Jeffrey Phillips
Jeff Phillips is a Scientist Emeritus (Geophysics) in the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center in Denver, Colorado. He develops and maintains the USGS potential-field geophysical software package for the PC, a public-domain resource for the geophysical community.
Jeff's research focuses on potential-field theory and its application to geologic problems, including water, mineral, and energy resources.
Dr. Phillips has conducted geophysical research for over 40 years in support of USGS programs on Energy and Mineral Resources. He is a specialist in the analysis of potential-field (gravity and magnetic) geophysical data. He has published more than 70 professional reports and presented more than 60 talks at scientific meetings. Dr. Phillips has worked extensively on Energy Resource studies in Alaska and recently participated in Central Asia Mineral Resource Assessments. His recent work for other Federal Agencies includes a dam safety study in California and a geophysical investigation at the former Nevada Test Site.
Professional Experience
2014-Present: Scientist Emeritus
1991-2014: Research Geophysicist
1991-Present: U.S. Geological Survey (Denver, CO)
1980-1986: Branch Representative, Eastern Region, Branch of Geophysics
1975-1991: U.S. Geological Survey (Reston, VA)
1973: U.S. Geological Survey (Menlo Park, CA, and Beaufort Sea, AK)
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. (1975), Stanford University (Geophysics)
M.S. (1973), Stanford University (Geophysics)
A.B. (1970), University of California, Berkeley (Geology)
Affiliations and Memberships*
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
American Geophysical Union
Abstracts and Presentations
McCafferty, A.E., Bedrosian, P.A., and Phillips, J.D., 2019, Critical Mineral Systems Under Cover: Insights from Magnetic, Gravity, and Magnetotelluric 3D Inversion Models, Southern Midcontinent, USA, in Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), 2019, Volume 3 - New discoveries – new views - Advances in the Science of Mineral Exploration, p. 1132-1135. 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, Glasg
McCafferty, A.E., Phillips, J.D., and Ayuso, R.A., 2017, Crustal architecture beneath the southeast Missouri (USA) Mesoproterozoic Iron-Oxide province from geophysical models: Proceedings of the 14th SGA Biennial Meeting, 20-23 August 2017, Quebec City, Canada: p. 871-874.
Phillips, J.D., 2006, The role of negative structural indices in magnetic interpretation - lessons from the Bishop model: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2006 Workshop W-5 The Bishop Model: Investigations into the Use and Abuse of Test Models.
Phillips, J.D., 2001, Tools and techniques for the application of high-resolution aeromagnetic data to engineering problems: Proceedings, SAGEEP 2001, CD-ROM, 22p.
Phillips, J.D., 2001, Designing matched bandpass and azimuthal filters for the separation of potential-field anomalies by source region and source type: Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 15th Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Expanded Abstracts CD-ROM, 4p.
Phillips, J.D., and Grauch, V.J.S., 2001, Some current research on the processing and interpretation of potential-field data at the U.S. Geological Survey: Proceedings of the workshop on future directions in the analysis of potential-field data, August 18, 2001, Perth, Australia. 4p.
Science and Products
Geophysical Research and Development
Crustal Architecture Beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) -- Data Grids and 3D Geophysical Models
Integrated geophysical imaging of rare-earth-element-bearing iron oxide-apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
Three-dimensional shape and structure of the Susitna basin, south-central Alaska, from geophysical data
Crustal architecture beneath the southern Midcontinent (USA) and controls on Mesoproterozoic iron-oxide mineralization from 3D geophysical models
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Susitna Basin, southern Alaska, 2017
PDEPTH—A computer program for the geophysical interpretation of magnetic and gravity profiles through Fourier filtering, source-depth analysis, and forward modeling
Undiscovered porphyry copper resources in the Urals—A probabilistic mineral resource assessment
Magnetic and gravity gradiometry framework for Mesoproterozoic iron oxide-apatite and iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, southeast Missouri, USA
Developing integrated methods to address complex resource and environmental issues
Sharpening the boundaries - 3D terracing applied to physical property inversions
11.12 – Tools and techniques: gravitational method
A ground-based magnetic survey of Frenchman Flat, Nevada National Security Site and Nevada Test and Training Range, Nevada: data release and preliminary interpretation
Using vertical Fourier transforms to invert potential-field data to magnetization or density models in the presence of topography
Science and Products
Geophysical Research and Development
Crustal Architecture Beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) -- Data Grids and 3D Geophysical Models
Integrated geophysical imaging of rare-earth-element-bearing iron oxide-apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
Three-dimensional shape and structure of the Susitna basin, south-central Alaska, from geophysical data
Crustal architecture beneath the southern Midcontinent (USA) and controls on Mesoproterozoic iron-oxide mineralization from 3D geophysical models
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Susitna Basin, southern Alaska, 2017
PDEPTH—A computer program for the geophysical interpretation of magnetic and gravity profiles through Fourier filtering, source-depth analysis, and forward modeling
Undiscovered porphyry copper resources in the Urals—A probabilistic mineral resource assessment
Magnetic and gravity gradiometry framework for Mesoproterozoic iron oxide-apatite and iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, southeast Missouri, USA
Developing integrated methods to address complex resource and environmental issues
Sharpening the boundaries - 3D terracing applied to physical property inversions
11.12 – Tools and techniques: gravitational method
A ground-based magnetic survey of Frenchman Flat, Nevada National Security Site and Nevada Test and Training Range, Nevada: data release and preliminary interpretation
Using vertical Fourier transforms to invert potential-field data to magnetization or density models in the presence of topography
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government