The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
Katie Dugger, PhD
Assistant Unit Leader - Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Katie joined the Oregon Unit in 2011. She conducts research focused on population ecology and dynamics, particularly the estimation and modeling of vital rates in relation to environmental variation (habitat characteristics, climate) and anthropogenic influences as key elements in the conservation and management of species and their ecosystems. Katie models survival, reproductive success, occupancy, and population change for a wide variety of bird species, including those with threatened or endangered status, as well as important game species. She also studies the demographics of ungulates and furbearers in relation to habitat use and selection, as well as intraspecific competition between large carnivores, and predator-prey relationships in marine systems. She relies on data collected from individual animals marked with bands, tags and telemetry devices to accomplish these goals. Most of her current research is focused on species and ecosystems in Oregon, although she also has a long-term National Science Foundation funded project studying Adélie penguins in Antarctica. Katie teaches graduate level courses in the Analysis of Animal Populations and Scientific Evidence in Ecology.
Dr. Dugger received her graduate degrees from the University of Missouri, Columbia. She was a post-doc and Assistant Professor, Senior Research in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University.
Professional Experience
Assistant Unit Leader, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 2011-
Education and Certifications
Ph D University of Missouri, Columbia 1997
MS University of Missouri, Columbia 1991
BS University of California, Davis 1986
Science and Products
Effects of Experimental Removal of Barred Owls on Population Demography of Northern Spotted Owls in the Pacific Northwest
Threat of Invasive Barred Owls to Northern Spotted Owls and their Habitats
Greater Sage Grouse Encounter Histories in Modoc County, California 2019 - 2021
Fat content and morphometric data in barred owls (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwest
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle. Changes in wind, temperature, and sea ice patterns in some of the more northern regions of the species range in are causing reductions in the size and distribution of Adélie penguin breeding colonies.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle. Changes in wind, temperature, and sea ice patterns in some of the more northern regions of the species range in are causing reductions in the size and distribution of Adélie penguin breeding colonies.
The ringtail is a small, secretive, omnivorous, nocturnal relative of the raccoon that occurs in southwestern Oregon, the most northern portion of the species range.
The ringtail is a small, secretive, omnivorous, nocturnal relative of the raccoon that occurs in southwestern Oregon, the most northern portion of the species range.
This original photograph was taken during field work for her project looking at ringtail demographics and habitat use in southwestern Oregon.
This original photograph was taken during field work for her project looking at ringtail demographics and habitat use in southwestern Oregon.
Evaluating satellite-transmitter backpack-harness effects on greater sage-grouse survival and device retention in the Great Basin
Ungulate migrations of the Western United States, volume 4
Sex-specific recruitment rates contribute to male-biased sex ratio in Adélie penguins
Sea ice concentration decline in an important Adélie penguin molt area
Going with the floe: Sea-ice movement affects distance and destination during Adélie penguin winter movements
A mixture of Nalbuphine, Azaperone, and Medetomidine for Immobilizing Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus)
Estimating fat content in barred owls (Strix varia) with predictive models developed from direct measures of proximate body composition
Estimating northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) pair detection probabilities based on call-back surveys associated with long-term mark-recapture studies, 1993–2018
High-resolution recording of foraging behaviour over multiple annual cycles shows decline in old Adélie penguins’ performance
Understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of snow refugia in the rain-snow transition zone of north-central Idaho
Faster growth and larger size at crèche onset are associated with higher offspring survival in Adélie Penguins
Temporal mismatch in space use by a sagebrush obligate species after large-scale wildfire
Science and Products
Effects of Experimental Removal of Barred Owls on Population Demography of Northern Spotted Owls in the Pacific Northwest
Threat of Invasive Barred Owls to Northern Spotted Owls and their Habitats
Greater Sage Grouse Encounter Histories in Modoc County, California 2019 - 2021
Fat content and morphometric data in barred owls (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwest
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice obligate species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle. Changes in wind, temperature, and sea ice patterns in some of the more northern regions of the species range in are causing reductions in the size and distribution of Adélie penguin breeding colonies.
The Adélie penguin is a sea-ice species so ocean habitats in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica are crucial during all stages of the species annual cycle. Changes in wind, temperature, and sea ice patterns in some of the more northern regions of the species range in are causing reductions in the size and distribution of Adélie penguin breeding colonies.
The ringtail is a small, secretive, omnivorous, nocturnal relative of the raccoon that occurs in southwestern Oregon, the most northern portion of the species range.
The ringtail is a small, secretive, omnivorous, nocturnal relative of the raccoon that occurs in southwestern Oregon, the most northern portion of the species range.
This original photograph was taken during field work for her project looking at ringtail demographics and habitat use in southwestern Oregon.
This original photograph was taken during field work for her project looking at ringtail demographics and habitat use in southwestern Oregon.