predict impacts to hydropower and the potential ability to meet mandated water releases. The Lower Colorado River Basin (LCRB) has one of the most imperiled fish faunas in the nation with about half of the native fish species listed as Threatened or Endangered under the Federal Endangered...
Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks
The Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool contains data tabulating costs to traverse between 10,357 origin and 50,135 destination stream reaches throughout the Central Plains and Ozarks aquatic subregions in Missouri. Below are links to data associated with the more northern drainages and also the southern drainages. These data are intended to be used in the...
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020. Data were used in meta-analysis as part of the publication "Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to effectively address current stressors to inland fish and fisheries?" by Rogosch et al. Each row is data extracted from a study...
Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands on the Middle Mississippi River
Within large-river ecosystems, floodplains serve a variety of important ecological functions. A recent survey of 80 managers of floodplain conservation lands along the Upper and Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers in the central United States found that the most critical information needed to improve floodplain management centered on metrics for characterizing depth, extent...
Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing climate change adaptation and management actions for freshwater fishes
Inland fishes provide important ecosystem services to communities worldwide and are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Fish respond to climate change in diverse and nuanced ways, which creates challenges for practitioners of fish conservation, climate change adaptation, and management. Although climate change is known to affect fish globally, a comprehensive online...
Data Supporting a Framework to Incorporate Established Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning
This data set provides the results of a conservation prioritization analysis for wadeable streams in Missouri, USA. Higher values (Maximum of 1) represent higher conservation value. Conservation values were derived using Zonation conservation planning software which used species distribution models, a prioritization algorithm (either Core-Area or Additive Benefit), species weighting...
FishTail, Indices and Supporting Data Characterizing the Current and Future Risk to Fish Habitat Degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region
Human impacts occurring throughout the Northeast and Midwest United States, including urbanization, agriculture, and dams, have multiple effects on the regions streams which support economically valuable stream fishes. Changes in climate are expected to lead to additional impacts in stream habitats and fish assemblages in multiple ways, including changing stream water temperatures. To...
Filter Total Items: 82
Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch
ObjectiveManaging freshwater fisheries in warming lakes is challenging because climate change impacts anglers, fish, and their interactions.MethodsWe integrated recent models of current and future lake temperatures with recreational fisheries catch data from 587 lakes in three north-central U.S. states (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) to evaluate how the thermal composition of...
Lyndsie S. Wszola, Nicholas A. Sievert, Abigail Lynch, Holly Susan Embke, Anna L. Kaz, Matthew D. Robertson, Stephen R. Midway, Craig Paukert
Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish
River restoration programmes with the goal of conserving and rehabilitating inland fishes have a multi-decadal history, but evaluation and synthesis of past restoration actions have been limited by a lack of monitoring and reporting. Given that calls for both monitoring and systematic reviews of restoration have increased, we were interested in the influence that restoration has had on...
Jane Rogosch, Hadley I. A. Boehm, Ralph W. Tingley, Kiah D. Wright, Elisabeth B. Webb, Craig P. Paukert
Habitat selection in a southern Lake Sturgeon population: Implications of temporal, spatial, and ontogenetic variation for restoration
Successful species reintroduction requires restoration of receiving habitats to support growth, survival, and reproduction that reverse the initial causes of decline. Little is known about whether present habitat conditions can support all life stages of reintroduced southern Lake Sturgeon populations that were possibly extirpated by the mid-1900s due to overharvest and habitat...
M.J. Moore, Craig Paukert, S. Owens, T. Moore
Climate impacts to inland fishes: Shifting research topics over time
Climate change remains a primary threat to inland fishes and fisheries. Using topic modeling to examine trends and relationships across 36 years of scientific literature on documented and projected climate impacts to inland fish, we identify ten representative topics within this body of literature: assemblages, climate scenarios, distribution, climate drivers, population growth, invasive...
Abigail Lynch, Andrew DiSanto, Julian D. Olden, Cindy Chu, Craig Paukert, Daria Gundermann, Mitchel Lang, Ray Zhang, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data
The United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat) contains a national compilation of angler and creel survey data collected by natural resource management agencies across the United States (including Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico). These surveys are used to help inform the management of recreational fisheries, by collecting information about anglers including what...
Nicholas Allen Sievert, Abigail Lynch, Holly Susan Embke, Ashley Robertson, Mitchel Lang, Anna Kaz, Matthew Robertson, Steve R. Midway, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Craig Paukert
Estimating lentic recreational fisheries catch and effort across the United States
Recreational fisheries represent a socially, ecologically, and economically significant component of global fisheries. The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat) database includes inland recreational fisheries survey data across the United States to facilitate large-scale analyses. However, because survey methods differ, a statistical method capable of integrating these...
