Matthew Granitto
Matthew Granitto is a Physical Scientist with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center.
Science and Products
National Geochemical Database
The National Geochemical Database project assembles, reformats, corrects, and archives historical data obtained from the geochemical analysis of millions of geologic samples collected for USGS studies. These data, representing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of USGS research, are provided to USGS researchers; other Federal agencies; State Geological Surveys and Environmental Protection...
Filter Total Items: 21
Geochemical, petrophysical, and drill hole database for Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks and iron ore deposits of the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri
Geochemical, petrophysical, and depth to the Paleozoic-Precambrian basement interface from drill hole data for Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks and iron ore deposits of the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri (MMDB) are provided in this data release. The samples were collected as part of various agency programs and projects from 1967 through 2019. Most samples were collected by...
Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska
This data release contains elemental concentration data from the reanalysis of 13,930 archived stream-sediment sample and associated stream sediment reference material and 968 archived rock samples and associated rock reference material. All archived material was from samples that were collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver...
Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) contains geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one best value determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving efficiency of use. The relational database includes historical geochemical data archived in the USGS National Geochemical Database (NGDB), the Atomic Energy Commission National...
Legacy Geochemical Data from Hardcopy Records of Selected Past U.S. Geological Survey Projects
This data release contains geochemical data from selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) projects from the 1960s-1980s that were previously unpublished as digital data. The objective of those projects was to describe the geology, determine petrologic and geochemical characteristics, or to evaluate the mineral resource potential of Federal Lands and adjacent study areas. These data...
Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022)
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release (ver. 1.2, April 2022) contains a set of previously unpublished geochemical data from project studies of primitive areas in central Idaho, including the Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks and Sawtooth Primitive Areas, and the Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area. The purpose of the USGS Idaho Primitive Area studies...
National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data
There is a growing demand for commodities (elements, compounds, minerals) used in today's advanced technologies. Critical minerals are usually found in ore deposits that are deemed vital to economic and national security. The National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data (NGDOD) contains chemistry and geologic information for nearly 30,000 historic ore and ore-related rock...
Data from the Chemical Analysis of Archived Stream-Sediment Samples, Alaska
This data release contains the elemental concentration data for more than 1700 archived stream-sediment samples collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver, CO, and the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center in Anchorage, AK. All samples were analyzed using a multi-element analytical method...
Data and results for GIS-based identification of areas that have resource potential for lode gold deposits in Alaska
This data release contains the analytical results and evaluated source data files of geospatial analyses for identifying areas in Alaska that may be prospective for different types of lode gold deposits, including orogenic, reduced-intrusion-related, epithermal, and gold-bearing porphyry. The spatial analysis is based on queries of statewide source datasets of aeromagnetic surveys...
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California - Geodatabase
A mineral resource assessment for tungsten, a critical mineral commodity (see 'Related External Resources' section below) for the United States, was carried out by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for a portion of the Great Basin region, in western Nevada and eastern California, between latitudes 36N and 42N and longitudes 116W and 120W. This study (Lederer and others, in review)...
Multi-element geochemical analyses of samples from the Mesoproterozoic Nonesuch Formation and Copper Harbor Conglomerate at the Copperwood copper deposit, Western Syncline, Michigan, USA
This data release provides multi-element data for drill core samples from the Mesoproterozoic Nonesuch Formation and Copper Harbor Conglomerate at the Copperwood copper deposit, Michigan, USA. Copper was determined by assay, and sulfur by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) after aqua regia digestion for most samples. Multi-element whole rock analyses were...
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California - Simulation results
The dataset consists of the input data, parameters, and results output from mineral resource assessment calculations.
Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has undertaken a mineral resources assessment for tungsten for a portion of the Great Basin in parts of western Nevada and east-central California. This data release provides the Great Basin Tungsten Database: the geospatial and geologic data, and results of chemical analyses for 46,955 samples collected in the assessment area, extracted from the USGS...
