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James Grace, Ph.D.

James Grace is a Senior Research Scientist at the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center.


2015 - present    Senior Research Scientist. U.S. Geological Survey, ST

2002 - 2014        Senior Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, GS-15

1993 - 2019        Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana

2002 – 2005       Affiliate Faculty, School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU

1992 - 2002        Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Division

1990 - 1993        Professor, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University 

1985 - 1990        Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Louisiana State Univ.

1989                    Visiting Professor, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

1986                    Visiting Scientist, Div. Wildlife, CSIRO, Darwin, Australia

1980‑1985           Assistant Professor, Dept. Botany and Microbiology, Univ. Arkansas summer

After graduate school, he held faculty positions at the University of Arkansas and Louisiana State University, where he reached the level of Full Professor. In 2000, he received the millennium Meritorious Research Award from the Society of Wetland Scientists and in 2003 received the National Science Excellence Award from the U.S. Geological Survey. He was selected to be a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America and promoted to the Senior Scientist ranks in 2014. Since 2019 he has been designated as a ‘Highly-Cited Researcher’ by the Web of Science in recognition of his scientific impact during the past decade. In 2021 he received the Presidential Rank Award, which is given out by the President of the United States and is the highest performance award given to career senior scientists and administrators. He has published over 200 papers and reports, including 3 books, one on competitive interactions, one on community analysis, and one on structural equation modeling. As of 2020, Grace has given over 200 invited lectures and workshops in 9 countries during his career.

For more information, search 'Jim Grace USGS'.

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