Matthew Robertson, Stephen R. Midway, Holly Susan Embke, Anna Kaz, Mitchel Lang, Craig Paukert, Nicholas A. Sievert, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Abigail Lynch
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene
Rehabilitation of large Anthropocene rivers requires engagement of diverse stakeholders across a broad range of sociopolitical boundaries. Competing objectives often constrain options for ecological restoration of large rivers whereas fewer competing objectives may exist in a subset of tributaries. Further, tributaries contribute toward building a “portfolio” of river ecosystem assets...
Kristen L. Bouska, Brian Daniel Healy, Michael J. Moore, Corey Garland Dunn, Jonathan J Spurgeon, Craig Paukert
Movement ecology of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir and upstream tributaries
Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, is an herbivorous fish originally brought to North America from Asia in 1963 to control nuisance aquatic vegetation. Since their arrival, detrimental alterations to aquatic ecosystems have sometimes occurred in waterways where they were initially stocked and into which they have escaped. The movements of grass carp from lentic systems into tributaries...
Tyler Michael Hessler, Duane Chapman, Craig Paukert, Jeff C. Jolley, Michael E. Byrne
Projected stream fish community risk to climate impacts in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Climate change is expected to alter stream fish habitat potentially leading to changes in the composition and distribution of fish communities. In the Northeastern and Midwestern United States we identified the distribution and characteristics of those fish communities most and least at risk of experiencing changes in climate which deviate from the climate they are associated with. We...
N. Sievert, Craig Paukert, J. B. Whittier, Wesley Daniel, D.M. Infante, Jana Stewart
Fish diversity reduction and assemblage structure homogenization in lakes: A case study on unselective fishing in China
Unselective fishing involves activities that target the entire assemblage rather than specific fish species, size classes, or trophic levels. This common fishing approach has been in practice for decades in inland waters in China but its implications for biodiversity remain unclear. We addressed this issue by studying fish assemblages in freshwater lakes (five fishing lakes, one...
Han Liu, Yushun Chen, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, Xiao Qu, Wentong Xia, Fei Cheng, Lizhu Wang, Craig Paukert, Julian D. Olden, Songguang Xie
Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses of inland fishes: A decision-path approach
Climate change will continue to be an important consideration for conservation practitioners. However, uncertainty in identifying appropriate management strategies, particularly for understudied species and regions, constrains the implementation of science-based solutions and adaptation strategies. Here, we share a decision-path approach to reduce uncertainty in climate change responses...
Abigail Lynch, Bonnie Myers, Jesse P. Wong, Cindy Chu, Ralph W. Tingley, Jeffrey A. Falke, Thomas J. Kwak, Craig Paukert, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
A Resist-Accept-Direct decision-support tool for walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) management in Wisconsin
Large-scale modelling and prediction provide insight into general influences of climate change on inland recreational fisheries; however, small-scale dynamics and local expertise will be key in developing explicit goals for managing recreational fisheries as the climate changes. The resist-accept-direct (RAD) framework encompasses the entire decision space managers consider when...
Colin J. Dassow, Alex W. Latzka, Abigail Lynch, Greg G. Sass, Ralph W. Tingley, Craig Paukert
Lake Class and Walleye Natural Resources Information
The goal of this tool is that users of the tool can use the information provided here to inform their decisions (or their advice to those with decision-making authority) about whether to Resist, Accept, or Direct in walleye fisheries in Wisconsin.
Code for Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks
The Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool can be used to identify the number and nature of barriers to fish movement between stream reaches. This data can be used to target stream reaches for protection, conservation, and reestablishing connectivity within and between existing conservation networks. The tool allows users to select a subset of stream reaches...
Science and Products
Exploring the Potential for Conservation Lands in Middle Mississippi River Floodplains to Mitigate Flood Flows for Ecosystem Services
Reconnection of floodplains to their rivers has been considered a fundamentally beneficial ecological practice.
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
Fisheries managers in Midwestern lakes and reservoirs are tasked with balancing multiple management objectives to help maintain healthy fish populations across a landscape of diverse lakes. As part of this, managers monitor fish growth and survival. Growth rates in particular are indicators of population health, and directly influence the effectiveness of regulations designed to protect...
State of the Science on the Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes
Changes in the Earth’s climate are expected to impact freshwater habitats around the world by altering water temperatures, water levels, and streamflow. These changes will have consequences for inland fish – those found within lakes, rivers, streams, canals, reservoirs, and other landlocked waters – which are important for food, commerce, and recreation around the world. According to the...
