Mari E Danz
Mari Danz is a Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
Science and Products
Edge-of-field monitoring: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative edge-of-field monitoring focuses on identifying and reducing agricultural sources of excess nutrients which threaten the health of the Great Lakes. The USGS supports these efforts by utilizing edge-of-field monitoring to assess the quantity and quality of agricultural runoff and evaluate conservation practices that aim to reduce sediment and nutrient loss.
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics collected at a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring site in South Central Michigan within the Maumee River Basin, 2019-2023
This data release contains nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, and yields from a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field (EOF) agricultural monitoring site. Sampling and flow monitoring were performed at the outlet of a subsurface-tile that drains 14.7 acres of cultivated cropland. The site is located in South Central Michigan and discharges into a headwater stream of the Maumee watershed. Thr
Meteorological data from edge-of-field sites in Michigan and Wisconsin, 2015-18
These data describe daily mean air temperature, soil temperature, soil-water (moisture) content, and solar radiation at two edge-of-field sites monitored as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. These data were used to catalog the general range of conditions at each site in order to provide context for when sub-surface agricultural drainage (tile drains) is visible in remote-sensing imag
Cold-weather air and subsurface temperature profiles of three different permeable pavements, Madison, Wisconsin, between 2014 and 2021
Corrected and aggregated temperature data from the subsurface of three permeable pavement types [permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), pervious concrete (PC), and porous asphalt (PA)] collected in Madison, Wisconsin between November 1 and April 30 (cold-weather periods), 2014-2021 are in this data release. Temperature data was corrected through removal of intermittent erroneous values suc
Select optical signals from water samples collected on the Menomonee River, Underwood Creek, and Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility from 2017-2019, and time-series optical sensor and one-hour mean streamflow data from the Menomonee River 2017-2018
5-day composite river water samples were collected from two sites: Menomonee River (U.S. Geological Survey station number 04087142) and Underwood Creek (U.S. Geological Survey station number 04087088) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 5-day composite wastewater (raw sewage) influent samples were also collected from the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility (U.S. Geological Survey station number 430125087
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics at USGS surface and subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring sites in Great Lakes States (ver. 2.1, September 2023)
This data release focuses on nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, and yields at USGS surface and subsurface-tile edge-of-field (EOF) agricultural monitoring sites in Great Lakes States. Water quality and rainfall metrics are summarized by individual flow events to evaluate the contribution of EOF losses to headwater stream networks in agricultural landscapes. USGS EOF sites are components
Modeled predictions of human-associated and fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations and loadings in the Menomonee River, Wisconsin using in-situ optical sensors
Human sewage contamination of waterways is a major issue in the United States and throughout the world. Models were developed for estimation of two human-associated fecal-indicator and three general fecal-indicator bacteria (HIB and FIB) using in situ optical field-sensor data for estimating concentrations and loads of HIB and FIB and the extent of sewage contamination in the Menomonee River in Mi
Peter L. Lenaker, Steven R. Corsi, Laura A. DeCicco, Hayley T. Olds, Debra K. Dila, Mari Danz, Sandra L. McLellan, Troy D. Rutter
Subsurface temperature properties for three types of permeable pavements in cold weather climates and implications for deicer reduction
Permeable pavement has been shown to be an effective urban stormwater management tool although much is still unknown about freeze-thaw responses and the implications for deicer reduction in cold weather climates. Temperature data from the subsurface of three permeable pavement types—interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), concrete (PC), and asphalt (PA)—were collected over a seven-year period and eva
Mari Danz, Nicolas Buer, William R. Selbig
Assessment of restorative maintenance practices on the infiltration capacity of permeable pavement