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GIS-based identification of areas that have resource potential for lode gold in Alaska
Several comprehensive, data-driven geographic information system (GIS) analyses were conducted to assess prospectivity for lode gold in Alaska. These analyses use available geospatial datasets of lithologic, geochemical, mineral occurrence, and geophysical data to build models for recognizing different types of gold deposits within physiographic units defined by stream drainage basins...
Susan M. Karl, Douglas C. Kreiner, George N. D. Case, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Matthew Granitto, Bronwen Wang, Eric D. Anderson
Chemical analysis of archived stream-sediment samples, Alaska
Geochemical data are presented for more than 1,500 archived stream-sediment samples and accompanying quality control samples. The archived sediments were reanalyzed to improve the stream geochemical dataset for Alaska and to support ongoing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) studies. Sediment samples were primarily from the USGS Mineral Resources Program’s sample archive in Denver, Colorado...
Bronwen Wang, George N. D. Case, Mathew Granitto, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Andrew D. Ingraham, Jaime S. Azain, Zachary C. Bueghly, Susan M. Karl, Karen D. Kelley
Deposit classification scheme for the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Global Geochemical Database
A challenge for the global economy is to meet the growing demand for commodities used in today’s advanced technologies. Critical minerals are commodities (for example, elements, compounds, minerals) deemed vital to the economic and national security of individual countries that are vulnerable to supply disruption. The national geological agencies of Australia, Canada, and the United...
Albert H. Hofstra, Vladimir Lisitsin, Louise Corriveau, Suzanne Paradis, Jan Peter, Kathleen Lauzière, Christopher Lawley, Michael Gadd, Jean-Luc Pilote, Ian Honsberger, Evgeniy Bastrakov, David Champion, Karol Czarnota, Michael Doublier, David Huston, Oliver Raymond, Simon VanDerWielen, Poul Emsbo, Matthew Granitto, Douglas C. Kreiner
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
A new quantitative mineral resource assessment for tungsten, a critical mineral commodity with highly concentrated production and a moderate risk of global supply disruption, was conducted for the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California. This assessment was part of a larger effort focusing on three regions in the United States and represents the first study of...
Graham W. Lederer, Federico Solano, Joshua Aaron Coyan, Kevin Denton, Kathryn E. Watts, Celestine N. Mercer, Damon Bickerstaff, Matthew Granitto
Evaluation of the analytical methods used to determine the elemental concentrations found in the stream geochemical dataset compiled for Alaska
A recent U.S. Geological Survey data compilation of stream-sediment geochemistry for Alaska contains decades of analyses collected under numerous Federal and State programs. The compiled data were determined by various analytical methods. Some samples were reanalyzed by a different analytical method than the original, resulting in some elements having concentrations reported by multiple...
Bronwen Wang, Karl J. Ellefsen, Matthew Granitto, Karen D. Kelley, Susan M. Karl, George N. D. Case, Douglas C. Kreiner, Courtney L. Amundson
Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3)—Including “Best Value” Data Compilations for Rock, Sediment, Soil, Mineral, and Concentrate Sample Media
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) contains new geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one “best value” determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving speed and efficiency of use. Like the Alaska Geochemical Database Version 2.0 before it, the AGDB3 was created and designed to compile and integrate geochemical data from...
Matthew Granitto, Bronwen Wang, Nora B. Shew, Susan M. Karl, Keith A. Labay, Melanie B. Werdon, Susan S. Seitz, John E. Hoppe
Geology and mineral resources of the North-Central Montana Sagebrush Focal Area: Chapter D in Mineral resources of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming
SummaryThe U.S. Department of the Interior has proposed to withdraw approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands from mineral entry (subject to valid existing rights) from 12 million acres of lands defined as Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFAs) in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming (for further discussion on the lands involved see Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5089–A)...