Projected Climate Change Impacts on Stream Dwelling Smallmouth Bass Populations in the U.S. (Local Assessment)
The smallmouth bass (SMB) is a widespread species with a distribution that extends throughout the eastern and central U.S., in addition to introduced populations in other regions. From a management perspective, the SMB is important both as a popular sport fish and as a threat to native species where it is present outside of its natural range. Understanding the population-level responses...
Projected Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Aquatic Habitats of the Lower Colorado River Basin (Regional Assessment)
Previous climate change research for the Colorado River Basin has used down-scaled climate models to predict impacts to hydropower and the potential ability to meet mandated water releases. The Lower Colorado River Basin (LCRB) has one of the most imperiled fish faunas in the nation with about half of the native fish species listed as Threatened or Endangered under the Federal Endangered...
Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks
The Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool contains data tabulating costs to traverse between 10,357 origin and 50,135 destination stream reaches throughout the Central Plains and Ozarks aquatic subregions in Missouri. Below are links to data associated with the more northern drainages and also the southern drainages. These data are intended to be used in the...
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020
Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020. Data were used in meta-analysis as part of the publication "Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to effectively address current stressors to inland fish and fisheries?" by Rogosch et al. Each row is data extracted from a study...
Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands on the Middle Mississippi River
Within large-river ecosystems, floodplains serve a variety of important ecological functions. A recent survey of 80 managers of floodplain conservation lands along the Upper and Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers in the central United States found that the most critical information needed to improve floodplain management centered on metrics for characterizing depth, extent...
Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing climate change adaptation and management actions for freshwater fishes
Inland fishes provide important ecosystem services to communities worldwide and are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Fish respond to climate change in diverse and nuanced ways, which creates challenges for practitioners of fish conservation, climate change adaptation, and management. Although climate change is known to affect fish globally, a comprehensive online...
Data Supporting a Framework to Incorporate Established Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning
This data set provides the results of a conservation prioritization analysis for wadeable streams in Missouri, USA. Higher values (Maximum of 1) represent higher conservation value. Conservation values were derived using Zonation conservation planning software which used species distribution models, a prioritization algorithm (either Core-Area or Additive Benefit), species weighting...
FishTail, Indices and Supporting Data Characterizing the Current and Future Risk to Fish Habitat Degradation in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region
Human impacts occurring throughout the Northeast and Midwest United States, including urbanization, agriculture, and dams, have multiple effects on the regions streams which support economically valuable stream fishes. Changes in climate are expected to lead to additional impacts in stream habitats and fish assemblages in multiple ways, including changing stream water temperatures. To...
Filter Total Items: 82
Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch
ObjectiveManaging freshwater fisheries in warming lakes is challenging because climate change impacts anglers, fish, and their interactions.MethodsWe integrated recent models of current and future lake temperatures with recreational fisheries catch data from 587 lakes in three north-central U.S. states (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) to evaluate how the thermal composition of...
Lyndsie S. Wszola, Nicholas A. Sievert, Abigail Lynch, Holly Susan Embke, Anna L. Kaz, Matthew D. Robertson, Stephen R. Midway, Craig Paukert
Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish
River restoration programmes with the goal of conserving and rehabilitating inland fishes have a multi-decadal history, but evaluation and synthesis of past restoration actions have been limited by a lack of monitoring and reporting. Given that calls for both monitoring and systematic reviews of restoration have increased, we were interested in the influence that restoration has had on...
Jane Rogosch, Hadley I. A. Boehm, Ralph W. Tingley, Kiah D. Wright, Elisabeth B. Webb, Craig P. Paukert
Habitat selection in a southern Lake Sturgeon population: Implications of temporal, spatial, and ontogenetic variation for restoration
Successful species reintroduction requires restoration of receiving habitats to support growth, survival, and reproduction that reverse the initial causes of decline. Little is known about whether present habitat conditions can support all life stages of reintroduced southern Lake Sturgeon populations that were possibly extirpated by the mid-1900s due to overharvest and habitat...
M.J. Moore, Craig Paukert, S. Owens, T. Moore
Climate impacts to inland fishes: Shifting research topics over time
Climate change remains a primary threat to inland fishes and fisheries. Using topic modeling to examine trends and relationships across 36 years of scientific literature on documented and projected climate impacts to inland fish, we identify ten representative topics within this body of literature: assemblages, climate scenarios, distribution, climate drivers, population growth, invasive...
