Photo of mountains from Crested Butte, CO.
Drew Ignizio
Drew Ignizio is the ScienceBase product owner, in the Science Data Management Branch.
Science and Products
Extending ScienceBase for Disaster Risk Reduction
Access to up-to-date geospatial data is critical when responding to natural hazards-related crises, such as volcanic eruptions. To address the need to reliably provide access to near real-time USGS datasets, we developed a process to allow data managers within the USGS Volcano Hazard Program to programmatically publish geospatial webservices to a cloud-based instance of GeoServer hosted...
Web Mapping Application for a Historical Geologic Field Photo Collection
Geotagged photographs have become a useful medium for recording, analyzing, and communicating Earth science phenomena. Despite their utility, many field photographs are not published or preserved in a spatial or accessible format—oftentimes because of confusion about photograph metadata, a lack of stability, or user customization in free photo sharing platforms. After receiving a request...
Facilitating the USGS Scientific Data Management Foundation by integrating the process into current scientific workflow systems
Increasing attention is being paid to the importance of proper scientific data management and implementing processes that ensure that products being released are properly documented. USGS policies have been established to properly document not only publications, but also the related data and software. This relatively recent expansion of documentation requirements for data and software...
Use of Controlled Vocabularies in USGS Information Applications: Requirements Analysis for Automated Processes and Services (Bureau-wide Application)
Large online data catalogs use controlled vocabularies to categorize datasets in ways that allow end users to sort and select data matching their needs. The eventual goal of this project is to build functional services so that the USGS Thesaurus and other USGS-controlled vocabularies will be available to the English-speaking scientific community, especially within the USGS where they can...
Filter Total Items: 15
Leveraging existing technology: Developing a trusted digital repository for the U.S. Geological Survey
As Federal Government agencies in the United States pivot to increase access to scientific data (Sheehan, 2016), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has made substantial progress (Kriesberg et al., 2017). USGS authors are required to make federally funded data publicly available in an approved data repository (USGS, 2016b). This type of public data product, known as a USGS data release...
Vivian B. Hutchison, Tamar Norkin, Madison Langseth, Drew Ignizio, Lisa Zolly, Ricardo McClees-Funinan, Amanda N. Liford
USGS enterprise tools for efficient and effective management of science data
The Science Data Management Branch (SDM) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides data management expertise and leadership and develops guidance and tools to support the USGS in providing the nation with reliable scientific information on the basis of which to describe the Earth. The SDM suite of tools supports the USGS Data Management Lifecycle by facilitating quality assurance...
Vivian B. Hutchison, Amanda Liford, Ricardo McClees-Funinan, Lisa Zolly, Drew Ignizio, Madison Langseth, Brandon Serna, Elizabeth Sellers, Leslie Hsu, Tamar Norkin, Marcia McNiff, Grace C. Donovan
Relationships between gas field development and the presence and abundance of pygmy rabbits in southwestern Wyoming
More than 5957 km2 in southwestern Wyoming is currently covered by operational gas fields, and further development is projected through 2030. Gas fields fragment landscapes through conversion of native vegetation to roads, well pads, pipeline corridors, and other infrastructure elements. The sagebrush steppe landscape where most of this development is occurring harbors 24 sagebrush...
Stephen S. Germaine, Sarah K. Carter, Drew A. Ignizio, Aaron T. Freeman
Community for Data Integration 2016 annual report
The Community for Data Integration (CDI) represents a dynamic community of practice focused on advancing science data and information management and integration capabilities across the U.S. Geological Survey and the CDI community. This annual report describes the various presentations, activities, and outcomes of the CDI monthly forums, working groups, virtual training series, and other...