Jeffrey L. Mauk, Michael L. Zientek, B. Carter Hearn, Heather L. Parks, M. Christopher Jenkins, Eric D. Anderson, Mary Ellen Benson, Donald I. Bleiwas, Jacob DeAngelo, Paul Denning, Connie L. Dicken, Ronald M. Drake, Gregory L. Fernette, Helen W. Folger, Stuart A. Giles, Jonathan M. G. Glen, Matthew Granitto, Jon E. Haacke, John D. Horton, Karen D. Kelley, Joyce A. Ober, Barnaby W. Rockwell, Carma A. San Juan, Elizabeth S. Sangine, Peter N. Schweitzer, Brian N. Shaffer, Steven M. Smith, Colin F. Williams, Douglas B. Yager
Energy and Minerals Mission Area, Energy Resources Program, Mineral Resources Program, National Laboratories Program, Science and Decisions Center, Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center, Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, National Minerals Information Center
The geochemical atlas of Alaska, 2016
A rich legacy of geochemical data produced since the early 1960s covers the great expanse of Alaska; careful treatment of such data may provide significant and revealing geochemical maps that may be used for landscape geochemistry, mineral resource exploration, and geoenvironmental investigations over large areas. To maximize the spatial density and extent of data coverage for statewide...
Gregory K. Lee, Douglas B. Yager, Jeffrey L. Mauk, Matthew Granitto, Paul Denning, Bronwen Wang, Melanie B. Werdon
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Inmachuk, Kugruk, Kiwalik, and Koyuk River drainages, Granite Mountain, and the northern Darby Mountains, Bendeleben, Candle, Kotzebue, and Solomon quadrangles, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Kougarok area, Bendeleben and Teller quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Haines area, Juneau and Skagway quadrangles, southeast Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Tonsina area, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Alaska Geochemical Database
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) contains geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one “best value” determination for each analyzed species. Best values are for mineral exploration and assessment purposes and should not be assumed to be appropriate for other uses.
Science and Products
National Geochemical Database
The National Geochemical Database project assembles, reformats, corrects, and archives historical data obtained from the geochemical analysis of millions of geologic samples collected for USGS studies. These data, representing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of USGS research, are provided to USGS researchers; other Federal agencies; State Geological Surveys and Environmental Protection...
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Geochemical, petrophysical, and drill hole database for Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks and iron ore deposits of the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri
Geochemical, petrophysical, and depth to the Paleozoic-Precambrian basement interface from drill hole data for Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks and iron ore deposits of the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri (MMDB) are provided in this data release. The samples were collected as part of various agency programs and projects from 1967 through 2019. Most samples were collected by...
Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska
This data release contains elemental concentration data from the reanalysis of 13,930 archived stream-sediment sample and associated stream sediment reference material and 968 archived rock samples and associated rock reference material. All archived material was from samples that were collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver...
Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) including best value data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) contains geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one best value determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving efficiency of use. The relational database includes historical geochemical data archived in the USGS National Geochemical Database (NGDB), the Atomic Energy Commission National...
Legacy Geochemical Data from Hardcopy Records of Selected Past U.S. Geological Survey Projects
This data release contains geochemical data from selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) projects from the 1960s-1980s that were previously unpublished as digital data. The objective of those projects was to describe the geology, determine petrologic and geochemical characteristics, or to evaluate the mineral resource potential of Federal Lands and adjacent study areas. These data...
Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022)
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release (ver. 1.2, April 2022) contains a set of previously unpublished geochemical data from project studies of primitive areas in central Idaho, including the Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks and Sawtooth Primitive Areas, and the Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area. The purpose of the USGS Idaho Primitive Area studies...
National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data
There is a growing demand for commodities (elements, compounds, minerals) used in today's advanced technologies. Critical minerals are usually found in ore deposits that are deemed vital to economic and national security. The National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data (NGDOD) contains chemistry and geologic information for nearly 30,000 historic ore and ore-related rock...
