James Landmeyer
Jim Landmeyer is a Research Hydrologist with the South Atlantic Water Science Center.
Jim Landmeyer has been a research hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, South Atlantic Water Science Center, since 1990. Landmeyer received his B.S. from Allegheny College in 1989, and his M.S. and PhD. from the University of South Carolina in 1991 and 1995, respectively. He has been the author or co-author of more than 90 peer-reviewed publications, and in 2011 authored the textbook "Introduction to Phytoremediation of Contaminated Groundwater". His research interests include the interaction between plants, microbes, and pristine and contaminated groundwater and surface-water systems in the United States and other countries.
Professional Experience
1990 - present - Research Hydrologist, Columbia, SC
Education and Certifications
PhD. University of South Carolina - 1995
M.S. University of South Carolina - 1991
B.S. Allegheny College - 1989
Science and Products
Assessment of Groundwater Availability in Aiken County, South Carolina
Pilot-scale phytoremediation of pesticide-contaminated groundwater near Columbia, SC airport (CAE)
EPA Superfund Site, Fort Valley, Georgia
EPA Superfund Site, Columbus, Mississippi
Phytoremediation of PAH-Contaminated Groundwater: Contaminant Remediation and Hydrologic Control
Collection and Interpretation of Near Real-Time Surface-Water Quality and Flow Data at Selected Sites in the Waccamaw and Pee Dee River Basins Horry County, South Carolina
Development and Application of a Groundwater Flow and Management Model and Assessment of Groundwater Contamination, Chesterfield County Region, South Carolina
Application of Phreatophytes to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater Before Discharge to Protected Surface-Water Systems
MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH5 used to evaluate groundwater availability, geochemistry, and flow pathways to public-supply wells in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and bedrock aquifers, Aiken County and part of Lexington County, South Carolina, 2015-2019
Introduction to phytoremediation of contaminated groundwater
This book provides the reader with the comprehensive view necessary to understand and critically evaluate the design, implementation, and monitoring of phytoremediation at sites characterized by contaminated groundwater. Part I presents the historical foundation of the interaction between plants and groundwater, introduces fundamental groundwater concepts for plant physiologists, and introduces ba
Detection of periodic peaks in Karenia brevis concentration consistent with the time-delay logistic equation
Insight into sources of benzene, TCE, and PFOA/PFAS in groundwater at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Florida, through numerical particle-tracking simulations
Groundwater availability, geochemistry, and flow pathways to public-supply wells in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and bedrock aquifers, Aiken County and part of Lexington County, South Carolina, 2015–2019
Precipitation, submarine groundwater discharge of nitrogen, and red tides along the southwest Florida Gulf coast
Documenting the multiple facets of a subsiding landscape from coastal cities and wetlands to the continental shelf
Determination of recharge areas that supply decades old groundwater to creeks inhabited by the threatened Okaloosa darter
Groundwater chemistry, hydrogeologic properties, bioremediation potential, and three-dimensional numerical simulation of the sand and gravel aquifer at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, near Milton, Florida, 2015–20
Phytoremediation of slightly brackish, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon‐contaminated groundwater from 250 ft below land surface: A pilot‐scale study using salt‐tolerant, endophyte‐enhanced hybrid poplar trees at a Superfund site in the Central Valley of Ca
Fossil tabulate corals reveal outcrops of Paleozoic sandstones in the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province, Southeastern USA
South Atlantic Water Science Center Strategic Science Plan: 2019–23
Implications of refining vertical resolution of hydraulic conductivity in the numerical modeling of groundwater flow to surface water, NAS Whiting Field, Florida
Relation between Enterococcus concentrations and turbidity in fresh and saline recreational waters, coastal Horry County, South Carolina, 2003–04
Science and Products
Assessment of Groundwater Availability in Aiken County, South Carolina
Pilot-scale phytoremediation of pesticide-contaminated groundwater near Columbia, SC airport (CAE)
EPA Superfund Site, Fort Valley, Georgia
EPA Superfund Site, Columbus, Mississippi
Phytoremediation of PAH-Contaminated Groundwater: Contaminant Remediation and Hydrologic Control
Collection and Interpretation of Near Real-Time Surface-Water Quality and Flow Data at Selected Sites in the Waccamaw and Pee Dee River Basins Horry County, South Carolina
Development and Application of a Groundwater Flow and Management Model and Assessment of Groundwater Contamination, Chesterfield County Region, South Carolina
Application of Phreatophytes to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater Before Discharge to Protected Surface-Water Systems
MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH5 used to evaluate groundwater availability, geochemistry, and flow pathways to public-supply wells in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and bedrock aquifers, Aiken County and part of Lexington County, South Carolina, 2015-2019
Introduction to phytoremediation of contaminated groundwater
This book provides the reader with the comprehensive view necessary to understand and critically evaluate the design, implementation, and monitoring of phytoremediation at sites characterized by contaminated groundwater. Part I presents the historical foundation of the interaction between plants and groundwater, introduces fundamental groundwater concepts for plant physiologists, and introduces ba