Madison L. Langseth, Leslie Hsu, Jon Amberg, Norman Bliss, Andrew R. Bock, Rachel T. Bolus, R. Sky Bristol, Katherine J. Chase, Theresa M. Crimmins, Paul S. Earle, Richard Erickson, A. Lance Everette, Jeff T. Falgout, John Faundeen, Michael N. Fienen, Rusty Griffin, Michelle R. Guy, Kevin D. Henry, Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich, Randall J. Hunt, Vivian B. Hutchison, Drew A. Ignizio, Dana M. Infante, Catherine Jarnevich, Jeanne M. Jones, Tim Kern, Scott Leibowitz, Francis L. Lightsom, R. Lee Marsh, S. Grace McCalla, Marcia McNiff, Jeffrey T. Morisette, John C. Nelson, Tamar Norkin, Todd M. Preston, Alyssa Rosemartin, Roy Sando, Jason T. Sherba, Richard P. Signell, Benjamin M. Sleeter, Eric T. Sundquist, Colin B. Talbert, Roland J. Viger, Jake F. Weltzin, Sharon Waltman, Marc Weber, Daniel J. Wieferich, Brad Williams, Lisamarie Windham-Myers
Estimated historical distribution of grassland communities of the Southern Great Plains
The purpose of this project was to map the estimated distribution of grassland communities of the Southern Great Plains prior to Euro-American settlement. The Southern Great Plains Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA), under the direction of the Bureau of Land Management and the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, includes four ecoregions: the High Plains, Central Great Plains...
Gordon C. Reese, Daniel J. Manier, Natasha B. Carr, Ramana Callan, Ian I.F. Leinwand, Timothy J. Assal, Lucy Burris, Drew A. Ignizio
Community for Data Integration 2013 Annual Report
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducts earth science to help address complex issues affecting society and the environment. In 2006, the USGS held the first Scientific Information Management Workshop to bring together staff from across the organization to discuss the data and information management issues affecting the integration and delivery of earth science research and investigate...
Michelle Y. Chang, Jennifer Carlino, Christopher Barnes, David L. Blodgett, Andrew R. Bock, Anthony L. Everette, Gregory L. Fernette, Lorraine E. Flint, Janice M. Gordon, David L. Govoni, Lauren E. Hay, Heather S. Henkel, Megan Hines, Sally L. Holl, Collin G. Homer, Vivian B. Hutchison, Drew A. Ignizio, Tim J. Kern, Frances L. Lightsom, Steven L. Markstrom, Michael S. O'Donnell, Jacquelyn L. Schei, Lorna A. Schmid, Kathryn M. Schoephoester, Peter N. Schweitzer, Susan K. Skagen, Daniel J. Sullivan, Colin Talbert, Meredith Pavlick Warren
Predicting occupancy for pygmy rabbits in Wyoming: an independent evaluation of two species distribution models
Species distribution models are an important component of natural-resource conservation planning efforts. Independent, external evaluation of their accuracy is important before they are used in management contexts. We evaluated the classification accuracy of two species distribution models designed to predict the distribution of pygmy rabbit Brachylagus idahoensis habitat in southwestern...
Steve Germaine, Drew Ignizio, Doug Keinath, Holly Copeland
Influence of nonnative and native ungulate biomass and seasonal precipitation on vegetation production in a Great Basin ecosystem
The negative effects of equid grazers in semiarid ecosystems of the American West have been considered disproportionate to the influence of native ungulates in these systems because of equids' large body size, hoof shape, and short history on the landscape relative to native ungulates. Tools that can analyze the degree of influence of various ungulate herbivores in an ecosystem and...
Linda Zeigenfuss, Kathryn A. Schoenecker, Jason I. Ransom, Drew A. Ignizio, Tracy Mask
Two decision-support tools for assessing the potential effects of energy development on hydrologic resources as part of the Energy and Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area interactive energy atlas
The U.S. Geological Survey project—Energy and Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area (EERMA)—has developed a set of virtual tools in the form of an online interactive energy atlas for Colorado and New Mexico to facilitate access to geospatial data related to energy resources, energy infrastructure, and natural resources that may be affected by energy development. The interactive energy...