Data from the Chemical Analysis of Archived Stream-Sediment Samples, Alaska
This data release contains the elemental concentration data for more than 1700 archived stream-sediment samples collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver, CO, and the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center in Anchorage, AK. All samples were analyzed using a multi-element analytical method...
Data and results for GIS-based identification of areas that have resource potential for lode gold deposits in Alaska
This data release contains the analytical results and evaluated source data files of geospatial analyses for identifying areas in Alaska that may be prospective for different types of lode gold deposits, including orogenic, reduced-intrusion-related, epithermal, and gold-bearing porphyry. The spatial analysis is based on queries of statewide source datasets of aeromagnetic surveys...
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California - Geodatabase
A mineral resource assessment for tungsten, a critical mineral commodity (see 'Related External Resources' section below) for the United States, was carried out by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for a portion of the Great Basin region, in western Nevada and eastern California, between latitudes 36N and 42N and longitudes 116W and 120W. This study (Lederer and others, in review)...
Multi-element geochemical analyses of samples from the Mesoproterozoic Nonesuch Formation and Copper Harbor Conglomerate at the Copperwood copper deposit, Western Syncline, Michigan, USA
This data release provides multi-element data for drill core samples from the Mesoproterozoic Nonesuch Formation and Copper Harbor Conglomerate at the Copperwood copper deposit, Michigan, USA. Copper was determined by assay, and sulfur by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) after aqua regia digestion for most samples. Multi-element whole rock analyses were...
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California - Simulation results
The dataset consists of the input data, parameters, and results output from mineral resource assessment calculations.
Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has undertaken a mineral resources assessment for tungsten for a portion of the Great Basin in parts of western Nevada and east-central California. This data release provides the Great Basin Tungsten Database: the geospatial and geologic data, and results of chemical analyses for 46,955 samples collected in the assessment area, extracted from the USGS...
Filter Total Items: 29
GIS-based identification of areas that have resource potential for lode gold in Alaska
Several comprehensive, data-driven geographic information system (GIS) analyses were conducted to assess prospectivity for lode gold in Alaska. These analyses use available geospatial datasets of lithologic, geochemical, mineral occurrence, and geophysical data to build models for recognizing different types of gold deposits within physiographic units defined by stream drainage basins...
Susan M. Karl, Douglas C. Kreiner, George N. D. Case, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Matthew Granitto, Bronwen Wang, Eric D. Anderson
Chemical analysis of archived stream-sediment samples, Alaska
Geochemical data are presented for more than 1,500 archived stream-sediment samples and accompanying quality control samples. The archived sediments were reanalyzed to improve the stream geochemical dataset for Alaska and to support ongoing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) studies. Sediment samples were primarily from the USGS Mineral Resources Program’s sample archive in Denver, Colorado...
Bronwen Wang, George N. D. Case, Mathew Granitto, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Andrew D. Ingraham, Jaime S. Azain, Zachary C. Bueghly, Susan M. Karl, Karen D. Kelley
Deposit classification scheme for the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Global Geochemical Database
A challenge for the global economy is to meet the growing demand for commodities used in today’s advanced technologies. Critical minerals are commodities (for example, elements, compounds, minerals) deemed vital to the economic and national security of individual countries that are vulnerable to supply disruption. The national geological agencies of Australia, Canada, and the United...
Albert H. Hofstra, Vladimir Lisitsin, Louise Corriveau, Suzanne Paradis, Jan Peter, Kathleen Lauzière, Christopher Lawley, Michael Gadd, Jean-Luc Pilote, Ian Honsberger, Evgeniy Bastrakov, David Champion, Karol Czarnota, Michael Doublier, David Huston, Oliver Raymond, Simon VanDerWielen, Poul Emsbo, Matthew Granitto, Douglas C. Kreiner
Tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
A new quantitative mineral resource assessment for tungsten, a critical mineral commodity with highly concentrated production and a moderate risk of global supply disruption, was conducted for the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California. This assessment was part of a larger effort focusing on three regions in the United States and represents the first study of...
