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J. Rose Wallick

Rose Wallick  is a hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.

Rose Wallick is a hydrologist and geomorphologist who joined the U.S. Geological Survey's Oregon Water Science Center in 2007. Beginning in fall of 2014, Rose has also been the Supervisor of the ORWSC Geomorphology Team. Her research draws upon geomorphic mapping, hydraulic modeling, sediment transport analyses and historical datasets to assess channel response to natural and anthropogenic influences.

While she has worked throughout Oregon, Rose's recent research is focused in the Willamette Valley where she is leading a major geomorphic mapping study and previously led a multidisciplinary effort summarizing geomorphic and riparian vegetation processes of the present-day floodplain. Rose has also played a key role in the environmental flow research and monitoring projects for the Willamette Sustainable Rivers Program. In these and other projects, Rose collaborates closely with the restoration community and the many ecologists, fish biologists and other geomorphologists active in the basin. 

Prior to joining the USGS she worked as a hydraulic engineer developing 1D and 2D river models for DHI, Inc.


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