Joshua I. Linard, Anne Marie Matherne, Kenneth J. Leib, Natasha B. Carr, James E. Diffendorfer, Sarah J. Hawkins, Natalie Latysh, Drew A. Ignizio, Nils C. Babel
Metadata Wizard: an easy-to-use tool for creating FGDC-CSDGM metadata for geospatial datasets in ESRI ArcGIS Desktop
Creating compliant metadata for scientific data products is mandated for all federal Geographic Information Systems professionals and is a best practice for members of the geospatial data community. However, the complexity of the The Federal Geographic Data Committee’s Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, the limited availability of easy-to-use tools, and recent changes in...
Drew A. Ignizio, Michael S. O'Donnell, Colin B. Talbert
Gunnison sage-grouse lek site suitability modeling
In order to better understand and protect species with minimal or decreasing populations, it is imperative to determine their actual existing population size. The focal species for this project is the Gunnison sage-grouse (GUSG), which became a proposed endangered species under the Endangered Species Act, thus confirming the need for better population estimates. Lek site counting during...
Douglas S. Ouren, Drew A. Ignizio, Melissa Siders, Theresa Childers, Karen Tucker, Nathan Seward
Interactive energy atlas for Colorado and New Mexico: an online resource for decisionmakers
Throughout the western United States, increased demand for energy is driving the rapid development of nonrenewable and renewable energy resources. Resource managers must balance the benefits of energy development with the potential consequences for ecological resources and ecosystem services. To facilitate access to geospatial data related to energy resources, energy infrastructure, and...
Natasha B. Carr, Drew A. Ignizio, James E. Diffendorfer, Natalie Latysh, Ann Marie Matherne, Joshua I. Linard, Kenneth J. Leib, Sarah J. Hawkins
sciencebasepy: A Python library for programmatic interaction with the USGS ScienceBase platform
This Python module provides functionality for interacting with the USGS ScienceBase platform: ScienceBase is a Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The platform is developed and maintained by the USGS to provide shared, permission-controlled access to scientific data products and bureau resources. Rather than serving...
Understanding how data are used across the scientific community provides many benefits to data authors, including building a better awareness and comprehension of 1) a dataset's scientific impact, 2) use cases to direct future versions, and 3) related efforts. Effectively tracking when and how data are used in the literature through time can be challenging. This is in part due to a lack...
Science and Products
Extending ScienceBase for Disaster Risk Reduction
Access to up-to-date geospatial data is critical when responding to natural hazards-related crises, such as volcanic eruptions. To address the need to reliably provide access to near real-time USGS datasets, we developed a process to allow data managers within the USGS Volcano Hazard Program to programmatically publish geospatial webservices to a cloud-based instance of GeoServer hosted...
Web Mapping Application for a Historical Geologic Field Photo Collection
Geotagged photographs have become a useful medium for recording, analyzing, and communicating Earth science phenomena. Despite their utility, many field photographs are not published or preserved in a spatial or accessible format—oftentimes because of confusion about photograph metadata, a lack of stability, or user customization in free photo sharing platforms. After receiving a request...
Facilitating the USGS Scientific Data Management Foundation by integrating the process into current scientific workflow systems
Increasing attention is being paid to the importance of proper scientific data management and implementing processes that ensure that products being released are properly documented. USGS policies have been established to properly document not only publications, but also the related data and software. This relatively recent expansion of documentation requirements for data and software...
Use of Controlled Vocabularies in USGS Information Applications: Requirements Analysis for Automated Processes and Services (Bureau-wide Application)
Large online data catalogs use controlled vocabularies to categorize datasets in ways that allow end users to sort and select data matching their needs. The eventual goal of this project is to build functional services so that the USGS Thesaurus and other USGS-controlled vocabularies will be available to the English-speaking scientific community, especially within the USGS where they can...
Mountains in Crested Butte
Photo of mountains from Crested Butte, CO.
Filter Total Items: 15
Leveraging existing technology: Developing a trusted digital repository for the U.S. Geological Survey
As Federal Government agencies in the United States pivot to increase access to scientific data (Sheehan, 2016), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has made substantial progress (Kriesberg et al., 2017). USGS authors are required to make federally funded data publicly available in an approved data repository (USGS, 2016b). This type of public data product, known as a USGS data release...
