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Katie Dugger, PhD

Assistant Unit Leader - Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Katie joined the Oregon Unit in 2011. She conducts research focused on population ecology and dynamics, particularly the estimation and modeling of vital rates in relation to environmental variation (habitat characteristics, climate) and anthropogenic influences as key elements in the conservation and management of species and their ecosystems. Katie models survival, reproductive success, occupancy, and population change for a wide variety of bird species, including those with threatened or endangered status, as well as important game species. She also studies the demographics of ungulates and furbearers in relation to habitat use and selection, as well as intraspecific competition between large carnivores, and predator-prey relationships in marine systems. She relies on data collected from individual animals marked with bands, tags and telemetry devices to accomplish these goals. Most of her current research is focused on species and ecosystems in Oregon, although she also has a long-term National Science Foundation funded project studying Adélie penguins in Antarctica. Katie teaches graduate level courses in the Analysis of Animal Populations and Scientific Evidence in Ecology. 

Dr. Dugger received her graduate degrees from the University of Missouri, Columbia. She was a post-doc and Assistant Professor, Senior Research in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University. 

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