Graham W. Lederer, Federico Solano, Joshua Aaron Coyan, Kevin Denton, Kathryn E. Watts, Celestine N. Mercer, Damon Bickerstaff, Matthew Granitto
Evaluation of the analytical methods used to determine the elemental concentrations found in the stream geochemical dataset compiled for Alaska
A recent U.S. Geological Survey data compilation of stream-sediment geochemistry for Alaska contains decades of analyses collected under numerous Federal and State programs. The compiled data were determined by various analytical methods. Some samples were reanalyzed by a different analytical method than the original, resulting in some elements having concentrations reported by multiple...
Bronwen Wang, Karl J. Ellefsen, Matthew Granitto, Karen D. Kelley, Susan M. Karl, George N. D. Case, Douglas C. Kreiner, Courtney L. Amundson
Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3)—Including “Best Value” Data Compilations for Rock, Sediment, Soil, Mineral, and Concentrate Sample Media
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) contains new geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one “best value” determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving speed and efficiency of use. Like the Alaska Geochemical Database Version 2.0 before it, the AGDB3 was created and designed to compile and integrate geochemical data from...
Matthew Granitto, Bronwen Wang, Nora B. Shew, Susan M. Karl, Keith A. Labay, Melanie B. Werdon, Susan S. Seitz, John E. Hoppe
Geology and mineral resources of the North-Central Montana Sagebrush Focal Area: Chapter D in Mineral resources of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming
SummaryThe U.S. Department of the Interior has proposed to withdraw approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands from mineral entry (subject to valid existing rights) from 12 million acres of lands defined as Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFAs) in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming (for further discussion on the lands involved see Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5089–A)...
Jeffrey L. Mauk, Michael L. Zientek, B. Carter Hearn, Heather L. Parks, M. Christopher Jenkins, Eric D. Anderson, Mary Ellen Benson, Donald I. Bleiwas, Jacob DeAngelo, Paul Denning, Connie L. Dicken, Ronald M. Drake, Gregory L. Fernette, Helen W. Folger, Stuart A. Giles, Jonathan M. G. Glen, Matthew Granitto, Jon E. Haacke, John D. Horton, Karen D. Kelley, Joyce A. Ober, Barnaby W. Rockwell, Carma A. San Juan, Elizabeth S. Sangine, Peter N. Schweitzer, Brian N. Shaffer, Steven M. Smith, Colin F. Williams, Douglas B. Yager
Energy and Minerals Mission Area, Energy Resources Program, Mineral Resources Program, National Laboratories Program, Science and Decisions Center, Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center, Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, National Minerals Information Center
The geochemical atlas of Alaska, 2016
A rich legacy of geochemical data produced since the early 1960s covers the great expanse of Alaska; careful treatment of such data may provide significant and revealing geochemical maps that may be used for landscape geochemistry, mineral resource exploration, and geoenvironmental investigations over large areas. To maximize the spatial density and extent of data coverage for statewide...
Gregory K. Lee, Douglas B. Yager, Jeffrey L. Mauk, Matthew Granitto, Paul Denning, Bronwen Wang, Melanie B. Werdon
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Inmachuk, Kugruk, Kiwalik, and Koyuk River drainages, Granite Mountain, and the northern Darby Mountains, Bendeleben, Candle, Kotzebue, and Solomon quadrangles, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Kougarok area, Bendeleben and Teller quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Haines area, Juneau and Skagway quadrangles, southeast Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Tonsina area, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska
The State of Alaska’s Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska’s statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data...
Melanie B. Werdon, Matthew Granitto, Jaime S. Azain
Alaska Geochemical Database
The Alaska Geochemical Database Version 4.0 (AGDB4) contains geochemical data compilations in which each geologic material sample has one “best value” determination for each analyzed species. Best values are for mineral exploration and assessment purposes and should not be assumed to be appropriate for other uses.