Vivian B. Hutchison, Tamar Norkin, Madison Langseth, Drew Ignizio, Lisa Zolly, Ricardo McClees-Funinan, Amanda N. Liford
USGS enterprise tools for efficient and effective management of science data
The Science Data Management Branch (SDM) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides data management expertise and leadership and develops guidance and tools to support the USGS in providing the nation with reliable scientific information on the basis of which to describe the Earth. The SDM suite of tools supports the USGS Data Management Lifecycle by facilitating quality assurance...
Vivian B. Hutchison, Amanda Liford, Ricardo McClees-Funinan, Lisa Zolly, Drew Ignizio, Madison Langseth, Brandon Serna, Elizabeth Sellers, Leslie Hsu, Tamar Norkin, Marcia McNiff, Grace C. Donovan
Relationships between gas field development and the presence and abundance of pygmy rabbits in southwestern Wyoming
More than 5957 km2 in southwestern Wyoming is currently covered by operational gas fields, and further development is projected through 2030. Gas fields fragment landscapes through conversion of native vegetation to roads, well pads, pipeline corridors, and other infrastructure elements. The sagebrush steppe landscape where most of this development is occurring harbors 24 sagebrush...
Stephen S. Germaine, Sarah K. Carter, Drew A. Ignizio, Aaron T. Freeman
Community for Data Integration 2016 annual report
The Community for Data Integration (CDI) represents a dynamic community of practice focused on advancing science data and information management and integration capabilities across the U.S. Geological Survey and the CDI community. This annual report describes the various presentations, activities, and outcomes of the CDI monthly forums, working groups, virtual training series, and other...
Madison L. Langseth, Leslie Hsu, Jon Amberg, Norman Bliss, Andrew R. Bock, Rachel T. Bolus, R. Sky Bristol, Katherine J. Chase, Theresa M. Crimmins, Paul S. Earle, Richard Erickson, A. Lance Everette, Jeff T. Falgout, John Faundeen, Michael N. Fienen, Rusty Griffin, Michelle R. Guy, Kevin D. Henry, Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich, Randall J. Hunt, Vivian B. Hutchison, Drew A. Ignizio, Dana M. Infante, Catherine Jarnevich, Jeanne M. Jones, Tim Kern, Scott Leibowitz, Francis L. Lightsom, R. Lee Marsh, S. Grace McCalla, Marcia McNiff, Jeffrey T. Morisette, John C. Nelson, Tamar Norkin, Todd M. Preston, Alyssa Rosemartin, Roy Sando, Jason T. Sherba, Richard P. Signell, Benjamin M. Sleeter, Eric T. Sundquist, Colin B. Talbert, Roland J. Viger, Jake F. Weltzin, Sharon Waltman, Marc Weber, Daniel J. Wieferich, Brad Williams, Lisamarie Windham-Myers
Estimated historical distribution of grassland communities of the Southern Great Plains
The purpose of this project was to map the estimated distribution of grassland communities of the Southern Great Plains prior to Euro-American settlement. The Southern Great Plains Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA), under the direction of the Bureau of Land Management and the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, includes four ecoregions: the High Plains, Central Great Plains...
Gordon C. Reese, Daniel J. Manier, Natasha B. Carr, Ramana Callan, Ian I.F. Leinwand, Timothy J. Assal, Lucy Burris, Drew A. Ignizio
Community for Data Integration 2013 Annual Report
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducts earth science to help address complex issues affecting society and the environment. In 2006, the USGS held the first Scientific Information Management Workshop to bring together staff from across the organization to discuss the data and information management issues affecting the integration and delivery of earth science research and investigate...