Abigail Lynch, Andrew DiSanto, Julian D. Olden, Cindy Chu, Craig Paukert, Daria Gundermann, Mitchel Lang, Ray Zhang, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data
The United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat) contains a national compilation of angler and creel survey data collected by natural resource management agencies across the United States (including Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico). These surveys are used to help inform the management of recreational fisheries, by collecting information about anglers including what...
Nicholas Allen Sievert, Abigail Lynch, Holly Susan Embke, Ashley Robertson, Mitchel Lang, Anna Kaz, Matthew Robertson, Steve R. Midway, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Craig Paukert
Estimating lentic recreational fisheries catch and effort across the United States
Recreational fisheries represent a socially, ecologically, and economically significant component of global fisheries. The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat) database includes inland recreational fisheries survey data across the United States to facilitate large-scale analyses. However, because survey methods differ, a statistical method capable of integrating these...
Matthew Robertson, Stephen R. Midway, Holly Susan Embke, Anna Kaz, Mitchel Lang, Craig Paukert, Nicholas A. Sievert, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Abigail Lynch
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene
Rehabilitation of large Anthropocene rivers requires engagement of diverse stakeholders across a broad range of sociopolitical boundaries. Competing objectives often constrain options for ecological restoration of large rivers whereas fewer competing objectives may exist in a subset of tributaries. Further, tributaries contribute toward building a “portfolio” of river ecosystem assets...
Kristen L. Bouska, Brian Daniel Healy, Michael J. Moore, Corey Garland Dunn, Jonathan J Spurgeon, Craig Paukert
Movement ecology of diploid and triploid grass carp in a large reservoir and upstream tributaries
Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, is an herbivorous fish originally brought to North America from Asia in 1963 to control nuisance aquatic vegetation. Since their arrival, detrimental alterations to aquatic ecosystems have sometimes occurred in waterways where they were initially stocked and into which they have escaped. The movements of grass carp from lentic systems into tributaries...
Tyler Michael Hessler, Duane Chapman, Craig Paukert, Jeff C. Jolley, Michael E. Byrne
Projected stream fish community risk to climate impacts in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States
Climate change is expected to alter stream fish habitat potentially leading to changes in the composition and distribution of fish communities. In the Northeastern and Midwestern United States we identified the distribution and characteristics of those fish communities most and least at risk of experiencing changes in climate which deviate from the climate they are associated with. We...
N. Sievert, Craig Paukert, J. B. Whittier, Wesley Daniel, D.M. Infante, Jana Stewart
Fish diversity reduction and assemblage structure homogenization in lakes: A case study on unselective fishing in China
Unselective fishing involves activities that target the entire assemblage rather than specific fish species, size classes, or trophic levels. This common fishing approach has been in practice for decades in inland waters in China but its implications for biodiversity remain unclear. We addressed this issue by studying fish assemblages in freshwater lakes (five fishing lakes, one...
Han Liu, Yushun Chen, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, Xiao Qu, Wentong Xia, Fei Cheng, Lizhu Wang, Craig Paukert, Julian D. Olden, Songguang Xie
Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses of inland fishes: A decision-path approach
Climate change will continue to be an important consideration for conservation practitioners. However, uncertainty in identifying appropriate management strategies, particularly for understudied species and regions, constrains the implementation of science-based solutions and adaptation strategies. Here, we share a decision-path approach to reduce uncertainty in climate change responses...
Abigail Lynch, Bonnie Myers, Jesse P. Wong, Cindy Chu, Ralph W. Tingley, Jeffrey A. Falke, Thomas J. Kwak, Craig Paukert, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
A Resist-Accept-Direct decision-support tool for walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) management in Wisconsin
Large-scale modelling and prediction provide insight into general influences of climate change on inland recreational fisheries; however, small-scale dynamics and local expertise will be key in developing explicit goals for managing recreational fisheries as the climate changes. The resist-accept-direct (RAD) framework encompasses the entire decision space managers consider when...
Colin J. Dassow, Alex W. Latzka, Abigail Lynch, Greg G. Sass, Ralph W. Tingley, Craig Paukert
Lake Class and Walleye Natural Resources Information
The goal of this tool is that users of the tool can use the information provided here to inform their decisions (or their advice to those with decision-making authority) about whether to Resist, Accept, or Direct in walleye fisheries in Wisconsin.
Code for Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks
The Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool can be used to identify the number and nature of barriers to fish movement between stream reaches. This data can be used to target stream reaches for protection, conservation, and reestablishing connectivity within and between existing conservation networks. The tool allows users to select a subset of stream reaches...