Permeable pavement has the potential to be an effective tool in managing stormwater runoff through retention of sediment and other contaminants associated with urban development. The infiltration capacity of permeable pavement declines as more sediment is captured, thereby reducing its ability to treat runoff. Regular restorative maintenance practices can alleviate this issue and prolong the usefu
Mari Danz, William R. Selbig, Nicolas Buer
Stormwater-quality performance of line permeable pavement systems
Three permeable pavements were evaluated for their ability to improve the quality of stormwater runoff over a 22-month period in Madison, Wisconsin. Using a lined system with no internal water storage, permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), pervious concrete (PC), and porous asphalt (PA) were able to significantly remove sediment and sediment-bound pollutant loads from runoff originating f
William R. Selbig, Nicolas Buer, Mari Danz
Flood-frequency characteristics of Wisconsin streams
Flood-frequency characteristics for 360 gaged sites on unregulated rural streams in Wisconsin are presented for percent annual exceedance probabilities ranging from 0.2 to 50 using a statewide skewness map developed for this report. Equations of the relations between flood-frequency and drainage-basin characteristics were developed by multiple-regression analyses. Flood-frequency characteristics f
John F. Walker, Marie C. Peppler, Mari E. Danz, Laura E. Hubbard
Characterizing response of total suspended solids and total phosphorus loading to weather and watershed characteristics for rainfall and snowmelt events in agricultural watersheds
Understanding the response of total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) to influential weather and watershed variables is critical in the development of sediment and nutrient reduction plans. In this study, rainfall and snowmelt event loadings of TSS and TP were analyzed for eight agricultural watersheds in Wisconsin, with areas ranging from 14 to 110 km2 and having four to twelve yea
Mari E. Danz, Steven Corsi, Wesley R. Brooks, Roger T. Bannerman
Characterization of suspended solids and total phosphorus loadings from small watersheds in Wisconsin
Knowledge of the daily, monthly, and yearly distribution of contaminant loadings and streamflow can be critical for the successful implementation and evaluation of water-quality management practices. Loading data for solids (suspended sediment and total suspended solids) and total phosphorus and streamflow data for 23 watersheds were summarized for four ecoregions of Wisconsin: the Driftless Area
Mari E. Danz, Steven R. Corsi, David J. Graczyk, Roger T. Bannerman
Science and Products
Edge-of-field monitoring: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative edge-of-field monitoring focuses on identifying and reducing agricultural sources of excess nutrients which threaten the health of the Great Lakes. The USGS supports these efforts by utilizing edge-of-field monitoring to assess the quantity and quality of agricultural runoff and evaluate conservation practices that aim to reduce sediment and nutrient loss.
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics collected at a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring site in South Central Michigan within the Maumee River Basin, 2019-2023
This data release contains nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, and yields from a USGS subsurface-tile edge-of-field (EOF) agricultural monitoring site. Sampling and flow monitoring were performed at the outlet of a subsurface-tile that drains 14.7 acres of cultivated cropland. The site is located in South Central Michigan and discharges into a headwater stream of the Maumee watershed. Thr
Meteorological data from edge-of-field sites in Michigan and Wisconsin, 2015-18
These data describe daily mean air temperature, soil temperature, soil-water (moisture) content, and solar radiation at two edge-of-field sites monitored as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. These data were used to catalog the general range of conditions at each site in order to provide context for when sub-surface agricultural drainage (tile drains) is visible in remote-sensing imag
Cold-weather air and subsurface temperature profiles of three different permeable pavements, Madison, Wisconsin, between 2014 and 2021
Corrected and aggregated temperature data from the subsurface of three permeable pavement types [permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), pervious concrete (PC), and porous asphalt (PA)] collected in Madison, Wisconsin between November 1 and April 30 (cold-weather periods), 2014-2021 are in this data release. Temperature data was corrected through removal of intermittent erroneous values suc
Select optical signals from water samples collected on the Menomonee River, Underwood Creek, and Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility from 2017-2019, and time-series optical sensor and one-hour mean streamflow data from the Menomonee River 2017-2018