Michelle Y. Chang, Jennifer Carlino, Christopher Barnes, David L. Blodgett, Andrew R. Bock, Anthony L. Everette, Gregory L. Fernette, Lorraine E. Flint, Janice M. Gordon, David L. Govoni, Lauren E. Hay, Heather S. Henkel, Megan Hines, Sally L. Holl, Collin G. Homer, Vivian B. Hutchison, Drew A. Ignizio, Tim J. Kern, Frances L. Lightsom, Steven L. Markstrom, Michael S. O'Donnell, Jacquelyn L. Schei, Lorna A. Schmid, Kathryn M. Schoephoester, Peter N. Schweitzer, Susan K. Skagen, Daniel J. Sullivan, Colin Talbert, Meredith Pavlick Warren
Predicting occupancy for pygmy rabbits in Wyoming: an independent evaluation of two species distribution models
Species distribution models are an important component of natural-resource conservation planning efforts. Independent, external evaluation of their accuracy is important before they are used in management contexts. We evaluated the classification accuracy of two species distribution models designed to predict the distribution of pygmy rabbit Brachylagus idahoensis habitat in southwestern...
Steve Germaine, Drew Ignizio, Doug Keinath, Holly Copeland
Influence of nonnative and native ungulate biomass and seasonal precipitation on vegetation production in a Great Basin ecosystem
The negative effects of equid grazers in semiarid ecosystems of the American West have been considered disproportionate to the influence of native ungulates in these systems because of equids' large body size, hoof shape, and short history on the landscape relative to native ungulates. Tools that can analyze the degree of influence of various ungulate herbivores in an ecosystem and...
Linda Zeigenfuss, Kathryn A. Schoenecker, Jason I. Ransom, Drew A. Ignizio, Tracy Mask
Two decision-support tools for assessing the potential effects of energy development on hydrologic resources as part of the Energy and Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area interactive energy atlas
The U.S. Geological Survey project—Energy and Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area (EERMA)—has developed a set of virtual tools in the form of an online interactive energy atlas for Colorado and New Mexico to facilitate access to geospatial data related to energy resources, energy infrastructure, and natural resources that may be affected by energy development. The interactive energy...
Joshua I. Linard, Anne Marie Matherne, Kenneth J. Leib, Natasha B. Carr, James E. Diffendorfer, Sarah J. Hawkins, Natalie Latysh, Drew A. Ignizio, Nils C. Babel
Metadata Wizard: an easy-to-use tool for creating FGDC-CSDGM metadata for geospatial datasets in ESRI ArcGIS Desktop
Creating compliant metadata for scientific data products is mandated for all federal Geographic Information Systems professionals and is a best practice for members of the geospatial data community. However, the complexity of the The Federal Geographic Data Committee’s Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, the limited availability of easy-to-use tools, and recent changes in...
Drew A. Ignizio, Michael S. O'Donnell, Colin B. Talbert
Gunnison sage-grouse lek site suitability modeling
In order to better understand and protect species with minimal or decreasing populations, it is imperative to determine their actual existing population size. The focal species for this project is the Gunnison sage-grouse (GUSG), which became a proposed endangered species under the Endangered Species Act, thus confirming the need for better population estimates. Lek site counting during...
Douglas S. Ouren, Drew A. Ignizio, Melissa Siders, Theresa Childers, Karen Tucker, Nathan Seward
Interactive energy atlas for Colorado and New Mexico: an online resource for decisionmakers
Throughout the western United States, increased demand for energy is driving the rapid development of nonrenewable and renewable energy resources. Resource managers must balance the benefits of energy development with the potential consequences for ecological resources and ecosystem services. To facilitate access to geospatial data related to energy resources, energy infrastructure, and...
Natasha B. Carr, Drew A. Ignizio, James E. Diffendorfer, Natalie Latysh, Ann Marie Matherne, Joshua I. Linard, Kenneth J. Leib, Sarah J. Hawkins
sciencebasepy: A Python library for programmatic interaction with the USGS ScienceBase platform
This Python module provides functionality for interacting with the USGS ScienceBase platform: ScienceBase is a Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The platform is developed and maintained by the USGS to provide shared, permission-controlled access to scientific data products and bureau resources. Rather than serving...
Understanding how data are used across the scientific community provides many benefits to data authors, including building a better awareness and comprehension of 1) a dataset's scientific impact, 2) use cases to direct future versions, and 3) related efforts. Effectively tracking when and how data are used in the literature through time can be challenging. This is in part due to a lack...