5-day composite river water samples were collected from two sites: Menomonee River (U.S. Geological Survey station number 04087142) and Underwood Creek (U.S. Geological Survey station number 04087088) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 5-day composite wastewater (raw sewage) influent samples were also collected from the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility (U.S. Geological Survey station number 430125087
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, yields, and rainfall characteristics at USGS surface and subsurface-tile edge-of-field agricultural monitoring sites in Great Lakes States (ver. 2.1, September 2023)
This data release focuses on nutrient and sediment concentrations, loads, and yields at USGS surface and subsurface-tile edge-of-field (EOF) agricultural monitoring sites in Great Lakes States. Water quality and rainfall metrics are summarized by individual flow events to evaluate the contribution of EOF losses to headwater stream networks in agricultural landscapes. USGS EOF sites are components
Modeled predictions of human-associated and fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations and loadings in the Menomonee River, Wisconsin using in-situ optical sensors
Human sewage contamination of waterways is a major issue in the United States and throughout the world. Models were developed for estimation of two human-associated fecal-indicator and three general fecal-indicator bacteria (HIB and FIB) using in situ optical field-sensor data for estimating concentrations and loads of HIB and FIB and the extent of sewage contamination in the Menomonee River in Mi
Peter L. Lenaker, Steven R. Corsi, Laura A. DeCicco, Hayley T. Olds, Debra K. Dila, Mari Danz, Sandra L. McLellan, Troy D. Rutter
Subsurface temperature properties for three types of permeable pavements in cold weather climates and implications for deicer reduction
Permeable pavement has been shown to be an effective urban stormwater management tool although much is still unknown about freeze-thaw responses and the implications for deicer reduction in cold weather climates. Temperature data from the subsurface of three permeable pavement types—interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), concrete (PC), and asphalt (PA)—were collected over a seven-year period and eva
Mari Danz, Nicolas Buer, William R. Selbig
Assessment of restorative maintenance practices on the infiltration capacity of permeable pavement
Permeable pavement has the potential to be an effective tool in managing stormwater runoff through retention of sediment and other contaminants associated with urban development. The infiltration capacity of permeable pavement declines as more sediment is captured, thereby reducing its ability to treat runoff. Regular restorative maintenance practices can alleviate this issue and prolong the usefu
Mari Danz, William R. Selbig, Nicolas Buer
Stormwater-quality performance of line permeable pavement systems
Three permeable pavements were evaluated for their ability to improve the quality of stormwater runoff over a 22-month period in Madison, Wisconsin. Using a lined system with no internal water storage, permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), pervious concrete (PC), and porous asphalt (PA) were able to significantly remove sediment and sediment-bound pollutant loads from runoff originating f
William R. Selbig, Nicolas Buer, Mari Danz
Flood-frequency characteristics of Wisconsin streams
Flood-frequency characteristics for 360 gaged sites on unregulated rural streams in Wisconsin are presented for percent annual exceedance probabilities ranging from 0.2 to 50 using a statewide skewness map developed for this report. Equations of the relations between flood-frequency and drainage-basin characteristics were developed by multiple-regression analyses. Flood-frequency characteristics f
John F. Walker, Marie C. Peppler, Mari E. Danz, Laura E. Hubbard
Characterizing response of total suspended solids and total phosphorus loading to weather and watershed characteristics for rainfall and snowmelt events in agricultural watersheds
Understanding the response of total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) to influential weather and watershed variables is critical in the development of sediment and nutrient reduction plans. In this study, rainfall and snowmelt event loadings of TSS and TP were analyzed for eight agricultural watersheds in Wisconsin, with areas ranging from 14 to 110 km2 and having four to twelve yea
Mari E. Danz, Steven Corsi, Wesley R. Brooks, Roger T. Bannerman
Characterization of suspended solids and total phosphorus loadings from small watersheds in Wisconsin
Knowledge of the daily, monthly, and yearly distribution of contaminant loadings and streamflow can be critical for the successful implementation and evaluation of water-quality management practices. Loading data for solids (suspended sediment and total suspended solids) and total phosphorus and streamflow data for 23 watersheds were summarized for four ecoregions of Wisconsin: the Driftless Area
Mari E. Danz, Steven R. Corsi, David J. Graczyk, Roger T. Bannerman